
UK Government report into UFOs released

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Sunday, May 7, 2006

A report by the Ministry of Defence investigating the possible existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) was released today. The report was confidentially published in 2000 and has come to light after Dr David Clarke of Sheffield Hallam University requested it citing the Freedom of Information Act.

The report concludes that "no evidence exists to suggest that the phenomena seen are hostile or under any type of control, other than that of natural physical forces ... There is no evidence that 'solid' objects exist which could cause a collision hazard".

Explanations such as meteors and the aurora borealis effect are accredited as the cause of most, if not all, UFO sightings.

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This audio file was created from the text revision dated 2006-05-07 and may not reflect subsequent text edits to this report. (audio help)

