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Batman's utility belt

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Batman's utility belt is his most characteristic prop, much like Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth, or Green Lantern's ring. The exact contents of this belt are not known because Batman usually changes it to suit his needs. For example, in the Batman movie of 1966, Batman and The Joker have a surf competition in full costume. Batman is attacked by a shark while surfing so he pulls a can of shark repellent from the utility belt. His uncanny ability to carry unusally appropriate tools is legendary. Batman's enemies are especially interested in the utility belt as they believe it will give them an advantage over him, but the belt's pockets are locked and only Batman knows how to open them.

Commonly used items

Although Batman does have a usual assortment of accessories that he keeps in his Utility Belt that he uses on a regular basis.

  • Batarangs - Batman's own version of ninja throwing stars or a boomerang.
  • Bat-Cuffs - Handcuffs shaped as a bat, stronger than standard police cuffs.
  • Gas Mask - Used to protect Batman from his enemies attacks, such as tear gas or Scarecrow's scare gas.
  • Gas Pellets - Used to cause a distraction or fog his enemies sight while he sneaks around.
  • Grappling Hook - Used with a rope to escape danger or get from one point to another quickly.
  • Lock Picks - Used to open locked doors
  • High Tech Goggles - Allows Batman to see in infrared.
  • Bat-Vehicle Remote Control - Allows Batman to control his vehicles by remote control.
  • Micro Camera
  • Miniaturized Tools
  • First-Aid Kit