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Software system safety

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Software Safety (sometimes called software system safety) is an engineering discipline that aims to ensure that software, which is used in safety-related systems (i.e. safety-related software), does not contribute to any hazards such a system might pose. There are numerous standards that govern the way how safety-related software should be developed and assured. Most of them classify software according to their criticality and propose techniques and measures that should be employed during the development and assurance.


System Safety is the overarching discipline that aims to achieve safety by reducing risks in technical systems to an acceptable level. According to the widely adopted system safety standard IEC 61508[1], safety is “freedom from unacceptable risk of harm”. As software alone – which can be considered as pure information – cannot cause any harm by itself, the term software safety is sometimes dismissed and replaced by “software system safety” (e.g. the Joint Software Systems Safety Engineering Handbook[2] and MIL-STD-882E[3] use this terminology). This stresses that software can only cause harm in the context of a technical system (see NASA Software Safety Guidebook[4], chapter 2.1.2), that has some effect on its environment.


The goal of software safety is to make sure that software is developed such that it is does not cause any hazards in the system where it is used and that it can be assured and demonstrated that this is the case. This is achieved by the following methods.

Assignment of safety levels[edit]

One of the first steps when creating safety-related software is to classify software according to its safety-criticality. Various standards suggest different levels, e.g. Software Levels A-E in DO-178C[5], SIL (Safety Integrity Level) 1-4 in IEC 61508[1], ASIL (Automotive Safety Integrity Level) A-D in ISO 26262[6]. The assignment is typically done on a system safety level, where the worst case consequences of software failures are investigated. For example, automotive standard ISO 26262 requires the performance of a Hazard and Risk Assessment ("HARA") on vehicle level to derive the ASIL of the software executed on a component.

Process adherence and assurance[edit]

It is essential to use an adequate development and assurance process, with appropriate methods and techniques, commensurate with the safety criticality of the software. Software safety standards recommend and sometimes forbid the use of such methods and techniques, depending on the safety level. Most standards suggest a lifecycle model (e.g. EN 50716[7], SIL (Safety Integrity Level) 1-4 in IEC 61508[1] suggests – among others – a V-model) and prescribe required activities to be executed during the various phases of the software. For example, IEC 61508 requires that software is specified adequately (e.g. by using formal or semi-formal methods), that the software design should be modular and testable, that adequate programming languages are used, documented code reviews are performed and that testing should be performed an several layers to achieve an adequately high test coverage. The focus on the software development and assurance process stems from the fact that software quality (and hence safety) is heavily influenced by the software process, as suggested by IEC 25010[8]. It is claimed that the process influences the internal software quality attributes (e.g. code quality) and these in turn influence external software quality attributes (e.g. functionality and reliability).

The following activities and topics addressed in the development process contribute to safe software:


Comprehensive documentation of the complete development and assurance process is required by virtually all software safety standards. Typically, this documentation is reviewed and endorsed by third parties and therefore a prerequisite for the approval of safety-related software. The documentation ranges from various planning documents, requirements specifications, software architecture and design documentation, test cases on various abstraction levels, tool qualification reports, review evidence, verification and validation results etc. Fig C.2 in EN 50716[7] lists 32 documents that need to be created along the development lifecycle.


Traceability is the practice to establish relationships between different types of requirements and between requirements and design, implementation and testing artefacts. According to EN 50716[7], the objective “is to ensure that all requirements can be shown to have been properly met and that no untraceable material has been introduced”. By documenting and maintaining traceability, it becomes possible to follow e.g. a safety requirement into the design of a system (to verify if it considered adequately), further on into the software source code (to verify if the code fulfils the requirement), and to an appropriate test case and test execution (to verify if the safety requirement has been tested adequately).

Software Implementation[edit]

Safety standards can have requirements directly affecting the implementation of the software in source code, such as e.g. the selection of an appropriate programming language, the size and complexity of functions, the use of certain programming constructs and the need for coding standards. Part 3 of IEC 61508 contains the following requirements and recommendations:

  • Use of a strongly typed programming language. Some languages are better suited than others for safety-related systems. Languages that support strong typing can detect more faults during the compilation process that would otherwise only be detected during runtime. Therefore, assembler is typically discouraged, whereas high level languages especially geared towards for the safety-related market are recommended (e.g. ADA).
  • Use of an appropriate coding standard defining a “safe” language subset, e.g. MISRA C. MISRA-C is a coding standard for the C programming language that aims to improve code quality and safety by disallowing error prone constructs, or features that are compiler dependent (and whose behavior is therefore undefined).
  • Limiting the use of recursion, pointers and interrupts (as they are error-prone).
  • Disallowing “unstructured control flow in programs”, i.e. avoiding jumping in an unstructured way, e.g. by using “goto”-like statements.

Test coverage[edit]

Appropriate test coverage needs to be demonstrated, i.e. depending on the safety level more rigorous testing schemes have to be applied. A well known requirement regarding test coverage depending on the software level is given in DO-178C[5]:

  • Level C: Statement coverage is required - i.e. "every statement in the program has been invoked at least once" during testing.
  • Level B: Branch coverage is required - i.e. "every point of entry and exit in the program has been invoked at least once and every decision in the program has taken on all possible outcomes at least once."
  • Level A: Modified condition/decision coverage - an extension of branch coverage, with the requirement that "each condition in a decision has been shown to independently affect that decision's outcome."


  • Functional safety is achieved through engineering development to ensure correct execution and behavior of software functions as intended
  • Safety consistent with mission requirements, is designed into the software in a timely, cost effective manner.
  • On complex systems involving many interactions safety-critical functionality should be identified and thoroughly analyzed before deriving hazards and design safeguards for mitigations.
  • Safety-critical functions lists and preliminary hazards lists should be determined proactively and influence the requirements that will be implemented in software.
  • Contributing factors and root causes of faults and resultant hazards associated with the system and its software are identified, evaluated and eliminated or the risk reduced to an acceptable level, throughout the lifecycle.
  • Reliance on administrative procedures for hazard control is minimized.
  • The number and complexity of safety critical interfaces is minimized.
  • The number and complexity of safety critical computer software components is minimized.
  • Sound human engineering principles are applied to the design of the software-user interface to minimize the probability of human error.
  • Failure modes, including hardware, software, human and system are addressed in the design of the software.
  • Sound software engineering practices and documentation are used in the development of the software.
  • Safety issues and safety attributes are addressed as part of the software testing effort at all levels.
  • Software is designed for human machine interface, ease of maintenance and modification or enhancement
  • Software with safety-critical functionality must be thoroughly verified with objective analysis and preferably test evidence that all safety requirements have been met per established criteria.

See also[edit]



  1. ^ a b c IEC (2010). IEC 61508 - Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems. International Electrotechnical Commission.
  2. ^ US DoD (2010). Joint Software Systems Safety Engineering Handbook. US Department of Defense.
  3. ^ US DoD (2012). MIL-STD-882E - System Safety. US Department of Defense.
  4. ^ NASA (2004). NASA Software Safety Guidebook. NASA.
  5. ^ a b RTCA (2012). DO-178C - Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification. RTCA.
  6. ^ ISO (2018). ISO 26262 - Road vehicles — Functional safety. International Standardisation Organisation.
  7. ^ a b c CENELEC (2023). EN 50716 - Railway Applications - Requirements for software development. CENELEC.
  8. ^ ISO (2011). ISO 25010 - Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — System and software quality models. International Standardisation Organisation.

Public Domain This article incorporates public domain material from Software handbook. United States Army.