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Viewing filter 18: Test type edits from clicking on edit bar

Editing filter 18 (see also a graph of recent actions)
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Filter ID:18


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Filter hits:133,641 hits
(article_namespace == 0) & !("autoconfirmed" in user_groups) & (contains_any(added_lines, "'''Bold text'''", "''Italic text''", "[[Link title]]", "[http://www.example.com link title]", "== Headline text ==", "== Heading text ==", "[[File:Example.jpg]]", "[[Media:Example.ogg]]", "<math>Insert formula here</math>", "<nowiki>Insert non-formatted text here</nowiki>", "#REDIRECT [[Target page name]]", "<s>Strike-through text</s>", "<sup>Superscript text</sup>", "<sub>Subscript text</sub>", "<small>Small Text</small>", "<big>Big text</big>", "<!-- Comment -->", "Image:Example.jpg|Caption", "<ref>Insert footnote text here</ref>", "Ǣ ǣ ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ Ă", "| row 1, cell 1" ))
Filter last modified:00:43, 2 February 2012 by NawlinWiki (talk | contribs)
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