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Viewing filter 981: Common vandal summaries

Editing filter 981 (see also a graph of recent actions)
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Filter ID:981


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:79,037 hits
Statistics:Of the last 192,103 actions, this filter has matched 48 (0.02%). On average, its run time is 0.11 ms, and it consumes 1.2 conditions of the condition limit.
!("confirmed" in user_groups) & ( bad_word := "(?i)\bdick(?:sucker|head)?s?\b|f(?:u|v)ck|p(?:a|e|ae)do(?:f|ph)il|penis(?!tone)|\bcrap(?:py)?\b|\b(?:horse|dog)?shits?\b|\bblah\b|\bidiot\b|(?<!\bit )(?<!\bthat )\bwas here\b|\blol\b|ma[dk]e it better|truth|\byes\s*$|everything\s*$|nothing\s*$"; match := get_matches(bad_word, summary); match[0] & !(match[0] in old_wikitext) )
Filter last modified:19:42, 25 August 2022 by Suffusion of Yellow (talk | contribs)
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