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Talk:Weightlifting at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Qualification

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Piotus didn't update the rankings correctly for USA men's Ryanwtyler (talk) 22:21, 26 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Armenia position


Why Armenia placed 13th, if they have 180 points? Do you have any sanctions against them? Sczipo (talk) 09:58, 29 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Correction needed due to host country removal from ranking calculation


Note: From the IWF Qualification System, p. 4: "If the Host Country does not qualify quota places through the 2014 and 2015 IWF World Championships, its athletes will not receive team points nor will be included in the ranking; the overall ranking and points in the Team Classification will be upgraded accordingly." Some examples of changes required by this correction: For 2015, USA increases in +105 from 7 to 8, and GEO increases from 39 to 40. For 2014, USA increases in +105 from 6 to 7, while JPN increases from 14 to 15. Also see http://www.iwf.net/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2015/11/MQTEAM_Houston2015.pdf and http://www.iwf.net/downloads/?did=545 I leave it to the original editors of this page to make the corrections. Gewichtheber99 (talk) 21:45, 29 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Correction needed due to Bulgaria removal from ranking calculation


The IWF has removed Bulgaria from the ranking list for 2015, thereby increasing (by one point) scores in the 105 kg category for places 20 through 26. If they follow the same procedure for 2014, as is likely, many scores on the 2014 ranking will also undergo revision. Once again, I leave it to the previous editors of this page to make the appropriate corrections.Gewichtheber99 (talk) 15:40, 30 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

List (possibly incomplete) of corrections needed for 2014 scores


Although not yet official, the removal of Bulgaria from the 2014 ranking and the recalculation of scores is likely, based on the the action taken by the IWF on the 2015 ranking and the statement on the IWF website. This will affect, for example, the following scores for 2014 in the 56 category: Places 18-26 increase by one; net change: JPN, (7+3)-->(8+4); ARM, 8-->9; BEL, 6-->7; THA, (18+5)-->(18+6); ESP, 4-->5; AZE, 2-->3; IND, 1-->2; CHI, 0-->1. There are many such changes, so here I'll just examine changes for the five men's teams near the cut-off point (i.e., rank #24): TPE: category 62, +1; ESP: category 56, +1; category 62, +1; category 77, +2; net change for ESP: +4; JPN: category 56, +2; TUR: category 62, +1; USA: category 62, +1; category 77, +1; category 94, +1; net change for USA: +3. Overall net score change, assuming the current listed scores are otherwise correct: TPE, 84-->85; ESP, 83-->87; JPN, 82-->84; TUR, 77-->78; USA, 75-->78. New ranking: #23, ESP (87); #24, TPE (85); #25: JPN (84); #26/#27 (tie): TUR, USA (78). This tie requires application of the tiebreaking rule, stated to be as follows: "When two (2) or more teams have the same points and the same places in Total Results, points for the Snatch and Clean & Jerk are also calculated to determine the final classification within the tie." At the moment, it doesn't seem to matter since neither rank #26 nor #27 receive any quota places. However, after doping results become available, it could become a significant issue. Gewichtheber99 (talk) 05:05, 1 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Host Country Additions/Corrections


The updated ranking lists from 2014 removed Brazil (BRA), and Brazil was not included on the 2015 list; the explanation is given in the note above. Required additions/corrections: 1. Remove Brazil from ranking lists 2. Replace reference links by updated reference links, as follows: Men-- http://www.iwf.net/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2015/11/MQTEAM_Almaty2014_updated.pdf Women-- http://www.iwf.net/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2015/11/WQTEAM_Almaty2014_updated.pdf 3. Incorporate quota places for the host country according to the following prescription (p. 8 of IWF Qualification System document): "If the Host Country does not qualify any quota place at the 2014 and 2015 IWF World Championships, the Host Country is guaranteed five (5) quota places, three (3) for men and two (2) for women. The Host Country must confirm if they will accept any allocated Host Country places, and indicate the events where these athletes will be entered, by 20 June 2016."

Alternatively, we could just wait until Friday when the IWF will publish the final, official ranking lists. [DEM] Gewichtheber99 (talk) 09:55, 1 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

IWF official Rio 2016 Olympic Qualification ranking is published


The IWF has confirmed the expected changes. The new men's ranking is consistent with that anticipated in the postings above. See http://www.iwf.net/2015/12/04/rio-2016-olympic-games-qualification-published/Gewichtheber99 (talk) 17:20, 4 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]