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Talk:William Lafayette Strong

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My name is Tasha, in my history class we are doing revising and adding to a certain Wikipedia article we chose from Ohio. My revisions are due October 10, 2013. I would appreciate any advice or feedback from anyone. I have been having trouble finding information on Mr. Strong and making sense of all of it.

I have made an outline of the key points I want to talk about what I have found information on.

1. Was born in Richland County Ohio, March 22, 1827 A. Was the 90th Mayor of New York City 1895 to 1897 B. He was apart of the Fusion Republican party C. Was the last mayor of ny before the consolidation of the city of greater ny

2. As the mayor of new York he was there at a time of change A. was a reformer who came in two make change for the bestter and then watch it fall apart again B. Democratic Tammany hall machine in control of the city politics c. he was the first republican in 40 years

3. Strong's start in office A. Was a good clean cut man from Ohio B. Was a dry foods merchant in ohio c. Later became a banker d. many people at the time of all the corruption wanted to elect someone into office that wanted change.

4. the change for new York A. when he first came into office he immediately went to work in city hall and the courts to clean up the corruption B. George Edwin Waring was civil war vet who was hired to literally clean the streets C. He also hired new police commissioner Theodore Roosevelt

5. Roosevelt A. Born in Loudonville Ohio B. He out shined Strong in his own work C. He installed many new programs to eliminate crime and corruption and improve efficiency was successful

6. Strong in Education A. Passed school reform program in 1896 B. Created a centralized education system C. Before the school was ran by the City wards which made for a very uneven education system

7. Consolidation A. Strong, opposed clear to the end B. Although he was not looking for reelection he held firm to the end and almost went bankrupt in his personal business C. Strong dies two years after his term was over in office in 1900 Tashsp (talk) 20:04, 23 September 2013 (UTC)[1] [2] [3] Tashsp (talk) 20:04, 23 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
