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The equality act 2010 came in to force on 1st oct 2010 and merged nine existing pieces of legislation . it brought legal protection of people within the nine protected characteristic described in the act as

  • age
  • disability
  • Gender reasignment
  • marriage and cival parternship
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • racem
  • religion and belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation
  • Rights[1]



1: Identify the issue : this starts by identifying the issue affecting equality in your collage for example what is wrong and what needs to change , what human right are involves and any rights being denied

For one to identify this issue he/she should do the following

  • watch the news
  • follow cases on social media
  • read news paper and magazines
  • speaking to members of the cillege enganging with Human right organisation this enable us to ansers the question what was the issue identified ,what is wrong and what need to change and why does this issue occur
  • Attending college meetings :After you have identify the issue you want to address, think of who can help you achieve your goal in your college this are some of the people who can have power to all schools and college levels, These people have power to implement measures to end discrimination this could help you to persuade or work to bring about change, build on your knowledge and skills about communicating human rights

2: Pick your action :brain storm action you can take to promote equality and nondiscrimination in your college.

3: Organize events :for example college day, bitch bush

Teach students and lecturers; Run a workshop on equality for college members, members of the neighboring colleges.

3: Join the college meetings: Take the floor when issues that concerns equality and discriminations are discussed or bring them in to discussion

Create college Newsletters: setup a newsletter, offering a human right perspective on issues that happen in your college

4: Discussions: together with other learners you have to discuss some of the inequality issues affecting your collage ,promote non discrimination and in equality

5; Treating all staff and students fairly

6: creating an inclusive culture for all staff and students

7: Ensuring equal access to opportunities to enable students to full participate in learning and other activities

8: Enabling staff and students to develop their full potential

9; Equipping staff and students with skills to challenge inequality and discrimination in their work and the study environment

10: Ensuring policies, procedures and processes that do not discriminate



  1. ^ Deer, Marcel (2020-10-02). "Promoting Equality and Diversity in the Classroom". CPD Online College. Retrieved 2023-03-21.
  2. ^ "Write down any 5 ways by which we can promote equality?". byjus.com. Retrieved 2023-03-21.
