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User:Coin945/IDF's withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza (1956-1957)

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On 5 November 1956 the Sinai War ended, after the IDF captured the Gaza Strip and much of the Sinai Peninsula. Three days later, then Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion announced, following political pressure exerted on Israel, the withdrawal of IDF from all the territories conquered. The withdrawal process began on 15 November 1956 and ended on 8 March 1957. Into evacuated areas of the United Nations Emergency Force, Israeli border - Egypt silence lasted ten years.

Sinai War victory


The Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan, commander of Division 9 of Abraham beautiful brigade's victory parade in which Ben-Gurion's letter was read 5 November 1956 Sinai War ended. Paratrooper Brigade forces arrived the same day Ras Nzrany southern Sinai Peninsula and forces division nine who arrived that day from Eilat, After a lengthy ground, Sharm el - Sheikh and conquered it.

Throughout the State of Israel there was a sense of victory. After the War of Independence created the concept of "second round", on the one expressed the desire to avenge the Arab defeat in the war and, on the sense of siege in a small country surrounded by hostile countries on all sides that could start a new war. Early fifties situation deteriorated on the border with Jordan into a whirlpool of infiltration operations against them by the IDF reprisals. Bordering the Gaza Strip triggered the Egyptians, since Operation Black Arrow "at the beginning of 1955, the fedayeen terrorist Southern communities. As an arms race culminating in a plea was weapons Czechoslovakia - an Egyptian, in which Egypt has received about 40 long-range bombers, some 150 jet fighters MiG-sample 15 tanks T-34 type; here in a hundred hours IDF forces arrived near the Suez Canal and within seven days the IDF completed "to capture part of the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip, destroying the Soviet arsenal held by the Egyptians, took a variety of hundreds of vehicles, tanks, guns and supplies, and even a single warship, the destroyer Ibrahim Al Howell, and opened the Straits of Tiran. All this in a small number of taking into prisoner deaths of some 6,000 prisoners.

IDF operation in parallel French and British launched Operation Mosketer occupation of the Suez Canal Zone. The operation ended without a decisive and final result achieved the secondary objective, the eradication of the rule of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Failure of the two powers have increased the feeling of victory in Israel.

The level of support and sympathy to David Ben - Gurion leadership culminated. He caught the public as having issued the alert state from the tension that preceded the operation to the impressive victory, while joining one of them allies, France, has provided weapons eve of the operation Israel had acquired an air umbrella.

Sinai was accepted by consensus the right and left, Herut and Mapam, except from the left margin their accent was Maki. Just outside the Knesset Uri Avnery expressed Absbuanu "this world" criticism of Israel's Aheviratah colonialist Britain and France, he says, but also share the general atmosphere contributed to two series of articles, one for "Epic of Tiran" the journey of Division 9 Sharm el - Sheikh other "first fall walking" the Fallen Soldiers who fell in battle.

Joy of Israel's citizens felt victory was expressed in making the song of Moshe Wilensky Yechiel Mohar "in front of Mount Sinai, written then, a kind of hymn (like the song" Jerusalem of Gold "during the Six Day War.) Next house song expresses the spirit of the era:

"לא אגדה, רעי לא אגדה, רעי, ולא חלום עובר, הנה מול הר סיני הנה מול הר סיני הסנה, הסנה בוער. והוא לוהב בשיר בפי גדודי בנים ושערי העיר ביד השמשונים" [1]

Only the Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan skeptic heart felt emotion of fear to come. In his diary he wrote:

"When I told Ben - Gurion Sharm el - Sheikh was captured in the Sinai Campaign was over, he said, half jokingly, half seriously, 'and you can not stand it?' I did not answer him. He knows full well that what distracts me not cease fighting but fear Lichltanv drop down to the political campaign now." [2]

Third Kingdom of Israel


David Ben - Gurion, who express euphoria, but was also cautious voice, drifting atmosphere of victory and wrote a letter to division nine soldiers and commanders, to mark the victory of the Division Order held in Sharm el - Sheikh on November 6, 1956. The letter handed over to Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Moshe Dayan, who came to roll call with all the army generals. The ceremony was brief, two command-cars were placed back to back were used as a stage. Soldiers dressed in battle formed H-shaped, around the stage. Brigade commander Moshe Dayan spoke briefly read the letter of Ben - Gurion order of the day Chinese occupation. The letter he wrote to Ben-Gurion reads:

In a speech the next day, November 7 in the Knesset plenary was Ben-Gurion slightly more cautious:

After his speech, Ben-Gurion number of positions of principle that "to bring them to world opinion in the moral validity determination raised, including:

  • "Armistice Agreement with Egypt - dead and buried, and resurrected universe."
  • "Along with the agreement Nafha souls of the armistice lines between us and Egypt."
  • "Israel will not agree under any circumstances a foreign power, and will name may be, will be housed within its borders, or one of the territories held by it". [4]

Debate in the Knesset, after the Prime Minister pointed out members of Knesset, besides representatives of the Israeli Communist Party, in favor of a resolution adopting the principles of speech. Opposition leader Menachem Begin called to the government benches "Align your power" Peretz Bernstein General Zionist leader expressed special appreciation operation .

The decision on withdrawal


International developments


While in Israel there was an atmosphere of victory, there have been international developments sealed the fate of the campaign. On November 6 presidential elections the United States and President Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected for a second term, most who was among the largest in American history. Eisenhower was not hostile to Israel, but also had outstanding friends, he preferred the American interest of strengthening the U.S. position in the Arab countries in the Middle East. President, and he and his Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, supported the establishment of regional alliances such as Baghdad alliance established in 1955 and was a military and political alliance between Britain, Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan and Iran. Adolescence and the fact that a large majority elected last term and will run over the presidency, gave him maximum freedom of action. The President was not satisfied with the combined attack on Egypt, that Israel in the Sinai Campaign, and the British - French operation Mosketer. He saw the fact that the attacks were made during his election campaign, the abuse of opportunity to act when President of the United States is busy diplomatic actions.

So the Soviet Union sign the pair Nikita Khrushchev, Communist party secretary, alongside Prime Minister Nikolai Bulganin, who ran a tough international policy forcibly suppressed the Hungarian uprising that took place at the time. They adopted a policy pro - Arabic Egyptian armed weapons. The Soviet leadership saw a severe blow to its interests in the Middle East and attacks on Egypt and the fact that the Chinese operation captured destroyed a huge quantity of Soviet weapons, which would it also not impair the prestige.

Speech to the nation




A day after the speech by David Ben - Gurion in the Knesset, on Nov. 8 has become tables. Since the early evening returned to Israel Radio, how often, the message is expected that soon the prime minister's message to the nation. Passed evening after another, only increasing public Achsmatah at 12:30 in the morning was David Ben - Gurion broadcast speech to the nation:

"Yesterday I gave in the Knesset on the circumstances and motives that they forced us to take a comprehensive and vigorous measures against the Fedayeen bases common in the Sinai desert. With the first action the UN General Assembly called an extraordinary discuss the situation worsened in the Middle East."

"At that time our army destroyed the murderers Sinai Kenny British and French armies tried to grab the Suez Canal. Assembly decided to require all parties to cease fire - and on 3 November we announced the UN Secretary-General of the fire was stopped on our part ... Special Assembly did not stop with a ceasefire; and the U.S. government proposed a huge majority received two resolutions: one from England and France requires all forces to return Egyptian territory and demanded that Israel immediately return all its forces behind the armistice lines ..., a second decision is to establish an emergency power UN's International."

Here came Ben - Gurion point speech and announced that two UN resolutions were passed to Israel full speech Monday morning and received two letters, one of Prime Minister Nikolai Bulganin Soviet Union and other U.S. president Dwight Eisenhower. He added that representatives gathered all the factions in the Knesset ( Maki faction exception) and gave them what was happening, and that the government convened the same day twice and received a decision.

And he quoted Ben-Gurion the two bonds. Premier's letter to the Soviet Union was the worst between the two. It states in part:

"The Soviet government had already expressed its absolute condemnation of Israel's aggression and of England and France against Egypt, direct and open violation of UN regulations and principles. The vast majority of countries also condemned ... The act of aggression ... Read the governments of Israel, England and France to stop military operations without delay remove from Egyptian territory to the invading armies ...".

Later he quoted Ben - Gurion the following threats:

"The Israeli government is playing a criminally irresponsible and fate with the fate of the world is. Is sowing such hostility to Israel among the nations of the East, she could not leave a mark on the future of Israel and questioned the very existence of Israel as a state." "Being vitally interested in maintaining peace and ensuring peace in the Middle East, the Soviet government adopted, at the moment, measures to stop the war and restrain the aggressors."

Epistle ended, demanding that "all's not too late" Israel stop all military operations against Egypt and get its army from Egyptian territory. The letter pointed out here the first practical step taken by the Soviet Union that she decided to return immediately to the Soviet ambassador in Israel, Alexander Abramov, the Soviet Union.

The quoted letter ended with the words:

"We hope that the Israeli government will understand and appreciate the right way the Ahatratanv this."

Ben - Gurion continued to read his answer Lbulganen:

"... It's over two years, ruler of Egypt organized a special force called the fedayeen, designed to penetrate into our country and kill hiding people: working in the field, are on the go and sit in their homes. First, these groups operated only from the territory occupied by Egypt, such as the Gaza Strip. The last time These killers gangs organized in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, and my life Icarino the daily data limits these murderous assassinations ... order dated 15 February 1956 the Chief of the Egyptian Sinai third Ahdbizia ... (as the copy Ahapotosatti attached here) stated: "In any commander of his subordinates to prepare himself to the inevitable battle with Israel, in order to achieve the supreme goal, namely the elimination of Israel and destruction in the shortest time the most cruel brutal battles ... ... ruler of Egypt organized an economic boycott on Israel. He threw the closure of our freedom of navigation Suez Straits of Eilat ... before Achsbuaym Egyptian ruler made a military alliance with Jordan and Syria aimed against Israel. "

"So the action we did late October was a necessity of self-defense ... Abhienutnu read the UN stopped the fire ... Yesterday I informed the Knesset on behalf of the Government of Israel that we are ready to go immediately to direct negotiations with Egypt for a stable peace and cooperation ... I Ahsthommuti must finally express sorrow about the threat against the well-being and existence of Israel, included Abaigaratach, our foreign policy dictated by the vital needs and by our desire for peace, and no foreign element does not determine it and determine it. As a sovereign state we set ourselves the way, we are partners for peace-loving peoples around the world striving for peaceful relations and justice in our region and worldwide."

Ben-Gurion concluded his letter without comment at the request of withdrawal, it will reply later only U.S. president.

Ben-Gurion had read the letter of President Eisenhower. Unlike the other bond was polite and friendly letter. The President opened with the words "Dear Prime Minister" and ended with the words: "best wishes and friendship." The letter said in part:

"As you know the UN General Assembly established a cease-fire arrangement in Egypt, Egypt, France, UK and Israel have agreed to it. Egypt sent a force of United Nations ... This body demanded that all other foreign forces leave Egyptian territory, especially Israeli forces return to the armistice lines ... messages attributed to your government, that Israel intends to return to Egyptian territory, as required by UN , were brought to my attention. I must say frankly, Mr. Prime Minister, that the United States refer to those messages - if they are correct - with deep concern. Any such decision by the Israeli government could undermine efforts ... Restore peace in the Middle East, will lead to Israel in violation denouncing UN principles and directives ... I do not have to guarantee you the deep interest that the United States and your country ... I turn to you receive the UN General Assembly resolutions discuss the current crisis and announce the decision immediately. It would be very unfortunate for all my countrymen, if Israel's policy regarding such serious, when it comes to the world, somehow harm the friendly cooperation between both our countries. "

Fee answer


After reading the two letters came Ben - Gurion point. He read his answer to the President, which he explicitly announced the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Egypt:

"... The UN force your statement was sent to Egypt and we will. Neither I nor any authorized government spokesman told we did not annex the Sinai Desert to Israel. Having regard to UN resolution we will gladly forces, appropriate arrangements will be made only with the UN international force entering the Suez Canal area .... I express my respect to your government on Your determination and the right of Israel and your government policy to support our country. I know that things got out from your heart and I want to assure you that you will find Israel ready to help the United States to restore peace and strengthen justice and peace in the world. "

End of the speech


Finally turned to Ben - Gurion the Israeli people:

"I can not finish the words, without saying a few things to his comrades. You have done your way supreme courage of the nation's mission. What the consequences will be political struggle, do not think any of you plant Gbvratchma courage and your soul will not let the full frame. We presented three major goals for ourselves in the Sinai Campaign:

  1. Destruction of enemy forces.
  2. Liberation of the homeland area captured by the Egyptians.
  3. Ensuring freedom of navigation in the Strait of Eilat and Suez.

"... Huamadnu difficult tests even during the War of Independence ... Only short-sighted do not see the great time we have achieved, though the goal has not yet been achieved. No power on earth to do great Neyitzhonchma God, and Israel after the Sinai Campaign would not be like Israel before this great operation. Have historical value your actions and I believe that all our people will be deserved."

Impact on public speech


Many waiting hours to speak Prime Minister, the public was prepared to meet him repeated messages during the evening, were to achieve dramatic effect speech, but were caused because of the delay in U.S. approval to publish publicly the President's message, caused by the breakdown in the relationship between the State Department and U.S. embassy Israel. Despite the sharp turnaround, the Israeli public was shocked atmosphere of despondency, but understanding the decision of withdrawal from Sinai, which took place within a day only, after that time had already begun to get reports that the Soviet Union threatens attack on Israel and launch long-range missiles to the "volunteers" Asian Muslim republics of the Soviet Union. Bulganin's blunt letter, opened against the common practice correspondence between heads of state, the words "Mr. Prime Minister" without any introduction of polite words, explicit threat that the very existence of the state, signed by Bulganin ends without words end, the public demonstrated the danger to the very existence of the state denied by the decision of withdrawal. International public's letter also President of the United States, which opened with the words "Dear Prime Minister" was wrapped in polite words, that this time the United States will not stand by Israel.

The future will prove that the three objectives, which, according to Ben - Gurion obtained in the operation, realized only two, the destruction of Egyptian forces on Israel threatened freedom of navigation in the Gulf of Eilat. In the future it is found that two other goals were not achieved in full, that Ben-Gurion called it "liberation of the homeland territory seized by the Egyptians" Achskoontho was the Gaza Strip, and freedom of navigation through the Suez Canal has been achieved only partly through the transfer of goods to Israel in foreign ships, with interruptions and disruptions by the Egyptians .

Days after the prime minister's speech there was mood of despondency among the Israeli public. Feeling of victory was over Achabmhi hand. Sharp and rapid change between Eminence words of Ben - Gurion in his statement the day before the Knesset, and the announcement of the withdrawal in his speech the night to the nation, only a day apart, made to feel hard. However, the people received with understanding the motivations that caused the withdrawal decision was public feeling that this decision avoided a big risk to the state. There were no protests across the country, and on November 14, the Knesset approved the decision by majority vote, opposition Herut Party called the decision to retreat "unconditional surrender" resented that she was adopted without debate in the Knesset.

Withdrawal from the political struggle


The IDF did not begin a withdrawal immediately after the Prime Minister, but waited until Ahtaragnutho of the United Nations Emergency Force. On November 15 began the withdrawal process. On this day come to Egypt's pioneering forces of the United Nations Emergency Force. The same day the Israeli government reached an additional letter of Nikolai Bulganin. In addition to the recurring demand withdrawal comes a new requirement this time - that Israel pay compensation to Egypt. Missive came the reply letter of Prime Minister David Ben - Gurion What Nov. 8 Bulganin win it with claims of Ben - Gurion, argued that Arab states are not aggressive, but Israel is the aggressor. letter was sent after Ben - Gurion had already announced the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Egypt and therefore less harsh tone than the previous letter of Bulganin. He noted that the Soviet Union received the attention of Israel's consent to remove its forces from Egypt, yet stressed the need to "take measures to prevent new provocations by Israel."

Two days later, said Ben - Gurion bond wrote that Egypt is compensation coming from the State of Israel for the invasion in 1948, the economic boycott, the blockade, the hundreds of murdered Israelis from Fedayeen and the damage caused by them.

The Israeli government still believed that you can negotiate not only on the rate of withdrawal, but also its extent, and that it will be possible to maintain some territorial gains, especially in the Gaza Strip, which has called Ben - Gurion in his speech the night "homeland territory seized by the Egyptians", and the requirement will be prohibited the Egyptian army to return to evacuated areas. Israel's representatives in the United States conducted a wide public relations campaigns managed to raise in favor of Israel's demands many votes in Congress and the media, but President Eisenhower's administration, the elections were already behind him, was not affected by that and insisted on full Israeli withdrawal. Government refused to support Israel's demand to link the withdrawal to an Israeli - Egyptian to stop fighting, UN representative supported the UN Secretary Dag Hammarskjold demanded a full Israeli withdrawal, including from Gaza, before any negotiations for settlement.

As early as November 11 and November 12 there were riots in Rafah, after conducted an exchange of power between army units held in the city and residents believed that the IDF was going to be evacuated from the city. IDF soldiers shooting at rioters were killed and wounded about 30 of the residents. Meeting with Governor Lieutenant Colonel life genius, and the mayor of Gaza, Rushdi A - Eva, 12.10.1956 16 December 1956, Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan separate from General Burns, commander of UNEF, the end of meeting summary Lod airport next step IDF withdrawal from Sinai 15 January 1957, soldiers under UNEF Yugoslav soldier UN withdrawal mark the new line, 25 km from the town of El Arish

To strengthen Israel's status in the Gaza Strip expedited administration began operations in Gaza; Israeli police took up position in the cities of Gaza, oregano and public affairs work, supplied food products at discounted prices established on 26 November a new City Council in Gaza, headed by a local notable named Rushdie to - Eva, who served Gaza in the past years as mayor from 1939 to 1951. Movement was resumed in late November between Gaza and buses Khan Younis and Beit Hanun.

The mood of the country was that these government actions will strengthen Israel's hold on Gaza and Israel will maintain it. Newspaper Davar, 27 November 1956 showed an idyllic description of life in Gaza under Israeli rule:

"Soprano wandering the city adds more busy city life. The streets in the city full of people. Most shops are open. Markets trading goes up. Look over and see people who have completed more pleased with the occupation. They try to negotiate with Israeli soldiers and civilians. In the refugee camps are Israeli citizens tumult and they immediately surrounded by crowds of children and adults. looking across a very good refugee. camps outstanding cleanliness. "

At the same time, Israel continued diplomatic efforts to reach an agreement regarding the Gaza Strip, leaving the government of Israel,

On November 22 announced Foreign Minister Golda Meir UN Secretary Dag Hammarskjold that Israeli forces had withdrawn "all along the front of the Chinese in different places at different distances.

During the month of December 1956 continued a slow withdrawal of IDF forces from Sinai, while the UN pressure to hasten the withdrawal. UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold announced in a letter to Foreign Minister Golda Meir that "under no circumstances will not allow delay in the evacuation in accordance with the unconditional demand of the Assembly without conditions." On December 2, Israel and the UN announced that the evacuation was completed the first 50 miles east of the Suez Canal including Mitla Pass. On December 5 by a Yugoslav battalion crossed the Suez Canal the United Nations began to move deep into the Sinai. On December 8 the Soviet Union announced that in light of the evacuation of British forces, French and Israelis, not by Soviet volunteers will be sent to Egypt. Hereby removed the threat of direct military intervention of the Soviet Union area, in the guise of sending volunteers, was among the reasons for the decision of the Israeli withdrawal. On December 17, the IDF began to evacuate its forces to 25 kilometers more.

During slow withdrawal of Israel made efforts to reach agreement with the United Nations and the United States to obtain a promise that will not return Egyptian army evacuated a Chinese territory, but without success. On December 3, announced Foreign Minister Golda Meir in the United States broadcast TV that Israel is negotiating with the United Nations "final withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, but requires a commitment that the Egyptian armed forces will not repeat exactly the same places where they were before the operation.

At the same time, Israel continued to hold on to Gaza, City Council established in Khan Yunis, opened a post office in Gaza resumed her studies at schools in the city. On December 19 he declared David Ben - Gurion New York Times newspaper: "Under no circumstances should return from Egypt to Gaza. We will not let them come back." Also recommended Ben - Gurion in an interview that the demilitarization of Sinai Internationalization Straits of Tiran.

Ben - Gurion repeated these things that day when he told the Knesset on Israel's opposition to the return of Egypt to the Gaza Strip, stated that: "Israel will not agree under any circumstances to return to Egyptian invader this track."

On December 29, met Foreign Minister Golda Meir with U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in Washington, DC and he expressed his disapproval in her face what he called "the attempt to conditions evacuation of the UN decision," stressing her firmly that Israel make a full withdrawal to Armistice.

On 8 January 1957, Israel completed the evacuation of its forces from all territories it occupied west of El Arish, but tried to delay the continued withdrawal demanding international guarantees against new Egyptian aggression before you continue to retreat, but the United States demanded that the withdrawal will be completed prior to the armistice lines and then there will be discussion guarantees.

Israel's public debate on the question of the continued withdrawal party. Opposition parties, led by Herut Party led by Menachem Begin, were opposed to the continued withdrawal. Labor Unity Party as well, which was a government, opposed the withdrawal from North Sinai continued, pointing against the government, but the vote in the Knesset, on January 15, maintained discipline, pointing against the proposed coalition Herut express no-confidence motion. The proposal fell majority of 63 votes of the coalition factions and the ultra-Orthodox factions and refraining Maki General Zionist faction, against 11 votes Herut faction.

The debate preceding the vote reawakened personal disagreements Waidalogyut. Begin with a proposal to set the withdrawal as a series of Job "and called him by Prime Minister David Ben - Gurion:" For God's sake - you! ", An allusion to Leopold's call to the prime minister say conciliatory Neville Chamberlain, the British Parliament in May 1940. Ben - Gurion replied that he refuses to argue "with the nation and God", whose name he said claimed to speak and called for respect of the title "Commander of the Herut movement." [8]

On January 15, IDF forces will leave from El Arish. Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Moshe Dayan was referring forces along with the question of a journalist on the felt, he replied:

"Commanders must eat army rations, even tasting the bitterness."

El Arish, the IDF was replaced by Yugoslavian units entered the city of the United Nations Emergency Force. Israeli flag on Jebel Musa Sinai War

The same day an Indian unit entered the convent of Santa Caterina. Entry into the symbol more than the abandonment of the Sinai by Israel, following immediately after the war was emphasized in the press that the mountain Jebel Musa, the monastery is situated on the sides, is the Biblical Mount Sinai, emphasized his name in Hebrew - "Mount Moses, accessories referendums Ze'evi Uri Dan raised the Israeli flag on it, and wrote the name on the card:

"Initial Israeli Defense Forces - amazed Omaatronnim, breathing mountain air."

On January 22, IDF forces withdrew, until the mandatory border with Egypt, and continued to hold in the Gaza Strip east coast of the Sinai along the Gulf of Aqaba. Including Sharm el - Sheikh.

In February 1957 came the pressure on Israel to complete its withdrawal, its peak. On 2 February the UN General Assembly submitted two resolutions, one immediately complete the withdrawal, her 71 other states that following the withdrawal will be peace efforts, 56 countries voted in favor. Following the decision demanded that the UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold that the Israeli government will announce completing the withdrawal until 7 February at midnight. The government rejected the demand.

Coalition parties - Mapai, Mapam, the Progressive Party and some work - held on February 9, mass demonstrations in three cities, the slogan "against the return of Egyptian murderers of Gaza, against surrender to Arab oil, free sailing for the Gulf of Aqaba at the Suez Canal, for peace Middle East." Demonstrations attended by tens of thousands of people. Tel Aviv, the number of demonstrators was estimated at 150,000 people.

Contacts who at the time Israel's UN ambassador, Abba Eban, with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles to receive U.S. support freedom of navigation in the Straits of Tiran were unsuccessful. On January 17, President Dwight Eisenhower announced that the U.S. is not willing to grant further concessions to Israel. Filed on February 28, the Asian bloc countries - African UN General Assembly a resolution to impose sanctions on Israel, and only then agreed to the United States declare that the Gulf of Aqaba is a path open to international cruise ships and shores all countries placed the United Nations Emergency Force. Following It announced Foreign Minister Golda Meir at the UN on March 1, 1957 that Israel will evacuate the Straits of Tiran and the Gaza Strip, assuming the United Nations Emergency Force stationed in them, and that Israel will keep to herself, after the withdrawal, the right to self defense under the UN Charter "from, if you get hurt freedom of navigation in the Straits of Tiran.

Following the foreign minister sent a message President Eisenhower to Prime Minister David Ben - Gurion letter stating in part:

"Very glad your government's decision to withdraw at full withdrawal behind the armistice lines, as determined by your Foreign Minister in her speech yesterday in the General Assembly. I express hope that the implementation of the withdrawal proceeds at maximum speed. I know that this decision was not easy, but I believe that Israel would have no reason to regret after you follow the feeling of the attack of the international community. "[10]

These things had a vague hint of a promise by the United States to save the freedom of navigation in the Straits of Tiran to Israel.

Having no choice, the Prime Minister decided to make the withdrawal to the end. Even under the previous evacuation Israel has large operations throughout the two Chinese, one, "Current Operation" which captured weapons, tanks, trucks, weapons, ammunition, equipment and mechanical engineering and military equipment of the Egyptians. All the great loot as quickly as possible facing Israel, and there was renovation. II, "Operation Gomorrah": where the Corps of Engineers destroyed military infrastructure in Egypt's Sinai Vahataburatit (and that was a battalion "collected" First Brigade citation IDF chief of staff).

Domestic political arena made final withdrawal storm. Mapam and Labor Unity factions have decided, for debate in the Knesset on the final withdrawal, to vote against the withdrawal. So as not to dissolve the coalition coalition's management decided not to file a resolution by the Knesset, the coalition, but only that all factions in the coalition, including labor unity Mapam, paint against The opposition's proposal.

On 5 March 1957 the Knesset convened to discuss the final withdrawal. Prime Minister David Ben - Gurion said:

"For five days defeated three Egyptian divisions in Sinai and the Gaza Strip, we destroyed all the bases Ahpdaen destroyed and took a large part of the Egyptian military equipment - weapons of sea, land and air. Chinese operation was necessary, only a just and worthwhile only for the result." [11]

Ben - Gurion went on to say that thanks to the political struggle waged Israel recognized the world in freedom of navigation in the Gulf of Eilat and that:

"This property has grown - a Chinese campaign bequeathed to us a side-effect, in addition to the main primary goal - to save Israel aggression Egyptian dictator and his allies. Another thing we have succeeded in these months to the world public opinion is organized Fedayeen threat, trained operated by the rulers of Egypt."

Speech began at 9:30 pm lasted an hour and a half. The speech was full of intermediate calls Herut benches interim responded by Mapai benches. MK Haim Landau slammed the prime minister: "You and Nasser defeat of the IDF." Ben - Gurion interim calls his speech ignored.

First the speakers after the prime minister was Dr. John Bader Freedom faction spoke about the "disastrous withdrawal," said

"If the army continues to stand by the Suez Canal today we were a strong bargaining position, but the Government decided to retreat and lost the fruits of victory ... This mistake was repeated back to retreat from El Arish - Abu earring, which is a vital line of defense on the government ... was to declare the Gaza Strip must remain under Israeli rule not only because it is important militarily, but also because it is an integral part of Israel."

Loading equipment on Navy ship "jumps" at the Sharm el - Sheikh, prior to withdrawal, 03/08/1957

The Israeli government has not waited for more while the Knesset debate continued to be conducted the next day, on 6 March, IDF forces began to evacuate the Gaza Strip. On March 8, the evacuation lasted for 22 hours was completed when a column of half-tracks and tanks, which formed the rear guard of the force turning, left the Rafah at 5:00 in the afternoon and only Sbdit of the United Nations Emergency Force entered the Gaza Strip.

That same day the IDF forces completed the evacuation of Sharm el - Sheikh, who had already received in the name "Bay of Solomon", as the island of Tiran has already received the name "Yotvat." Evacuation was completed when the eastern coast of the Sinai was given at 6:00 pm Finnish unit of the United Nations Emergency Force and time and a half later downloaded the Israeli flag over the mast at Sharm el - Sheikh replaced by a UN flag was raised and the IDF said the only place in Finland. Finnish commander said the IDF officers in his unit's role is to monitor the free movement of ships in Egypt. Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Moshe Dayan was present at this occasion. Equipment and the soldiers were loaded onto Israeli navy ships sailed from Eilat. Hereby came to an end of Israeli rule in the Sinai which took five months. Israel's hope was that following the evacuation of the United States will hold the promise for freedom of Israeli shipping through the Straits of Tiran.

After the evacuation prevailed along the Israeli - Egyptian peace that lasted ten years.

Decade of the Egyptian border truce


The Danish ship "Brigitte Topte" docked at the port of Eilat alongside Navy ship "jumps", March 1957

Upon completion of the withdrawal remains to be seen if the retained freedom of navigation in the Straits of Tiran. Israel and Egypt decided to move cargo on foreign ships do not carry an Israeli flag. The first was the Danish ship "Brigitte Topte" leased by Zim. 3500 ton ship loaded a cargo of sunflowers and peanuts to oil moved on March 24, 1957 the Egyptians without interruption and reached the port of Eilat solemnly accepted name. [13] The ship sailed from Eilat ports of Africa and Asia, carrying a cargo of cement and potash. Freedom of the seas has become a fact. Many ships followed over time. Egyptians were left open Abarebutah U.S. ships and goods crossing into Israel for ten years that followed.

Israel later moved to foreign freight ships through the Suez Canal, but there often encounter difficulties crossing. In one case, the Egyptians removed on 22 July 1957 from the ship "Brigitte Topte" the journalist Rafi Nelson arrested him for a while, and in the second bomb intended for Israel confiscated from the Danish ship "Inge Topte." Other times unnecessarily delayed the Egyptians and other ships cargo carrier for Israel.

Three other important results came after the withdrawal, first, there was relative quiet on the Jordanian border, he knew, in 1956 to the operation, one of the most turbulent periods of attacks on one other reprisals. This silence only broken in 1964 with the first terrorist act of Fatah in an attempt to carry out the national carrier.

The second outcome was quiet on the Egyptian border. After an interim period during April, May and June 1957, where there were still a number of practical mining and damage to property and vulnerable communities in the Gaza Strip border some body and soul, Fedayeen operations ceased there was silence on the Israel - Egypt.

The third most important result - the Sinai Peninsula remain demilitarized for ten years, except one unusual event when on 18 February 1960, following the Syrians passed false information to Egypt that Israel intends to attack Syria, Egyptian forces began large cross the Suez Canal into the Sinai to the east toward the Israeli border. After the IDF was passed as part preparedness Rotem a large force of regular army and reserve border, the Egyptians removed their forces in early March from Sinai.

Month after withdrawal, in April 1957, began to retreat to the political fruits. On April 7 the Soviet Union back to Israel the Ambassador Alexander Abramov returned his country with the outbreak of the Sinai. The ambassador returned to Israel suddenly, without any prior official notification.

Special relationship between France and Israel have been saved. Residents felt great sympathy for Israel to France stood beside her crisis, she provided heavy weapons before the war, armor and aircraft supported her policies. French Ambassador to Israel at the time, Pierre Gilbert, Hebrew speaker was accepted and loved by all of the public. Theater Club Quartet expressed these feelings in the song that said "Vive la France and Israel, we do not have any difference."

Sense of well-being felt by residents of Israel after the dissolution of the political struggle which led to the withdrawal, manifested IDF parade Atshi"aza Independence Day held in Tel Aviv, where about half a million viewers watched dozens of new French jets loot weapons displayed in the parade.

Victory in the Sinai Campaign silence on the Egyptian border, which followed the withdrawal, there were also political consequences. The fourth Knesset elections held on 3 November 1959 won the Mapai, the party of Prime Minister David Ben - Gurion, 47 seats, a tremendous achievement by all accounts. Along with the mandates of the partners, Mapam won 9 seats Labor won unity 7 seats, brought an absolute majority of 63 seats.

Only the Syrian border remains hot as before. Will end the conflict - Syria, flared up in 1964-1967, Achsahathull a battle on the water, stop the silence on the Egyptian border in 1967, when on 15 May 1967, Independence Day Atsach"aza, the Egyptians put the army into the Sinai. This is the end the quiet period that lasted ten years. On May 17, Egyptian President demanded Gamal Abdel Nasser, the commander of United Nations Emergency Force in Sinai and the Gaza Strip whose forces will leave the border lines will focus on their own camps. On May 22 Nasser's demand was answered affirmatively. On May 23, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran crossing Israeli ships. Herein was the end of the quiet period that lasted ten years paved the way for the Six-Day War.



  1. ^ ""In front of Mount Sinai" lyrics". Retrieved April 13, 2011.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Moshe Dayan, Diary of the Sinai Campaign, published with the book, 1966, p. 177
  3. ^ ‏עמ' 138
  4. ^ David Ben - Gurion, the Sinai, Am Oved, 1959, p. 226
