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User:DraculavanHelsing/Books/Paradoxes A-G

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100 prisoners problem
Abelson's paradox
Abilene paradox
Absence paradox
Accuracy paradox
Aharonov–Bohm effect
Algol paradox
All horses are the same color
Ant on a rubber rope
Apportionment paradox
Archer's paradox
Argument from free will
Aristotle's wheel paradox
Arrow's impossibility theorem
Banach–Tarski paradox
Barber paradox
Barbershop paradox
Begging the question
Bell's spaceship paradox
Bell's theorem
Benford's law
Bentley's paradox
Berkson's paradox
Berry paradox
Bertrand paradox (probability)
Bertrand's box paradox
Bhartrhari's paradox
Birthday problem
Black hole information paradox
Boltzmann brain
Bonini's paradox
Borel–Kolmogorov paradox
Boy or Girl paradox
Braess' paradox
Burali-Forti paradox
Buridan's ass
Buridan's bridge
Buttered cat paradox
Cantor's paradox
Card paradox
Carroll's paradox
Catch-22 (logic)
Causal loop
Chainstore paradox
Chicken or the egg
Circular reasoning
Coastline paradox
Coin rotation paradox
Cool tropics paradox
Cramer's paradox
Crocodile dilemma
Curry's paradox
D'Alembert's paradox
Decision-making paradox
Denny's paradox
Double-slit experiment
Dream argument
Drinker paradox
Duncan's Paradox
Ehrenfest paradox
Elevator paradox
Elevator paradox (physics)
Ellsberg paradox
Epimenides paradox
EPR paradox
Extinction paradox
Faint young Sun paradox
False positive paradox
Faraday paradox
Faraday paradox (electrochemistry)
Fenno's paradox
Fermi paradox
Feynman sprinkler
Fitch's paradox of knowability
Fredkin's paradox
Freedman's paradox
French paradox
Friendship paradox
Gabriel's Horn
Galileo's paradox
Gambler's fallacy
Gender paradox
Gibbs paradox
Glucose paradox
Grandfather paradox
Grandi's series
Gray's paradox
Green paradox
Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin limit