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User:DroneworxTn/sandbox/Drones For Construction – Improving Project Coordination, Transparency, and Safety..

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Industry surveys consistently tell us the same thing: using technology breakthroughs is the only way to stay up-to-date with the historical problems the construction business is confronting on a scale we have never seen before. Workers are opting to retire or leave in droves this time around, despite the industry's well-known labor shortages, safety hazards, and communication difficulties. Complex data workflows, decreased data accessibility, and dangerous site conditions are among the top construction difficulties as we head into the 2020s.

But what if we could permanently fix these well-known problems? Drone technology can fill the gaps that traditional pen-and-paper, on-the-ground construction companies are unable to. Cross-functional teams can examine assets, monitor site progress, and coordinate tasks throughout the construction lifecycle thanks to a consolidated data platform and a bird's-eye view. Aerial and 360 Walkthrough insights enable effective site documentation, whether checking earthwork quantities, examining interior closeouts, or confirming subcontractor work.

3D Mapping software enhances long-term project planning and boosts site transparency for all parties participating in a build by establishing a single source for site reality. Let's look at how combining a drone approach with 360-degree ground data speeds up decision-making and boosts operational effectiveness in the construction industry.

How to Give Construction Teams More Power Via Virtual Reality and Orthomosaic Mapping.

General contractors can track the progress of projects both on and off-site thanks to the availability of aerial and 360-degree data. Whatever the build stage, the more readily available data and near-immediate issue context, the better the operational accuracy. With out-of-the-box drone solutions, preventing subcontractor conflicts with a visual record of work completed is now straightforward. Learn how to use site reality in this part to improve worker productivity and safety.

Monitoring Site Development with Drone Insights

By merging ground and aerial insights into one consolidated data platform, you can advance the administration of your site operations. Workers can be sure they are viewing the most recent information by using a single hosting system, and managers can obtain the most accurate picture of their projects. 3D data is the certainty you require when reporting back to stakeholders, whether overlaying design blueprints, comparing project progress, or checking subcontractor work. When dealing with liability payouts or disputes arising from contracts, this documentation is even more beneficial. Greater Worker Efficiency and Productivity.

For maximum operational effectiveness, it is essential to use both an interior and an external inspection system. As automation spreads throughout the construction sector, UAVs, IoT, and AI are being used to replace more and more routine tasks. They're a quicker and more precise technique of gathering data, and for good cause. Journeymen can now graduate to supervisory positions and manage cutting-edge technologies rather of spending hours manually inspecting a job site and recording individual measurements. Given that the owners and employees both benefit from the decreased inspection time, this is a win-win situation. Even better, improved progress monitoring guards against overpaying for subpar work.

Risk Reduction

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that construction was a factor in 21.1% of all worker fatalities in 2018. This amounts to 591 lives lost year, which is a significant number given the magnitude of the sector. What should be done to prevent such tragedies? lowering risk on-site by removing employees from risky circumstances. Contractors directly contribute to project site safety by using ground-based robotics and aerial vehicles. Additionally, allowing teams to safely record work done in hazardous and challenging-to-reach regions reduces the need for human inspections and lowers inspection expenses. Workplace accidents are considerably reduced and aerial facade inspections are more thorough when workers are kept out of harm's path.

Interpreting Data

Recent site reality data collection is processed, and it is then immediately used for calculation or visual inspection. Teams in the office can analyze this data and use in-app technologies to further enhance the available insights while teams on the ground are controlling the drones. Due to the fact that each team is producing real-time status reports and general awareness of project development, this really promotes communication between field and office teams. With a centralized, reliable source of data, evaluating site reality data is made straightforward whether exporting elevation layers, registering earthworks, or attaching progress images.

Comparing Design to Actual As-Built

By regularly comparing new designs to the circumstances as they were created throughout the life of your project, you can identify problems early and minimize overall rework. The most well-liked construction management platforms integrate with us as we integrate into them. In order to compare, track progress, or revise blueprints or designs made in Procore or Autodesk BIM 360, they can be uploaded and automatically synced to software. Users who have access to 3D and Mapping software, such as VDC teams, engineers, owners, subcontractors, and project managers, are guaranteed to receive the most recent designs from other systems of record. A significant improvement in potential productivity is made by providing teams with accessible blueprints for comparison while active operations are underway.

Improve Communication and Keep Stakeholders Informed

By informing all stakeholders of project progress using aerial maps, 3D models, asset images, and virtual walkthroughs, you can improve communication, operations, and planning. Users have a wide range of possibilities to view every perspective of their item or build thanks to our complete site media. Those who don't frequently visit the site will especially benefit from this because it allows them to keep tabs on the project from afar.

Track Subcontractor Progress

Subcontractors and general contractors can utilize the exact same site reality platform to communicate and track progress with stakeholders by adding more rights to their software accounts. Without requiring cross-platform navigation, information may be transferred easily and correctly through shareable links and project folders. Subcontractors will have access to the same visual data that general contractors use to qualify compensation, which is a mutually beneficial addition. This accessibility fosters healthier connections between contractors while reducing friction.

Increased Project Visibility

High resolution maps, images, and 3D models increase the visibility of site progress and efficiently convey completed work. Your array of visual assets may be seen through shareable links that provide visual context for progress monitoring, site documentation, and business development, whether it uses panoramas, films, or in-app progress reports. Owners, employees, and trading partners can exchange information freely thanks to this, which maximizes the effectiveness of project development.

