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Eduardo Hauser is a media entrepreneur, attorney, public media advocate and a thought leader in the field of news transformation.

Born in Caracas, Venezuela on March 1, 1969, Hauser studied elementary, middle and high School at Institutos Educacionales Asociados (a.k.a. Colegio El Penon). In 1986, immediately upon graduating from high school, Hauser was admitted to and joined Caracas' Universidad Catolica Andres Bello (U.C.A.B), studied law and obtained a J.D. in 1991. While attending law school Hauser first held a part-time job as a paralegal in the local law firm Oteyza, Barreto & Sanchez, and later joined the Cisneros Group's legal department in 1988. Upon graduating from law school in 1991, Hauser worked as an attorney for Venezuelan TV network Venevision and, in 1992, left Venezuela to pursue legal studies in the USA. Hauser attended Duke University Law School and obtained a Master of Laws (Ll.M.) degree in 1993.

Between 1993 and 1998, Hauser worked under Gustavo Cisneros, Chairman & CEO of Cisneros Group of Companies in New York City. In 1997 Hauser returned briefly to his home town of Caracas and became Vice president of News and Information of Venevision, where he witnessed very closely a complex and transformational election that resulted in the election of Hugo Chavez as President. Ten short days after the election, Hauser successfully concluded what had been two years of intense negotiations to form and launch America Online's (AOL) Latin American division. On December 15, 1998, AOL Latin America was formed and Hauser became its first employee. Between 1998 and 2005, Hauser was a member of the founding management team of AOL Latin America, oversaw the launch of AOL services in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Puerto Rico, as well as local portals in countries including Chile and Venezuela. In 2001, Hauser was part of the team that took AOL Latin America public in a $280 million Initial Public Offering.

Hauser left AOL in 2005 and decided to combine his passion for news and technology and founded DailyMe (Daily Me), a leader in the field of dynamic, behavior-based, news personalization. Hauser's passion for entrepreneurship, and his involvement with news and technology was a key reason behind inviting him to become a member of the prestigious Journalism Advisory Board of the Knight Foundation, led by former Miami Herald's Alberto Ibarguen and The Boston Globe's Martin Baron. In 2007, Hauser was elected as one of three public members of the Board of Directors of National Public Radio (NPR). He currently serves on NPR's Governance Committee as Vice-Chairman, as well as in the company's Finance Committee.