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Gregory George Laubsch or simply Gregor Laubsch (born 26 December 1956 in Góra, Poland) - a German photographer of Polish origin, a prominent portraitist, analogue photography enthusiast, promoter of a return to the classic portrait photography.



As he says: "Although I dealt with in my life many areas (eg. surfing, mountain biking, painting ...) photography is - and remains - my biggest passion. With digital photography - as well as post-processing on the PC - creative photographic possibilities are endless. My interference in the starting material is limited to the required minimum. He deals with digital photography but remains loyal to the analog one. For portrait photography, in my opinion, the most important is light and model - her or his individuality, stop the moment. I am inspired by people and their faces. Each of them is different, each of us is different ... "

In the early stage of the work, his portraits were saturated with colors. Models, depicted in the photographs, were displayed less static but the dominant has always been face and eyes. In the later stages, the colors lost strength and the portrayed people became almost static. Present, in the work of Gregor Laubsch dominates black and white analogue photography (He takes photographs by a medium format Rolleiflex cameras 66, a Hasselblad and a Pentax 6x7).

His works are described as classic with economical styling. The perfect mastery of light gives the work of Gregor Laubsch unique atmosphere. A characteristic feature of Laubsch's portraits are the eyes - expressive and emotional - and simple poses without exaggeration or distortion. His style is recognizable and often copied but perfectionism and absolute minimalism allows one to distinguish genuine from counterfeit or photographs for inspiration


  • author's exhibition „Auto/Portret” – Gallery "Na Piętrze", MiPBP Nowy Tomysl, 01.10 - 20.10.2012
  • author's exhibition „Rytual”- Scene Photography V Festival "Podwodny Wroclaw", Wroclaw 01.06.2012
  • author's exhibition „Rytual”- Night of Museums, Wroclaw 19.05.2012
  • post-competition exhibition as a part of Objazdowa Galeria Wielkopolskiej Fotografii w Poznaniu other national and *international galleries – Portrait 2012 Contest – 18.05.2012
  • author's exhibition „Rytual”- Gallery BrowArt, Wroclaw - od 28.04.2012
  • author's exhibition „Auto/Portret” – Gallery "Art Studio", Gliwice, 30.03-
  • post-competition exhibition Gallery in Warsaw at Hoover Square – Lesprit Contest - 3/2010

Awards and prizes

  • "Greg I" gold medal in category: portrait, Egypt International Photo Contest 2012
  • "Katharina" I prize in G Technology Driven Creativity Competition 2012
  • "Samira" Fotoferia International Exhibition 2012 publication in the post-competition album,
  • "Greg", "Paulina", "Karolina" acceptance for the main exhibition, XI edition of the photo competition „Portait 2012”, 04/2012
  • "I’m" – Photographic Society of America Honorable Mentions w kategorii portret Polish International Exhibition pod patronatem The Royal Photographic Society 1/ 2012
  • "G." Grand Prix III edition „Self-portrait” Contest, Pokochaj Fotografię.pl 5/2010
  • "Queen" III prize in the club-competition, Fotoferia Club, patronage PSA i FIAP division CPID 3/2010
  • "Mareike" qualified for the final round - Lesprit Contest,3/2010
  • "Ich gehe meinen Weg"- publication in the post-competition calendar T-mobile and Lumix of 2010
  • "…" honorable mention in the "Nude" contest, deutsche magazine „Photographie” 7-8 /2009



http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gregor-Laubsch-Photography/305343702856181?ref=ts http://www.gregorlaubsch.com