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User:MaddieauLI/Second War Of Italian Unification

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France's 17 00 causualties at the battle of Solferino on 24th June 1859 soon decided Napoleon III's next move. On 11th July he concluded an armistice with Austria at Villafranca without including France and Piedmont's opinion on that move. When hearing of this, Cavour tried to convince king Victor Emmanuel to continue fighting the battle, but he disagreed because he considered it too risky, this then led to Cavour's resignation. Lombardy, which France had fought for and won, was passed onto Piedmont thus expanding its territory. During the war, the leaders of Tuscany, Modena and Parma were obliged to leave, but when the war ended, they never actually returned. The provisional governments in these states all voted for a fusion with Piedmont, therefore almost doubling Piedmont's size. Nice and Savoy, however, were owned by Piedmont who gave them to France.