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User:Mathbot/Possible redirects

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Please do not create these redirects unless you know what you are doing. A redlink is better than a bad redirect.


  1. Harmonic conjugate function -------- Conjugate harmonic function
  2. Conjugate indexes -------- Conjugate index
  3. Conjugate indices -------- Conjugate index
  4. Conjugate set -------- Conjugacy class
  5. Conjugate subgroup -------- Conjugacy class
  6. Conjunctive truth function -------- Conjunction
  7. Connection coefficients -------- Christoffel symbols
  8. Constant mapping -------- Constant function
  9. Continuously-compounded -------- Compound interest
  10. Contraction principle -------- Banach fixed point theorem
  11. Contradictory statement -------- Contradiction
  12. Controllable -------- Controllability
  13. Converge in probability -------- Convergence in probability
  14. Converges absolutely -------- Convergent series


  1. Convex closure -------- Convex combination
  2. Convolved -------- Convolution
  3. Copeland Erdos constant -------- Copeland-Erdős constant
  4. Copeland Erdös constant -------- Copeland-Erdős constant
  5. Categorical direct sum -------- Coproduct
  6. Coproduct in the category of topological spaces -------- Topological sum
  7. Corepresentation -------- Comodule
  8. Cospectral -------- Isospectral
  9. Numerable set -------- Countable
  10. Countable AC -------- Axiom of countable choice
  11. Countable axiom of choice -------- Axiom of countable choice
  12. Countable compactness -------- Countably compact
  13. Cov -------- Covariance
  14. Covariance kernel -------- Autocovariance function
  15. Covering relation -------- Cover


  1. Covering relation -------- Covering
  2. Covering transformation -------- Deck transformation
  3. Crosscap slide -------- Y-homeomorphism
  4. Cube of a number -------- Cube
  5. Curl free field -------- Irrotational field
  6. Curl-free vector field -------- Irrotational field
  7. No-cycles condition -------- Cycle
  8. Shri Dattathreya Ramachandra Kaprekar -------- D. R. Kaprekar
  9. DG Algebra -------- Differential graded algebra
  10. Dave Huffman -------- David Huffman
  11. Decadic expansion -------- Decimal expansion
  12. Dedekind axiom -------- Neutral geometry
  13. Dedekind lattice -------- Modular lattice
  14. Defining property -------- Characterisation
  15. Derivative of a multivariable function -------- Jacobian matrix


  1. Derivative of a vector-valued function -------- Jacobian matrix
  2. Derivative with respect to a vector -------- Directional derivative
  3. Minimal condition -------- Descending chain condition
  4. Determinant in R^3 -------- Triple scalar product
  5. Deterministic chaotic system -------- Chaotic dynamical system
  6. Dfa -------- Deterministic finite automaton
  7. Difference between sets -------- Set difference
  8. Difference cokernel -------- Equalizer
  9. Difference ring -------- Quotient ring
  10. Differentiability of Lipschitz functions -------- Rademacher's theorem
  11. Differentiable mapping -------- Differentiable function
  12. Digital expansion -------- Decimal expansion
  13. Dimension (Krull) -------- Krull dimension
  14. Categorical direct sum -------- Direct sum
  15. Directed complete graph -------- Tournament


  1. Dirichlet approximation theorem -------- Dirichlet's approximation theorem
  2. Uniform (discrete) random variable -------- Discrete uniform distribution
  3. Disjunctive truth function -------- Disjunction
  4. Distance (in a graph) -------- Distance
  5. Double angle identity -------- Double angle formula
  6. Double angle identity -------- Double-angle formula
  7. Double angle identity -------- Double-angle formulae
  8. Doubling process -------- Cayley-Dickson construction
  9. Natural log base -------- E
  10. E. Zeckendorf -------- Edouard Zeckendorf
  11. Elementary Functional Arithmetic -------- EFA
  12. EGZ theorem -------- Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv theorem
  13. Easy to see -------- Obvious
  14. Edouard Zeckendorff -------- Edouard Zeckendorf
  15. Egyptian algorithm -------- Any rational number is a sum of unit fractions


  1. Remainder arithmetic vs Egyptian fractions -------- Egyptian fractions
  2. Egyptian geometry -------- Geometry
  3. Eisenstein irreducibility criterion -------- Eisenstein criterion
  4. Elementary monomorphism -------- Elementary embedding
  5. Eliminant -------- Resultant
  6. Ellipsoid of revolution -------- Spheroid
  7. Embedding functor -------- Faithful functor
  8. Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil -------- Emilie du Chatelet
  9. Empty subtree -------- Null tree
  10. Types of homomorphisms -------- Endomorphism
  11. Endomorphism of a measure space -------- Measure-preserving
  12. Enqueue -------- Push
  13. Simple tensor -------- Entangled
  14. Entropy encoder -------- Entropy encoding
  15. Numerable set -------- Enumerable


  1. Types of homomorphisms -------- Epimorphism
  2. Epimorphism equivalence -------- Subobject
  3. Equality of mixed partials -------- Clairaut's theorem
  4. Equivalence of forcing notions -------- Equivalent
  5. Erdös-Straus conjecture -------- Erdős-Straus conjecture
  6. Ess-sup -------- Essential supremum
  7. Essentially nonnegative matrix -------- Quasipositive matrix
  8. Esther Szekeres-Klein -------- Esther Szekeres
  9. Étalé space -------- Etale space
  10. Euclid numbers -------- Sylvester's sequence
  11. Euclidean valuation -------- Euclidean norm
  12. Euclidean vector properties -------- Euclidean vector
  13. Euler conjecture -------- Euler's conjecture
  14. Euler relation -------- Euler identity
  15. Natural log base -------- Euler number


  1. Euler phi-function -------- Euler totient function
  2. Euler relation -------- Euler's formula
  3. Even element -------- Supercommutative
  4. Transition event -------- Event
  5. Exponential random variable -------- Exponential distribution
  6. Exponential operation -------- Exponential
  7. Exterior angle bisector -------- Angle bisector
  8. F.i.c. -------- Finite intersection property
  9. Faa di Bruno formula -------- Faà di Bruno's formula
  10. Factorization criterion -------- Factorization theorem
  11. Farkas theorem -------- Farkas lemma
  12. Feigenbaum delta constant -------- Feigenbaum constant
  13. Feigenbaum tree -------- Feigenbaum fractal
  14. Fermat method -------- Fermat's factorization method


  1. Fermat method -------- Fermat's method
  2. Distributions of a stochastic process -------- Ffd
  3. Filter basis -------- Filter base
  4. Finite intersection condition -------- Finite intersection property
  5. Finite presentation -------- Presentation of a group
  6. Ordered tuplet -------- Finite sequence
  7. Finitely cocomplete -------- Complete category
  8. Finitely complete -------- Complete category
  9. Finitely presented -------- Presentation of a group
  10. First degree congruence -------- Linear congruence
  11. Fundamental theorems of calculus for Lebesgue integration -------- First fundamental theorem of calculus
  12. First order Peano arithmetic -------- PA
  13. Fisher F distribution -------- F distribution
  14. Five-lemma -------- 5-lemma
  15. Fix (transformation action) -------- Fix


  1. Folded -------- Convolution
  2. Formula manipulation -------- Symbolic computation
  3. Fractional power (?) -------- Fraction power
  4. Fractional power series -------- Puiseux series
  5. Frame homomorphism -------- Locale
  6. Frenet-Serret equations -------- Serret-Frenet equations
  7. Freshman theorem -------- Third isomorphism theorem
  8. Boundary / frontier -------- Frontier
  9. Fubini's theorem for the Lebesgue integral -------- Fubini's theorem
  10. Fully faithful module -------- Faithful module
  11. Functions with critical loops -------- Round function
  12. Fundamental system of neighborhoods -------- Neighborhood system
  13. Fundamental theorems of calculus for Lebesgue integration -------- Fundamental theorem of calculus
  14. Fundamental theorem of the calculus of variations -------- Fundamental lemma of calculus of variations
  15. Fuzzy subset -------- Fuzzy set


  1. G-graded ring -------- Graded ring
  2. Gagliardo Nirenberg inequality -------- Sobolev inequality
  3. Galois correspondence -------- Galois connection
  4. Regular covering -------- Galois covering
  5. Gamma random variable -------- Gamma distribution
  6. General antiderivative -------- Antiderivative
  7. Generalised continuum hypothesis -------- Generalized continuum hypothesis
  8. Generalised cyclic -------- Locally cyclic group
  9. Generalised cyclic group -------- Locally cyclic group
  10. Generalised dihedral group -------- Generalized dihedral group
  11. Multidimensional arithmetic progression -------- Generalized arithmetic progression
  12. Generalized cyclic -------- Locally cyclic group
  13. Generalized cyclic group -------- Locally cyclic group
  14. Generalized divisor of zero -------- Topological divisor of zero
  15. Generalized mean value theorem -------- Extended mean-value theorem


  1. Spray space -------- Geodesic spray
  2. Geometric random variable -------- Geometric distribution
  3. GeometricRandomVariable -------- Geometric distribution
  4. Gerschgorin's circle theorem -------- Gershgorin's circle theorem
  5. Gerschgorin's disc theorem -------- Gershgorin's circle theorem
  6. Gershgorin's disc theorem -------- Gershgorin's circle theorem
  7. Gittel Kaimowitz -------- Gertrude Blanch
  8. Giuga conjecture -------- Agoh-Giuga conjecture
  9. Grace Brewster Murray -------- Grace Hopper
  10. Proof of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure -------- Gram-Schmidt
  11. Graph automorphism -------- Graph homomorphism
  12. Great Picard theorem -------- Picard's theorem
  13. Greater than zero -------- Positive
  14. Greatest integer less than or equal to -------- Floor
  15. Green's equivalences -------- Green's relations


  1. Grigori Yakovlevich Perelman -------- Grigori Perelman
  2. Group completion -------- Grothendieck group
  3. Group torsion -------- Torsion
  4. Groupoid (category theoretic) -------- Groupoid
  5. Grunwald-Letnikov Derivatives -------- Fractional differentiation
  6. Guldin's rule -------- Pappus's centroid theorem
  7. Guldin's theorem -------- Pappus's centroid theorem
  8. Models constructed from constants -------- Gödel completeness theorem
  9. H space -------- H-space
  10. Hadamard's conjecture -------- Hadamard conjecture
  11. Hahn-Kolmogorov extension theorem -------- Hahn-Kolmogorov theorem
  12. Hamming weight enumerator -------- Weight enumerator
  13. Happy ending problem -------- Happy end problem
  14. Harmonic conjugate function -------- Harmonic conjugate
  15. Hartogs' Phenomenon -------- Hartogs' theorem


  1. Hausdorff compactification -------- Compactification
  2. Hermitian element -------- Involutory ring
  3. Sesquilinear forms over general fields -------- Hermitian form
  4. Hermitian inner product -------- Inner product
  5. Hexadecadic -------- Hexadecimal
  6. Higher homotopy groups -------- Homotopy groups
  7. Hilbert parallelotope -------- Hilbert cube
  8. Hilbertian -------- Hilbert's irreducibility theorem
  9. Hit-and-miss Monte Carlo -------- Monte Carlo methods
  10. Hodge operator -------- Hodge star operator
  11. Homogeneous linear problem -------- Homogeneous
  12. Homogeneous Poisson process -------- Poisson process
  13. Homogeneous function of degree -------- Homogeneous function
  14. Homogeneous topological space -------- Homogeneous space
  15. Homological dimension -------- Global dimension


  1. Homology of a chain complex -------- Homology
  2. Homomorphism of groups -------- Group homomorphism
  3. Homotopic maps -------- Homotopy of maps
  4. Homotopy of paths -------- Homotopy
  5. Hopf space -------- H-space
  6. Hopf-space -------- H-space
  7. Hypergeometric random variable -------- Hypergeometric distribution
  8. I-semiring -------- Idempotent semiring
  9. Induction axiom -------- IND
  10. Ideal classes -------- Ideal class
  11. In-situ sorting algorithm -------- In-place sorting algorithm
  12. Inclusion mapping -------- Inclusion
  13. Inclusion mapping -------- Inclusion map
  14. Indecomposable group -------- Indecomposable
  15. Indefinite form -------- Positive definite form


  1. Independence Friendly logic -------- IF-logic
  2. Independence structure -------- Matroid
  3. Indeterminate value -------- Indeterminate form
  4. Indexing set -------- Index set
  5. Indivisible polynomial -------- Irreducible polynomial
  6. Induced norm -------- Operator norm
  7. Induced order topology -------- Order topology
  8. Infinite limits -------- Improper limits
  9. Infinite subset -------- Infinite
  10. Kolmogorov complexity function -------- Information content
  11. Information matrix -------- Fisher information matrix
  12. Infrabarreled space -------- Barrel
  13. Infrabarrelled -------- Barrel
  14. Injective envelope -------- Injective hull
  15. Inner -------- Inner automorphism


  1. Interior angle bisector -------- Angle bisector
  2. Intermediate value property of the derivative -------- Darboux's theorem (analysis)
  3. Internal composition -------- Binary operation
  4. Internal node (of a tree) -------- Internal node
  5. Intersects -------- Intersection
  6. Ordered geometry -------- Interval
  7. Invariant dimension property -------- IBN
  8. Inverse Laplace transformation -------- Mellin's inverse formula
  9. Area functions -------- Inverse hyperbolic functions
  10. Operations on relations -------- Inverse relation
  11. Invertible linear map -------- Linear isomorphism
  12. Linear involution -------- Involution
  13. Involutive ring -------- Involutory ring
  14. Ircomp -------- Irreducible component
  15. Iterative hierarchy -------- Cumulative hierarchy


  1. It\=o integral -------- Ito integral
  2. It\=o integral -------- Itô integral
  3. Ivan Niven -------- Ivan Morton Niven
  4. J-semi-simple ring -------- Semiprimitive ring
  5. J-semisimple ring -------- Semiprimitive ring
  6. J. Charles Fields -------- John Charles Fields
  7. Jacobson semi-simple ring -------- Semiprimitive ring
  8. Jacobson semisimple ring -------- Semiprimitive ring
  9. Jacques-Solomon Hadamard -------- Jacques Hadamard
  10. Janos Lajos Neumann -------- John von Neumann
  11. Jing Run Chen -------- Chen Jingrun
  12. Joan Lyttle -------- Joan Birman
  13. Joan Sylvia Birman -------- Joan Birman
  14. Joan Sylvia Lyttle -------- Joan Birman
  15. Joe Wedderburn -------- Joseph Wedderburn


  1. John C. Fields -------- John Charles Fields
  2. Join infinite distributivity -------- Complete distributivity
  3. Joint characteristic function -------- Characteristic function
  4. Joint continuous density function -------- Joint distribution
  5. Jordan canonical form theorem -------- Jordan canonical form
  6. Jordan homomorphism -------- Jordan algebra
  7. Jordan isomorphism -------- Jordan algebra
  8. Joseph Louis-Francois Bertrand -------- Joseph Bertrand
  9. Joseph Louis-François Bertrand -------- Joseph Bertrand
  10. János Lajos Neumann -------- John von Neumann
  11. K-quasiconformal mapping -------- Quasiconformal mapping
  12. Keep-flip-change -------- KFC
  13. Kahler potential -------- Kähler potential
  14. Keller's problem -------- Jacobian conjecture
  15. Kernel of a linear mapping -------- Kernel


  1. Kernel of a group homomorphism -------- Kernel
  2. Knuth notation -------- Knuth's up arrow notation
  3. Koenig-Zermelo theorem -------- König's theorem
  4. Kolmogorov-Nagumo function of the mean -------- Generalized mean
  5. Konig-Zermelo theorem -------- König's theorem
  6. Kronecker-Jacobi symbol -------- Kronecker symbol
  7. Krull-Remak-Schmidt theorem -------- Krull-Schmidt theorem
  8. Krylov-Bogoliubov -------- Krylov-Bogolubov theorem
  9. Kuratowski's closure axioms -------- Closure axioms
  10. Universal derivation -------- Kähler differentials
  11. Kähler structure -------- Kähler manifold
  12. Kählerian manifold -------- Kähler manifold
  13. Köcher -------- Quiver
  14. König-Zermelo theorem -------- König's theorem
  15. L-function of an elliptic curve -------- L-series of an elliptic curve


  1. Partially ordered group -------- L-group
  2. Linear time invariant system -------- LTI
  3. LU-decomposition -------- LU decomposition
  4. LYM-inequality -------- LYM inequality
  5. Formal definition of Landau notation -------- Landau notation
  6. Laplace differential equation -------- Laplace equation
  7. Cofactor expansion -------- Laplace expansion
  8. Lattice of sets -------- Ring of sets
  9. Law of parsimony -------- Occam's razor
  10. Sines law -------- Law of sines
  11. Tangents law -------- Law of tangents
  12. Lazy caterers sequence -------- Lazy caterer's sequence
  13. Leaf node (of a tree) -------- Leaf
  14. Leaf node (of a tree) -------- Leaf node
  15. Least common dividend -------- Least common multiple


  1. Least squares problem -------- Least squares
  2. Completeness principle -------- Least upper bound property
  3. Least-squares problem -------- Least squares
  4. Lebesgue's monotone convergence theorem -------- Monotone convergence theorem
  5. Left and right identity laws of a monad -------- Monad
  6. Left annihilator -------- Annihilator
  7. Left artinian -------- Artinian
  8. Left classical ring of quotients -------- Classical ring of quotients
  9. Left derivative -------- One-sided derivatives
  10. Left module action -------- Module
  11. Left noetherian -------- Noetherian
  12. Left-transposable integer -------- Parasitic number
  13. Leibniz' estimate for remainder term -------- Leibniz' estimate for alternating series
  14. Leibniz's theorem -------- Alternating series test
  15. Liapunov stability -------- Lyapunov stable


  1. Liapunov stable -------- Lyapunov stable
  2. Lie super algebra -------- Lie superalgebra
  3. Lies on -------- Incidence geometry
  4. Likelihood statistic -------- Likelihood function
  5. Limit from above -------- One-sided limit
  6. Limit from below -------- One-sided limit
  7. Lindeberg condition -------- Lindeberg's central limit theorem
  8. Lindemann's theorem -------- Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem
  9. Linear algebraic Groups -------- Classical groups
  10. Linear assignment problem -------- Assignment problem
  11. Linear problem -------- Linear equation
  12. Local homeomorphy -------- Locally homeomorphic
  13. Locally 1-connected -------- Locally simply connected
  14. Locally cyclic -------- Locally cyclic group
  15. Locally relatively simply connected -------- Semilocally simply connected


  1. Type of a distribution function -------- Location parameter
  2. Log convex -------- Logarithmically convex function
  3. Log convex function -------- Logarithmically convex function
  4. Log-convex function -------- Logarithmically convex function
  5. Lognormal random variable -------- Lognormal distribution
  6. Lower Hessenberg -------- Hessenberg matrix
  7. Lower Hessenberg matrix -------- Hessenberg matrix
  8. Lower density -------- Asymptotic density
  9. Lying on -------- Incidence geometry
  10. MATrix LABoratory -------- MATLAB
  11. MOLS -------- Orthogonal Latin squares
  12. Mapping function -------- Operator
  13. Marginal density function -------- Marginal distribution
  14. Marginal probability function -------- Marginal distribution
  15. Marie-Sophie Germain -------- Sophie Germain


  1. Markoff's inequality -------- Markov's inequality
  2. Mass function -------- Continuous density function
  3. Matroid independent sets -------- Matroid independence axioms
  4. Maximal modulus principle -------- Maximum principle
  5. Maximality principle -------- Maximal principle
  6. Maximal proper subgroup -------- Maximal subgroup
  7. Hausdorff's maximum principle -------- Maximum principle
  8. Measure preserving -------- Measure-preserving
  9. Meet infinite distributivity -------- Complete distributivity
  10. Meromorphic extension -------- Meromorphic continuation
  11. Mertens' conjecture -------- Mertens conjecture
  12. Mertens' function -------- Mertens function
  13. Mertens's conjecture -------- Mertens conjecture
  14. Mertens's function -------- Mertens function
  15. Method of successive approximations -------- Banach fixed point theorem


  1. Metrization -------- Metrizable
  2. Millenium Prize Problems -------- Millennium Problems
  3. Mills constant -------- Mills' constant
  4. Minimal bases -------- Integral basis
  5. Minimal basis -------- Integral basis
  6. Minimal sufficient -------- Sufficient statistic
  7. Minimally sufficient -------- Sufficient statistic
  8. Minimally sufficient statistic -------- Sufficient statistic
  9. Vector p-norm -------- Minkowski norm
  10. Minkowski's theorem on convex bodies -------- Minkowski's theorem
  11. Cofactor expansion -------- Minor
  12. Module action -------- Module
  13. Modulus of complex number -------- Modulus
  14. Moebius inversion -------- Möbius inversion
  15. Monomorphism equivalence -------- Subobject


  1. Monotone nondecreasing -------- Monotonically nondecreasing
  2. Monotone nonincreasing -------- Monotonically nonincreasing
  3. Monotonic operator -------- Order morphism
  4. Monotonically -------- Monotonic
  5. Monsieur Le Blanc -------- Sophie Germain
  6. Monsieur LeBlanc -------- Sophie Germain
  7. Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse -------- Pseudoinverse
  8. Moving trihedron -------- Frenet frame
  9. Multi-linearity -------- Multi-linear
  10. Multilinearity -------- Multi-linear
  11. Multiplicative axiom -------- Axiom of choice
  12. Multiplicative order of an integer modulo m -------- Multiplicative order
  13. Joint normal distribution -------- Multivariate Gaussian distribution
  14. Mutually orthogonal Latin squares -------- Orthogonal Latin squares
  15. NBG vNBG vNBG VNB -------- Von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel set theory


  1. Natural log base -------- Napier's constant
  2. Natural embedding -------- Dual space
  3. Naturally equivalent -------- Natural equivalence
  4. Near ring -------- Near-ring
  5. Negative binomial random variable -------- Negative binomial distribution
  6. Negative definite form -------- Positive definite form
  7. Neighborhood (of a vertex) -------- Neighborhood
  8. Canonical height on an elliptic curve -------- Neron-Tate height
  9. Neumann Janos Lajos -------- John von Neumann
  10. Neumann János Lajos -------- John von Neumann
  11. Newton-Cotes -------- Newton and Cotes formulas
  12. Niemytzki space -------- Niemytzki plane
  13. Nilcone -------- Nilpotent cone
  14. Njas -------- Neil J. A. Sloane
  15. Noetherian normalization lemma -------- Noether normalization lemma


  1. Non-degenerate form -------- Non-degenerate bilinear form
  2. Non-invertible -------- Singular
  3. Non-singular function -------- Inverse function
  4. Non-singular linear map -------- Linear isomorphism
  5. Non-standard real -------- Hyperreal
  6. Nonautonomous -------- Autonomous system
  7. Nonautonomous equation -------- Autonomous system
  8. Nondegenerate form -------- Non-degenerate bilinear form
  9. Nonincreasing -------- Monotonically nonincreasing
  10. Nonnegative definite -------- Positive definite form
  11. Nonpositive definite -------- Positive definite form
  12. Nonsingular function -------- Inverse function
  13. Nonstandard real -------- Hyperreal
  14. Ideal norm -------- Norm of an ideal
  15. Normal in base b -------- Normal number


  1. Normal interior -------- Core of a subgroup
  2. Normal linear model -------- General linear model
  3. Normal subgroup generated by -------- Normal closure
  4. Normaliser -------- Normalizer
  5. Null subtree -------- Null tree
  6. Kernel of a linear mapping -------- Nullspace
  7. Odd element -------- Supercommutative
  8. Omega notation -------- Landau notation
  9. One-stage cluster sampling -------- Cluster sampling
  10. Ordered geometry -------- Open interval
  11. Open polydisc -------- Polydisc
  12. Open ray -------- Ray
  13. Opposite side -------- Opposite
  14. Or operator -------- Join
  15. Orbifold structure -------- Orbifold


  1. Order (of a graph) -------- Order
  2. Order (of zero) -------- Multiplicity
  3. Order convergence -------- Meet continuous
  4. Order reversing -------- Polarity
  5. Order-preserving function -------- Order morphism
  6. Oriented space curve -------- Space curve
  7. Proof of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure -------- Orthogonalization
  8. Otto Hoelder -------- Otto Hölder
  9. Over determined -------- Overdetermined
  10. Over-determined -------- Overdetermined
  11. PBW-theorem -------- Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
  12. Non-deterministic pushdown automaton -------- PDA
  13. Pairwise orthogonal Latin squares -------- Orthogonal Latin squares
  14. Pancake cutting problem -------- Lazy caterer's sequence
  15. Pappus's theorem for solids of revolution -------- Pappus's centroid theorem


  1. Pappus's theorem for surfaces of revolution -------- Pappus's centroid theorem
  2. Parallel edge -------- Multigraph
  3. Parameterized curve -------- Curve
  4. Parameterized space curve -------- Space curve
  5. Parametrized curve -------- Curve
  6. Parent node (in a tree) -------- Parent
  7. Parent node (in a tree) -------- Parent node
  8. Pareto random variable -------- Pareto distribution
  9. Parseval equality -------- Parseval theorem
  10. Partial derivative with respect to a vector -------- Directional derivative
  11. Partial fractions of fractional numbers -------- Partial fractions
  12. Partial pivoting -------- Pivoting
  13. Pascal's mystic hexagram -------- Pascal's theorem
  14. Passes through -------- Incidence geometry
  15. Passing through -------- Incidence geometry


  1. Pearson-chi-square statistic -------- Chi-squared statistic
  2. Pearson-chi-squared statistic -------- Chi-squared statistic
  3. Penta-diagonal matrix -------- Pentadiagonal matrix
  4. Perfectly separable -------- Second countable
  5. Perspective elements -------- Complemented lattice
  6. Pesudo-metric space -------- Pseudometric space
  7. Place of field -------- Place
  8. Planar area -------- Area of plane region
  9. Pluriharmonic -------- Pluriharmonic function
  10. Plus perfect number -------- Armstrong number
  11. Poincaré-Hopf theorem -------- Hairy ball theorem
  12. Poincaré isomorphism -------- Poincaré duality
  13. Pointless geometry -------- Point-free geometry
  14. Poisson summation -------- Poisson summation formula


  1. Poisson theorem -------- Law of rare events
  2. Pólya's conjecture -------- Polya conjecture
  3. Polynomial discriminant -------- Discriminant
  4. Polynomial form -------- Homogeneous polynomial
  5. Porcupine theorem -------- Hairy ball theorem
  6. Positively homogeneous function -------- Homogeneous function
  7. Positively homogeneous function of degree -------- Homogeneous function
  8. Power of an integer -------- Power
  9. Squarefull number -------- Powerful number
  10. Powers of an alphabet -------- Alphabet
  11. Powerset axiom -------- Axiom of power set
  12. Pre-ordering -------- Pre-order
  13. Precedence of operations -------- Order of operations
  14. Preordering -------- Pre-order
  15. Prime integer -------- Prime


  1. Principal root -------- Nth root
  2. Principle of Uniform Boundedness -------- Banach-Steinhaus theorem
  3. Principle of transfinite induction -------- Transfinite induction
  4. Probabilities function -------- Density function
  5. Profinite -------- Profinite group
  6. Proportion equation -------- Proportion
  7. Pseudo compact space -------- Pseudocompact space
  8. Pseudo-compact space -------- Pseudocompact space
  9. Pseudorandom distribution ensemble -------- Pseudorandom
  10. Schooten theorem -------- Ptolemy's theorem
  11. Pumping lemma (context-free languages) -------- Pumping lemma
  12. Pure complex -------- Imaginary
  13. Non-deterministic pushdown automaton -------- Pushdown automaton
  14. Tangent map -------- Pushforward
  15. Pushing down lemma -------- Fodor's lemma


  1. Pythagoreas' theorem -------- Pythagorean theorem
  2. Pólya's conjecture -------- Pólya conjecture
  3. QR-decomposition -------- QR decomposition
  4. QR-factorization -------- QR decomposition
  5. Quarter-plane -------- Quadrant
  6. Quasi-finite -------- Quasi-finite morphism
  7. Quasi-metric space -------- Quasimetric space
  8. Quasi-normal subgroup -------- Permutable subgroup
  9. Quasi-scalar matrices -------- Diagonal matrix
  10. Quasi-scalar matrix -------- Diagonal matrix
  11. Quasiordering -------- Pre-order
  12. Quaternion groups -------- Generalized quaternion group
  13. Quaternionic group -------- Quaternion group
  14. Rabin prime test -------- Miller-Rabin prime test
  15. Ramification degree -------- Ramification index


  1. Ramify -------- Ramification index
  2. Rank of a linear mapping -------- Rank
  3. Rank one valuations -------- Discrete valuation
  4. Rank-k correction -------- Matrix inversion lemma
  5. Rank-one valuations -------- Discrete valuation
  6. Non-constant element of rational function field -------- Rational function field
  7. Rational prime -------- Prime
  8. Real analytic -------- Analytic
  9. Uniform (continuous) random variable -------- Rectangular distribution
  10. Reduced wave equation -------- Helmholtz equation
  11. Fuchsian singularity -------- Regular singular point
  12. Fuchsian singularity -------- Regular singularity
  13. Regular triangle -------- Equilateral triangle
  14. Regularly closed -------- Regular open set
  15. Regularly closed set -------- Regular open set


  1. Operations on relations -------- Relation composition
  2. Repeated digit sum -------- Digital root
  3. Repère mobile -------- Frenet frame
  4. Quotient of ideals -------- Residual
  5. Residue degree -------- Inertial degree
  6. Residue-class ring -------- Quotient ring
  7. Restriction of a function -------- Restriction
  8. Reverse-Polish -------- Reverse Polish notation
  9. Reverse-Polish notation -------- Reverse Polish notation
  10. Right annihilator -------- Annihilator
  11. Right artinian -------- Artinian
  12. Right classical ring of quotients -------- Classical ring of quotients
  13. Right derivative -------- One-sided derivatives
  14. Right module -------- Module
  15. Right module action -------- Module


  1. Right noetherian -------- Noetherian
  2. Rigidity result -------- Rigid
  3. Ring admitting an involution -------- Involutory ring
  4. Ring of polynomial functions -------- Polynomial function
  5. Ring with involution -------- Involutory ring
  6. Root (of a tree) -------- Root
  7. Root theorem -------- Factor theorem
  8. Rotational matrix -------- Rotation matrix
  9. Rubik cube -------- Rubik's cube
  10. Ruth Aaron pair -------- Ruth-Aaron pair
  11. Ruth Bari -------- Ruth Aaronson Bari
  12. S-graded ring -------- Graded ring
  13. Saturates -------- Saturate
  14. Satz 90 -------- Hilbert Theorem 90
  15. Saw blade function -------- Triangular-wave function


  1. Scale convolution -------- Logarithmic convolution
  2. Type of a distribution function -------- Scale parameter
  3. Schanuel conjecture -------- Schanuel's conjecture
  4. Schnitt -------- Dedekind cuts
  5. Schröder-Bernstein theorem -------- Schroeder-Bernstein theorem
  6. Space of rapidly decreasing functions -------- Schwartz space
  7. Schwarz reflection theorem -------- Schwarz reflection principle
  8. Schwarz' transformation -------- Schwarz-Christoffel transformation
  9. Schönfinkeling -------- Currying
  10. Schönfinkelization -------- Currying
  11. Score statistic -------- Score function
  12. Secant of the curve -------- Secant line
  13. Secant to the curve -------- Secant line
  14. Second axiom of countability -------- Second countable
  15. Second order -------- Second order logic


  1. Second-order -------- Second order logic
  2. Seifert-Van Kampen theorem -------- Van Kampen's theorem
  3. Self descriptive number -------- Self-descriptive number
  4. Semidirect product of groups -------- Semi-direct product
  5. Semi-order -------- Pre-order
  6. Semi-ordering -------- Pre-order
  7. Semi-prime -------- Semiprime
  8. Semi-primitive ring -------- Semiprimitive ring
  9. Semi-recursive -------- Recursively enumerable
  10. Semidirect product of groups -------- Semidirect product
  11. Semilocally 1-connected -------- Semilocally simply connected
  12. Semiorder -------- Pre-order
  13. Semiordering -------- Pre-order
  14. Comprehension axiom -------- Separation axiom
  15. Separation properties -------- Separation axioms


  1. Separation schema -------- Axiom schema of separation
  2. Septahedron -------- Heptahedron
  3. Sequence of Tuples -------- Data stream
  4. Sequential compactness -------- Sequentially compact
  5. Serpent lemma -------- Snake lemma
  6. Sesqui-linear form -------- Hermitian form
  7. Set symmetric difference -------- Symmetric difference
  8. SetOfSets -------- Collection
  9. Sextic polynomial -------- Sextic equation
  10. Shnirel'man density -------- Schnirelmann density
  11. Shnirelman density -------- Schnirelmann density
  12. Short 5-lemma -------- 5-lemma
  13. Sign of a permutation -------- Signature of a permutation
  14. Silver constant -------- Plastic constant
  15. Field adjunction -------- Simple extension


  1. Simply normal -------- Normal number
  2. Simultaneous resolution theorem -------- Horseshoe lemma
  3. Sine cardinal -------- Sinc function
  4. Singular transformation -------- Singular
  5. Singular vector -------- Singular value decomposition
  6. Sinus integralis -------- Sine integral
  7. Sir Andrew John Wiles -------- Andrew Wiles
  8. Skew-symmetric mapping -------- Antisymmetric
  9. Smallest integer greater than or equal to -------- Ceiling
  10. Smallest normal subgroup containing -------- Normal closure
  11. Smallest spanning tree -------- Minimum spanning tree
  12. Sobolev function -------- Sobolev space
  13. Sobolev immersion -------- Sobolev inequality
  14. Solution of cubic equation -------- Cardano's formulae
  15. Sorgenfrey half-open plane -------- Sorgenfrey plane


  1. Sorgenfrey topology -------- Sorgenfrey line
  2. Spaces of functions -------- Function spaces
  3. Comprehension axiom -------- Specification
  4. Sphere (metric space) -------- Sphere
  5. Splitting backmap -------- Split short exact sequence
  6. Splitting group -------- Decomposition group
  7. Spray space -------- Spray
  8. Square free number -------- Square-free number
  9. Square-free part -------- Radical of an integer
  10. Squeeze test -------- Squeeze rule
  11. Stable sorting algorithm -------- Stable algorithm
  12. Stable periodic solution -------- Cycle
  13. Independent set and independence number -------- Stable set
  14. Standard metric -------- Euclidean distance
  15. Standard topology -------- Euclidean distance


  1. Star operator -------- Hodge star operator
  2. Steady state solution -------- Equilibrium point
  3. Stefan Znám -------- Štefan Znám
  4. Stirling's approximation formula -------- Stirling's approximation
  5. General Stokes theorem -------- Stokes theorem
  6. M. H. Stone's representation theorem -------- Stone's representation theorem
  7. Strategic form game -------- Normal form game
  8. Strictly diagonally dominant -------- Diagonally dominant matrix
  9. Strong direct sum -------- Direct product of modules
  10. Strong ergodic theorem -------- Ergodic theorem
  11. Strongly connected -------- Connected graph
  12. Interpretation of a formal language -------- Structure
  13. Structure theorem on semisimple rings -------- Wedderburn-Artin theorem
  14. Sub-bimodule -------- Bimodule
  15. Subbasic -------- Subbasis


  1. Subgroup lattice -------- Lattice of subgroups
  2. Subinterval partition -------- Partition
  3. Subinvariant series -------- Subnormal series
  4. Subinvariant subgroup -------- Subnormal subgroup
  5. Subspace arrangement -------- Hyperplane arrangement
  6. Successor set -------- Inductive set
  7. Sufficient estimator -------- Sufficient statistic
  8. Sum product number -------- Sum-product number
  9. Summing -------- Summation
  10. Super algebra -------- Superalgebra
  11. Superadditivity -------- Superadditive
  12. Supertriangular -------- Strictly upper triangular matrix
  13. Symmetric difference between sets -------- Symmetric difference
  14. Symmetric element -------- Involutory ring
  15. Symmetric form -------- Symmetric bilinear form


  1. Symplectic hyperbolic plane -------- Alternating form
  2. Tail of series -------- Remainder term
  3. Tangent of the curve -------- Tangent line
  4. Tangent plane (elementary) -------- Tangent space
  5. Tangent to the curve -------- Tangent line
  6. Taniyama-Shimura-Weil theorem -------- Taniyama-Shimura theorem
  7. Taski theorem -------- Tarski-Knaster theorem
  8. City-block metric -------- Taxicab metric
  9. Tensor product (vector spaces) -------- Tensor product
  10. Tensor product (for matrices) -------- Kronecker product
  11. Simple tensor -------- Tensor rank
  12. Terence C. Tao -------- Terence Tao
  13. Thabit bin Kurra -------- Thabit ibn Qurra
  14. Thabit bin Kurra number -------- Thabit number
  15. Thabit bin Kurrah -------- Thabit ibn Qurra


  1. Thabit bin Kurrah number -------- Thabit number
  2. Thabit bin Qurra -------- Thabit ibn Qurra
  3. Thabit bin Qurra number -------- Thabit number
  4. Thabit bin Qurrah -------- Thabit ibn Qurra
  5. Thabit bin Qurrah number -------- Thabit number
  6. Thabit ibn Kurra -------- Thabit ibn Qurra
  7. Thabit ibn Kurra number -------- Thabit number
  8. Thabit ibn Kurrah -------- Thabit ibn Qurra
  9. Thabit ibn Kurrah number -------- Thabit number
  10. Thabit ibn Qurra number -------- Thabit number
  11. Thabit ibn Qurrah -------- Thabit ibn Qurra
  12. Thabit ibn Qurrah number -------- Thabit number
  13. The following are equivalent -------- TFAE
  14. Thebit -------- Thabit ibn Qurra
  15. Calculus of subgroup orders -------- Theorem of Lagrange


  1. Theta notation -------- Landau notation
  2. Thin algebraic set -------- Thin set
  3. Cube of a number -------- Third power
  4. Tichonov's theorem -------- Tychonoff's theorem
  5. Tikhonov space -------- Tychonoff space
  6. Tikhonov topological space -------- Tychonoff space
  7. Time-dependent Schrödinger wave equation -------- Schrödinger's wave equation
  8. Tits Systems -------- BN-pair
  9. Topological completeness -------- Completely metrizable
  10. Topology generated by a basis -------- Basis (topology)
  11. Toposes -------- Topos
  12. Torsal surface -------- Developable surface
  13. Torsion (space curve) -------- Torsion
  14. Total pivoting -------- Pivoting
  15. Total ring of quotients -------- Total ring of fractions


  1. Discretization of continuous systems -------- Transform
  2. Semigroup of transformations -------- Transformation semigroup
  3. Triangle center -------- Triangle centre
  4. Triple cross product -------- Triple vector product
  5. Trivial vector space -------- Zero vector space
  6. Ordered tuplet -------- Tuple
  7. Ordered tuplet -------- Tuplet
  8. Twist number -------- Writhe
  9. Two-stage cluster sampling -------- Cluster sampling
  10. Tychonoff product topology -------- Product topology
  11. Tychonoff topological space -------- Tychonoff space
  12. Tychonov topological space -------- Tychonoff space
  13. Type-2 grammar -------- Context-free language
  14. Type-3 grammar -------- Regular language
  15. UMVU -------- Mean square error


  1. UMVUE -------- Mean square error
  2. Ulam's Problem -------- Collatz problem
  3. Lattice filter -------- Ultra filter
  4. Ultra-connected space -------- Ultraconnected space
  5. Ultrabarreled space -------- Barrel
  6. Ultrabarrelled -------- Barrel
  7. Unconditionally convergent -------- Unconditional convergence
  8. Under-determined -------- Under determined
  9. Uniform Boundedness Principle -------- Banach-Steinhaus theorem
  10. Uniformly integrable -------- Uniform absolute continuity
  11. Uniform (continuous) random variable -------- Uniform distribution
  12. Uniformly convex -------- Uniformly convex space
  13. Uniformly hyperbolic -------- Hyperbolic set
  14. Uniformly minimum variance unbiased -------- Mean square error
  15. Uniquely complemented -------- Complemented lattice


  1. Uniquely orthocomplemented -------- Orthocomplemented lattice
  2. Unit left triangular matrix -------- Unit triangular matrix
  3. Unit right triangular matrix -------- Unit triangular matrix
  4. Unital module -------- Module
  5. Univariate regression model -------- Regression model
  6. Unordered partition -------- Integer partition
  7. Unstable periodic solution -------- Cycle
  8. Up arrow -------- Knuth's up arrow notation
  9. Up set -------- Upper set
  10. Up-arrow -------- Knuth's up arrow notation
  11. Upper Hessenberg -------- Hessenberg matrix
  12. Upward directed set -------- Directed set
  13. Upward-directed set -------- Directed set
  14. Vacuous -------- Vacuous truth
  15. Vacuous -------- Vacuously


  1. Vacuous -------- Vacuously true
  2. Proof of Van Aubel theorem -------- Van Aubel's theorem
  3. Van der Pol equation -------- Van der Pol oscillator
  4. Vanishes -------- Zero of a function
  5. Variance covariance matrix -------- Covariance matrix
  6. Variation of constants -------- Variation of parameters
  7. Vector space homomorphism -------- Linear transformation
  8. Triple cross product -------- Vector triple product
  9. Solving the wave equation due to D. Bernoulli -------- Vibrating string
  10. Vilim Feller -------- William Feller
  11. Groupoid (category theoretic) -------- Virtual group
  12. Vladimir Gershonovich Drinfel'd -------- Vladimir Drinfel'd
  13. Von Neumann-finite -------- Dedekind-finite
  14. Congruence of Clausen and von Staudt -------- Von Staudt-Clausen theorem
  15. Vortexless -------- Laminar field


  1. WOLOG -------- WLOG
  2. Wallace-Bolyai-Gerwien theorem -------- Bolyai-Gerwien theorem
  3. Weak direct sum -------- Direct sum
  4. Weakly compact -------- Weakly compact cardinal
  5. Recurrence in a Markov chain -------- Weakly ergodic
  6. Wedderburn theorem -------- Wedderburn's theorem
  7. Weierstrass division theorem -------- Weierstrass preparation theorem
  8. Weierstrass product theorem -------- Weierstrass factorization theorem
  9. Well quasi order -------- Well quasi ordering
  10. Zermelo's well-ordering theorem -------- Well-ordering principle
  11. Willibrord Feller -------- William Feller
  12. Curve of Agnesi -------- Witch of Agnesi
  13. Woodbury formula -------- Matrix inversion lemma
  14. Wqo -------- Well quasi ordering


  1. Line in the plane -------- X-intercept
  2. Crosscap slide -------- Y-homeomorphism
  3. Line in the plane -------- Y-intercept
  4. Zciweisakul notation -------- Reverse Polish notation
  5. Zeckendorff's theorem -------- Zeckendorf's theorem
  6. Zero submodule -------- Zero module
  7. Zig-zag lemma -------- Snake lemma
  8. Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil -------- Émilie du Châtelet