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User:Maylisaberry/Leonard G. Berry

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Leonard (Len) G. Berry ... Leonard Gascoigne Berry, was a Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America and a Past President,and an active mineralogist both in Canada and around the world.

He was born in Toronto, Ontario, in 1914 Died in Westport, Ontario on June 29, 1982

Len was almost completely a product of the University of Toronto educationasl ystem,a ttendingt he University of Toronto model school from 1924 to 1932 and proceeding to the University, obtaining his B.A. in 1937, M.A. in 1938 and Ph.D. in 1941. While a university student, he gained valuable field experience with both the Geological Survey of Canada and the Ontario Department of Mines.

After graduation, during World War II, he spent four years in industry in the optical department of Research EnterprisesL td. in Toronto. ln 1944 he joined the teaching staff of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, and progressed from Lecturer to Professor. In 1967 he was appointed Miller Memorial Research Professor at Queen's, a post he held until his retirement in 1979, when be became Professor Emeritus of Mineralogy and Crystallograph.

Dr. Berry worked on several university committees.

  • Chairman of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Geological Sciences from 1955-1970
  • Chairman of Graduate Studies from 1970-1977
  • Member of the Queen's University Senate from 1970 to 1973
  • Chairman of the Mathematics and physical Sciences Division of the School of Graduate Studies from 1975 to 1978

His years of effective teaching led to the publication of two undergraduate standard texts, both co-authored with Brian Mason: "Mineralogy: Concepts,Descriptions, Determinations" (1959) "Elements of Mineralogy" (1968) A second edition of "Mineralogy: Concepts, Descriptions, Determinations," with revision by R. V. Dietrich(1983)

His research interests included morphological and structural studies of minerals, crystal structure, and Xray difraction and general mineralogical studies. His extensive work on the sulfosalts of lead and silver minerals led to the publication oftop-notch papers and particularly, in 1962, to the important Memoir of the Geological Society of America, No. 85, known as the peacock Atlas in commemoration of the work of Professor Martin A. Peacock, Dr. Berry's mentor at the University of Toronto.

Continuing his work with powder data, Berry later collaborated with P. Bayliss, Mary E. Mrose and Deane K. Smith in the publication of "Mineral Powder Diffraction File, Data Book and Search Manual."

Not the least of Dr. Berry's contributions to the scientific community was his long and very successful editorship of the Canadian Mineralogisr. He began by taking over from Professor Peacock the editorship of "Contributions to Canadian Mineralogy" and served from 1950 to 1957. He was the founding editor of the Canadian Mineralogist, and served from 1957 to 1975. On his retirement from that position, he was appointed Editor Emeritus, and was honored by the special "Berry Issue" of the Canadian Mineralogist in 1976. In addition, he served as an Associate Editor for Mineralogical Abstracts(London) and as Associate Editor and Editor for Mineral Data for the X-ray Powder Data File of the American Society for Testing Materials

Recognition of Dr. Berry's considerable potential for serving his profession was recognized in his election to important posts in many scientific societies.

  • Helped to found the International Mineralogical Association in 1957
  • Served as Councillor of the International Mineralogical Association for many years
  • Treasurer of the International Mineralogical Association from 1960 to 1974.
  • Member of the Canadian National Committee on Crystallography from 1948 to 1970.
  • President of the Mineralogical Society of America in 1963
  • President of the Mineralogical Association of Canada in 1976

In addition to being a Fellow of this Society, Dr. Berry was active in many other scientific societies including the Geological Association of Canada, the Walker Mineralogical Club (Toronto), the American Crystallographic Association, the Royal Society of Canada and the Mineralogical Society of Japan. He held honorary memberships in the Mineralogical Society (London), Clube Mineralogoca Brazil, and the Soviet Mineralogical Society.

With such a record of accomplishments, it is not surprising that Dr. Berry was the recipient of many prestigious awards:

  1. On graduation from the University of Toronto he received the Coleman gold medal in geology.
  2. He received the Guggenheim Fellowship in 1954,
  3. Was awarded the Willet G. Miller medal of the Royal Society of Canada in 1963.
  4. In May, 1982, he became the first recipient of the Past Presidents' Medal of the Mineralogical Association of Canada, established to recognize individuals who have a record of distinguished scientific contributions to mineralogy in Canada

Selected Bibliography of Leonard G. Berry

  • Bigwater Lake area. Ontario Department of Mines, vol. 48, pt. 12 (1939)
  • Studies of mineral sulpho-salts: I Cosalite from Canada and Sweden. University of Toronto Studies, Geological series, no. 42,23-31 (1939)
  • Geology of Langmuir-Sheraton Area. Ontario Department of Mines, vol. 49, pt. 4 (1940)
  • Studies of mineral sulpho-salts: XX Jamesonite from Cornwall and Bolivia. Mineralogical Magazine, 24, 597-608 (1940)
  • Studies of mineral sulpho-salts: XII Boulangerite and "epiboulangerite." University of Toronto Studies, Geological Sciences, no. 44, 5-19 (1940)
  • Rontenographic observations on ore minerals. University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series, no. 44, 47-69 (1940)(with M. A. Peacock)
  • Studies of mineral sulpho-salts: IV Galenobismutite and "lillianite". American Mineralogist, 25, 726-734 (1940)
  • Studies of mineral sulpho-salts: V Meneghinite from Ontario and Tuscany. University of Toronto Studies, Geological series, no. 46, 5-17 (1941)(and D. A. Moddle)
  • Studies of Mineral Sulphosalts: VII. A systematic arrangement on the basis of cell dimensions. University of Toronto Studies,
  • Geological series, no. 48, 9-30 (1943)
  • Geology of the Robb-Jamieson Area. Ontario Department of Mines, 53, pt. 4, (1944)
  • Chrome micas. American Mineralogist, 31, l-21 (1946)(with D. R. E. Whitmore and J. E. Hawley)
  • Crystallography of copiapite. University of Toronto Studies, Geological series, no. 58, 9-26 (1946)(with C. Palache and M. A. Peacock)
  • Nagyagite. University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series, no.50, pp. 35-48 (1946)
  • Clinoclasite. American Mineralogist, 31, 243-258 (1946) (with C. Palache)
  • Studies of mineral sulpho-salts; XIII Polybasite and pearceite. Mineralogical Magazine, 38, l-13(te47)(with M. A. Peacock)
  • Composition and optics of copiapite. University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series, no. 51,21-34 (1947)
  • X-ray measurements on brackenbuschite and hematolite. American Mineralogist, 33, 489-495 (1948)(and A. R. Graham)
  • Empressite and "steutsite". American Mineralogist, 36, 458-470 (1951) (with R. M. Thompson, M. A. Peacock and J. F. Rowland)
  • Robinsonite a new lead antimony sulphide. American Mineralogist, 37, 438-446 (1952)(and J. J. Fahey and E. H. Bailey)
  • Studies of Mineral sulpho-salts: XVll-Cannizzarite. American Mineralogist, 38, 536-544 (1953).
  • Michenerite and Froodite, palladium bismuthide minerals. Canadian Mineralogist, 6, 200 (1958)(with J. E. Hawley)
  • Mineralogy: Concepts, Descriptions, Determinations. W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 630 pp.(1959)(and Brian Mason)
  • X-ray Powder Data for the ore Minerals: The Peacock Atlas. Geological Society of America, Memoir 85, 281 pp., 27 plates (1962)(and R. M. Thompson)
  • Flinkite and atelestite, Canadian Mineralogist, 7, 547-553 (1963)(with K. B. Culver)
  • Recent advances in sulfide mineralogy. American Mineralogist, 50, 301-313 (l965)
  • Elements of Mineralogy. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 550 p. (l968)(with Brian Mason)
  • The saffiorite-loellingite solid solution series; American Mineralogist, 53, l856-1881 (1968)(with D. Ratcliffe)
  • Clinosafrorite: A monoclinic polymorph of safflorite; Canadian Mineralogist, 10, 877-881 (1971)(with D. Ratcliffe)


  • American Mineralogist, Volume 69, pages 588-590, 1984
  • American Mineralogist, Volume 14, 1976