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User:Puppatoons/All My Children Breathe Fire

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All My Children Breathe Fire is a comic created by Liz Vitale, a native of Atlanta, Georgia. It was started in 2018 and has an official Facebook page as well as being featured on Liz's Instagram, queen_hallowdragon. A longtime Game of Thrones fan, Vitale began drawing the cartoon with three central male dragon characters and kept referring to them as "her boys". Soon friends began jokingly calling her "Mother of Dragons" in the same ilk as the character Danerys Targaryen in the popular HBO program. Not wanting to infringe on HBO's copyrights, but still liking the idea of being the dragons' "mom",she began to build the cartoon around having the three dragons--Cam, Ben, and Chuck--exist as her adopted sons. A detailed backstory was created, and she began to develop the cartoon and publish it online.

Original Concept: DC Dragons

After Vitale attended Dragon Con 2018 in Atlanta Georgia, her usual Labor Day Weekend activity, the comic was born. The previous year, she had drawn several cartoons depicting generic dragons attending the "con" (convention), while spending time with friends in their hotel room. After posting them on her Facebook wall, it appeared that a modest amount of her con-going friends enjoyed them, being familiar with issues at Dragon Con such as being stuck in long lines, wearing accurate but uncomfortable costumes,being trapped in elevators with people who stink, and having aching feet. During the 2018 visit, she drew two dragon characters---Cam and Chuck--- as individuals with distinct personalities and appearances, and called the comic DC Dragons. The characters once again were drawn at the con having similar experiences such as trying to figure out which ballroom a panel was in, having awkward moments taking photos with celebrities, and admitting that they needed to take naps between activities to avoid fatigue and burnout. The praise that Vitale received from both friends and new viewers online inspired her to develop the comic further. At first the episodes were in a similar vein, having the dragons only attending cons, but soon Vitale realized that they needed to branch out and live outside the world of the fan convention.

