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User:S&T Kawaii Love

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An impression of me: S&T Kawaii Love

Konnichiwa Yurichan desu. Or call me S&T Kawaii Love aka Yurichan. I love Mahou Shoujo and espcially Yuri. I love Yuri for years now.

I began by collection Yuri manga and anime when I was younger. And now I have quite alot. I have posters, figures etc. I read normal manga and watch normal anime as well and collect them. But my heart lies at the Yuri genre.

I especially love strong independant girls like Fate T Harlaown being my admired princess. I also love shy, cute girls just any girls that is nice and shows love.

I don't like the typical younger girl vs older girl relations. An exception would be Marimite. I also dislike girls who are violent aggresive, can do anything they like, abuse other girls with kissing and push away a nicer kinder girl to take away there love. I totally hate such Yuri anime. And I hate Shizuma from Strawberry Panic. People who like that person are by no way Yuri fans. To hell to them. >.>

I also don't like people who references an character as sexual object without even thinking about it >.>. I have experience with nagging people over certain characters. Kasumi is not a sexual object ok. Yes she is sexy and independant she can wear what she like. She can fight really well and is a strong girl. If you support women independance then support her too. Or maybe you just don't want girl to wear wat they want or show flesh. In that case screw you!

Meet me on HongFire. http://www.hongfire.com I have my own Yuri club there.

Hitomi-San^▽^ by me: S&T Kawaii Love
  • Name: Yurichan
  • Country: Netherlands
  • Age: let's just say i am in my twenties ok :P
  • Work/Job: I like to tell but please ask me :P
  • Likes: Western, European, Japanese and Chinese culture
  • Religion: Christian but also believes in Nature, Gaia
  • Fav Yuri character: Fate T Harlaown. She is soooo hot marry me >'.'<
  • Fav games: Final Fantasy and DOA - I love RPG. DOA I played when I was younger and I loved it because of Kasumi, Ayane. Then I followed the games
  • Fav food: Vegetarian Pizza Mount Spaghetti - Too many to mention
  • Fav drink: Tea, Coffee, Milk

~I love Dead Or Alive:~


Here are my articles that I created (YES CREATED AND STARTED) When Wikipedia was empty and there was no article about it: