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User:Samuel Salto

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Samuel Salto was born in Argentina, Santiago del Estero, Capital City in 1978, his parents were Rosendo Salto & Myriam de Salto, he attended to various primary schools within the city as the family moved often up to 14 times up to the age of 12 when the whole family moved for first time a own house in "S.M.A.T.A"neighbourhood He use to help his Father in everything needed within the Church as his father was a Active Pastor since his was Eight Months old, he worked in different jobs like, Mechanic Helper, Radio Operator, taxi Driver, Lawyer secretary. Whilst he was living in the church Premises (big Tent) when he was 16 years old a Pastor that came to preach in the congregation told him that one day he will open a school of missions in Brighton, England and that he will be sending him an invitation when it happens After four years he received a call in the year 2000 saying he will be receiving a scholarship to live in Brighton, England and receive a Missionary Training. He came and studied for the six month and he did not enjoy it at all as the weather, food and unfriedlynees of the locals overwhelmed him that he said he will never return to the UK and left back to Argentina. Year 2001 he received a second invitation to the same place in the UK but not to study but to be part of the Team that will help the new students to learn. the same year he went as a missionarie for a month to Fernán Núñez, Cordoba, Spain with a group of four to help a local church, then he went back to Argentina thinking his Visit to Europe was done!! Year 2002 he received a Letter saying he is receiving a half Theological Scholarship at the Bible College in London, I.B.I.O.l in Kensington Temple Church in Nothing Hill Area. the invitation was from an old friend that he had met back in Argentina and now he was taking over the Theological School there. It was a hard time to decide as he was not thinking on coming back but yet still he has comeback and started sudying & working as a kitchen porter to live and to pay his half scholarship, it was easy hard as he had a very basic english language as the previows years he was within the Latin American Comunity