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User:Spacespace3344/Books/Quantitative Finance

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Quantitative Finance

Mathematical finance
Financial market
Share price
Derivative (finance)
Valuation of options
Financial modeling
Fundamental theorem of asset pricing
Black–Scholes model
Computational finance
Financial engineering
Stochastic investment model
Quantitative analyst
Risk management
Investment management
Brownian model of financial markets
Martingale pricing
Supply and demand
Option (finance)
Exotic option
Convertible bond
Brownian motion
Normal distribution
Geometric Brownian motion
Stochastic process
Itô calculus
Partial differential equation
Dow theory
Market trend
Financial models with long-tailed distributions and volatility clustering
Financial crisis of 2007–2008
Asymptotic analysis
Copula (probability theory)
Differential equation
Expected value
Ergodic theory
Feynman–Kac formula
Fourier transform
Girsanov theorem
Itô's lemma
Martingale representation theorem
Mathematical model
Monte Carlo method
Numerical analysis
Real analysis
Heat equation
Numerical partial differential equations
Crank–Nicolson method
Finite difference
Probability distribution
Binomial distribution
Log-normal distribution
Quantile function
Radon–Nikodym theorem
Risk-neutral measure
Stochastic calculus
Wiener process
Lévy process
Stochastic differential equation
Stochastic volatility
Value at risk
Volatility (finance)
Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
Rational pricing
Forward price
Futures contract
Swap (finance)
Put–call parity
Intrinsic value (finance)
Option time value
Black model
Monte Carlo methods for option pricing
Implied volatility
Volatility smile
SABR volatility model
Markov switching multifractal
Greeks (finance)
Finite difference methods for option pricing
Vanna–Volga pricing
Trinomial tree
Lattice model (finance)
Foreign exchange option
Black's approximation
Optimal stopping
Interest rate derivative
Interest rate cap and floor
Bond option
Short-rate model
Rendleman–Bartter model
Vasicek model
Ho–Lee model
Hull–White model
Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model
Black–Karasinski model
Black–Derman–Toy model
Chen model
Forward rate
LIBOR market model
Heath–Jarrow–Morton framework
Portfolio (finance)
Jump diffusion
Frictionless market
Probability space
Filtration (mathematics)
Probability measure
Continuous function
Bounded variation
Lebesgue's decomposition theorem
Almost surely
Short (finance)
Risk premium
Insider trading
Martingale (probability theory)
Absolute continuity
Hedge (finance)
Lebesgue measure
Monte Carlo methods in finance
Agent-based computational economics
Liquidity at risk
Margin at risk
Profit at risk
Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in finance
Statistical finance
Wilkie investment model
Index fund
Interest rate
Forward contract
Collateralized debt obligation
Credit default swap
Over-the-counter (finance)
Exchange-traded derivative contract
Futures exchange
Foreign exchange derivative
Equity derivative
Interest rate swap
Leverage (finance)
Equity swap
Capital gains tax
Forward rate agreement
Exotic derivative
Hedge fund
Bank for International Settlements
Credit risk
Margin (finance)
Clearing house (finance)
Call option
Put option
Strike price
Binary option
Warrant (finance)
Currency swap
Total return swap
Commodity swap
Repurchase agreement
Turbo warrant
Basis swap
Credit default option
Gold as an investment
Currency future
Single-stock futures
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Asset-backed security
Credit event
Financial risk management
Special-purpose entity
Spot contract
Long (finance)
Forward exchange rate
Profit (accounting)
Position (finance)
Mortgage loan
Government-sponsored enterprise
Collateralized mortgage obligation
Financial instrument
Cash flow
Derivatives market
Risk aversion
Spot market
Market participant
Market price
Credit derivative
Shipping markets
Inflation derivative
Property derivative
Weather derivative
Credit spread (options)
Debit spread
Exercise (options)
Expiration (options)
Open interest
Pin risk (options)
Risk-free interest rate
Employee stock option
Fixed income
Option style
Options strategies
Options spread
Asian option
Barrier option
Basket option
Chooser option
Cliquet option
Commodore option
Compound option
Forward start option
Interest rate option
Lookback option
Mountain range (options)
Rainbow option
Collar (finance)
Covered call
Fence (finance)
Iron butterfly (options strategy)
Iron condor
Strangle (options)
Protective put
Risk reversal
Bear spread
Box spread (options)
Bull spread
Butterfly (options)
Calendar spread
Diagonal spread
Intermarket Spread
Ratio spread
Vertical spread
Binomial options pricing model
Margrabe's formula
Real options valuation
Amortising swap
Asset swap
Conditional variance swap
Constant maturity swap
Correlation swap
Dividend swap
Foreign exchange swap
Inflation swap
Overnight indexed swap
Variance swap
Volatility swap
Year-on-Year Inflation-Indexed Swap
Zero-Coupon Inflation-Indexed Swap
Zero coupon swap
Dividend future
Forward market
Interest rate future
Normal backwardation
Slippage (finance)
Stock market index future
Energy derivative
Constant proportion portfolio insurance
Contract for difference
Credit-linked note
Equity-linked note
Fund derivative
Mortgage-backed security
Power reverse dual-currency note
Consumer debt
Corporate bond
Government debt
Great Recession
Municipal bond
Tax policy
Financial economics
Economic model
Yield spread
Bootstrapping (finance)
Credit score
Bad debt
Corporate finance
Portfolio optimization
Financial risk modeling
Dynamic financial analysis
Pairs trade
Credit valuation adjustment
Numerical linear algebra
Dynamic programming
Mathematical optimization
Outline of finance
Historical simulation (finance)
Python (programming language)
List of numerical analysis software
Quantitative behavioral finance
Technical analysis
Common stock
Share capital
Capital surplus
Authorised capital
Issued shares
Shares outstanding
Treasury stock
Heston model
Variance gamma process
Arbitrage pricing theory
Partial derivative
Algorithmic trading
MetaTrader 4
Trend following
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Market microstructure
Market liquidity
London Stock Exchange
Market clearing
Program trading
Index arbitrage
S&P 500 Index
Black Monday (1987)
Market neutral
Statistical arbitrage
Convergence trade
Relative value (economics)
Delta neutral
Law of one price
Security (finance)
Mean reversion (finance)
Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process
Standard deviation
Scalping (trading)
Market maker
Two-sided market
Quod Financial
Dark pool
Interest rate parity
Foreign exchange market
Transaction cost
Risk arbitrage
Quote stuffing
Ultra-low latency direct market access
Colocation centre
Reverse engineering
Markov chain Monte Carlo
Black box
Order management system
Low latency (capital markets)
Complex event processing
Financial Information eXchange
2010 Flash Crash
Alternative trading system
Artificial intelligence
Best execution
Electronic trading platform
High-frequency trading
Mirror trading
Capital structure
Convertible arbitrage
Fixed income arbitrage
Fixed-income relative-value investing
Volatility arbitrage
Activist shareholder
Distressed securities
Special situation
Commodity trading advisor
Managed futures account
Global macro
Long/short equity
Multi-manager investment
Day trading
Prime brokerage
Proprietary trading
Commodity market
Stock market
Bond market
Money market
Structured finance
Assets under management
Capital asset pricing model
Alpha (finance)
Beta (finance)
Security characteristic line
Fundamental analysis
Taxation of private equity and hedge funds
Vulture fund
Family office
Financial endowment
High-net-worth individual
Institutional investor
Investment banking
Merchant bank
Pension fund
Sovereign wealth fund
Fund governance
Hedge Fund Standards Board
Primary market
Secondary market
Third market
Fourth market
Golden share
Preferred stock
Restricted stock
Tracking stock
Day trader
Floor broker
Floor trader
Financial regulation
Stock trader
Electronic communication network
List of stock exchanges
List of stock exchange opening times
Multilateral trading facility
Bid–ask spread
Book value
Capital market line
Dividend discount model
Dividend yield
Earnings per share
Earnings yield
Net asset value
Security market line
Buy and hold
Contrarian investing
Dollar cost averaging
Efficient-market hypothesis
Growth stock
Market timing
Modern portfolio theory
Momentum investing
Mosaic theory (investments)
Post-modern portfolio theory
Random walk hypothesis
Sector rotation
Style investing
Swing trading
Value investing
Block trade
Cross listing
Dual-listed company
DuPont analysis
Efficient frontier
Haircut (finance)
Initial public offering
Market anomaly
Market capitalization
Market depth
Market manipulation
Momentum (finance)
Open outcry
Public float
Public offering
Rally (stock market)
Returns-based style analysis
Reverse stock split
Share repurchase
Stock dilution
Stock market index
Stock split
Trade (financial instrument)
Uptick rule
Voting interest
Yield (finance)
Direct market access
Spoofing (finance)
Layering (finance)
Finite difference method
Ordinary least squares
Regression analysis
Spline interpolation
Yield curve
Bisection method
Newton's method
Secant method
Zero of a function
Maxima and minima
Internal rate of return
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Trading strategy
Credit analysis
Asset and liability management
Portfolio manager
Mutual fund
Financial statement analysis
Bond valuation
Government bond
High-yield debt
Registered share
Stock certificate
Stock exchange
Hybrid security
Exchange rate
Real estate
Financial market participants
Trader (finance)
Probability density function
Inflection point
Stephen Stigler
Quadratic function
Precision (statistics)
Multivariate normal distribution
Maximum entropy probability distribution
Elliptical distribution
Symmetric probability distribution
Share (finance)
Pareto distribution
Statistical inference
Heavy-tailed distribution
Robust statistics
Stable distribution
Independent and identically distributed random variables
Cauchy distribution
Lévy distribution
Logarithmically concave function
Differentiable function
Smoothness (probability theory)
Hermite polynomials
List of integrals of Gaussian functions
Moment (mathematics)
Double factorial
Confluent hypergeometric function
Imaginary unit
Frequency domain
Characteristic function (probability theory)
Moment-generating function
Cumulative distribution function
Error function
Special functions
Rotational symmetry
Interval estimation
Coverage probability
68–95–99.7 rule
Statistical hypothesis testing
Confidence interval
Tolerance interval
Sample mean and covariance
Heaviside step function
Generalized function
Dirac delta function
Limit (mathematics)
Central limit theorem
Test statistic
Score (statistics)
De Moivre–Laplace theorem
Chi-squared distribution
Student's t-distribution
Berry–Esseen theorem
Edgeworth series
Calculus of variations
Lagrange multiplier
Independence (probability theory)
Polarization identity
Linear combination
Infinite divisibility (probability)
Cramér's theorem
Uncorrelated random variables
Kullback–Leibler divergence
Hellinger distance
Fisher information
Exponential family
Conjugate prior
Constant curvature
Flat manifold
Folded normal distribution
Half-normal distribution
Chi distribution
Noncentral chi-squared distribution
Bessel function
Rayleigh distribution
Cochran's theorem
Basu's theorem
Split normal distribution
Truncated normal distribution
Euclidean space
Rectified Gaussian distribution
Complex normal distribution
Matrix normal distribution
Gaussian process
Brownian bridge
Gaussian q-distribution
Q-Gaussian distribution
Tsallis entropy
Tsallis distribution
Pearson distribution
Generalized normal distribution
Normality test
Q–Q plot
P–P plot
Shapiro–Wilk test
Normal probability plot
D'Agostino's K-squared test
Jarque–Bera test
Lilliefors test
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
Anderson–Darling test
Standard error
Completeness (statistics)
Sufficient statistic
Lehmann–Scheffé theorem
Minimum-variance unbiased estimator
Efficient estimator
Asymptotic theory (statistics)
Consistent estimator
Convergence of random variables
Asymptotic distribution
Bessel's correction
Bias of an estimator
Mean squared error
Joint probability distribution
Ancillary statistic
Type I and type II errors
Prior probability
Bayesian linear regression
Linear regression
Posterior probability
Completing the square
Weighted arithmetic mean
Multiplicative inverse
Harmonic mean
Symmetric matrix
Invertible matrix
Quadratic form
Scalar (mathematics)
Likelihood function
Bayesian inference
Inverse-gamma distribution
Scaled inverse chi-squared distribution
Normal-inverse-gamma distribution
Squared deviations from the mean
Principle of maximum entropy
Quantum harmonic oscillator
Diffusion equation
Poisson distribution
Thermal radiation
Bose–Einstein statistics
Compound interest
Stock market crash
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Propagation of uncertainty
Percentile rank
Normal curve equivalent
Standard score
Grading on a curve
Analysis of variance
Student's t-test
Cumulative frequency analysis
Errors and residuals
Random number generation
Uniform distribution (continuous)
Probability integral transform
Irwin–Hall distribution
Box–Muller transform
Exponential distribution
Marsaglia polar method
Ziggurat algorithm
Numerical integration
Taylor series
Asymptotic expansion
Gauss's continued fraction
Inverse function
Base (exponentiation)
Common logarithm
Natural logarithm
E (mathematical constant)
Binary logarithm
Logarithmic scale
Level (logarithmic quantity)
Units of measurement
Computational complexity theory
Prime number
Complex logarithm
Complex number
Discrete logarithm
Real number
List of logarithmic identities
Irrational number
Mathematical analysis
Numerical digit
Monotonic function
Intermediate value theorem
Exponential function
Chain rule
Logarithmic derivative
Logarithmic differentiation
List of integrals of logarithmic functions
Fundamental theorem of calculus
Harmonic series (mathematics)
Limit of a sequence
Euler–Mascheroni constant
Laplace transform
Algebraic number
Transcendental number
Transcendental function
Gelfond–Schneider theorem
Arithmetic–geometric mean
Arithmetic shift
Inverse hyperbolic function
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Arithmetic mean
Geometric mean
Probability theory
Law of large numbers
Law of the iterated logarithm
Random variable
Maximum likelihood estimation
Statistical model
Parametric model
Analysis of algorithms
Time complexity
Divide and conquer algorithm
Binary search algorithm
Logarithmic growth
Boltzmann constant
Prime-counting function
Prime number theorem
Proportionality (mathematics)
Riemann hypothesis
Erdős–Kac theorem
Trigonometric functions
Euler's formula
Matrix exponential
Group theory
Differential form
Quadratic variation
Local volatility
Stationary process
Breakout (technical analysis)
Dead cat bounce
Elliott wave principle
Candlestick chart
Kagi chart
Line chart
Open-high-low-close chart
Point and figure chart
Broadening top
Cup and handle
Double top and double bottom
Flag and pennant patterns
Gap (chart pattern)
Head and shoulders (chart pattern)
Island reversal
Price channels
Triangle (chart pattern)
Triple top and triple bottom
Wedge pattern
Candlestick pattern
Chart pattern
Hammer (candlestick pattern)
Hanging man (candlestick pattern)
Inverted hammer
Shooting star (candlestick pattern)
Spinning top (candlestick pattern)
Hikkake pattern
Morning star (candlestick pattern)
Three Black Crows
Three white soldiers
Support and resistance
Bottom (technical analysis)
Fibonacci retracement
Pivot point (technical analysis)
Top (technical analysis)
Average directional movement index
Commodity channel index
Detrended price oscillator
KST oscillator
Ichimoku Kinkō Hyō
Mass index
Moving average
Parabolic SAR
Smart money index
Trend line (technical analysis)
Trix (technical analysis)
Vortex indicator
Volume (finance)
Breadth of market
Technical indicator
Money flow index
Relative strength index
Stochastic oscillator
True strength index
Ultimate oscillator
Williams %R
Accumulation/distribution index
Ease of movement
Force index
Negative volume index
On-balance volume
Put/call ratio
Volume–price trend
Average true range
Bollinger Bands
Donchian channel
Keltner channel
Advance–decline line
TRIN (finance)
McClellan oscillator
Coppock curve
Ulcer index
Bull (stock market speculator)
Dot-com bubble
Bull-bear line
Don't fight the tape
Economic expansion
Market sentiment
Real estate trends
Herd mentality
Mr. Market
Differential calculus
Glossary of calculus
List of calculus topics
List of derivatives and integrals in alternative calculi
Differentiation rules
Lists of integrals
Power rule
Complex analysis
Differential geometry
Fourier series
Integral equation
Multivariable calculus
Non-classical analysis
Non-standard analysis
Non-standard calculus
Product integral
Binomial theorem
Concave function
Free variables and bound variables
Graph of a function
Linear function
Mean value theorem
Rolle's theorem
Secant line
Indeterminate form
Limit of a function
One-sided limit
Order of approximation
(ε, δ)-definition of limit
Differential (mathematics)
Differential operator
Implicit function
Inverse functions and differentiation
L'Hôpital's rule
General Leibniz rule
Notation for differentiation
Leibniz's notation
Product rule
Quotient rule
Regiomontanus' angle maximization problem
Related rates
Constant factor rule in differentiation
Linearity of differentiation
Sum rule in differentiation
Stationary point
Derivative test
Extreme value theorem
Taylor's theorem
Arc length
Constant of integration
Leibniz integral rule
Integral of secant cubed
Integral of the secant function
Integration by parts
Integration by substitution
Tangent half-angle substitution
Partial fraction decomposition
Quadratic integral
Proof that 22/7 exceeds π
Constant factor rule in integration
Linearity of integration
Sum rule in integration
Trapezoidal rule
Trigonometric substitution
Vector calculus
Curl (mathematics)
Directional derivative
Divergence theorem
Gradient theorem
Green's theorem
Laplace operator
Stokes' theorem
Disc integration
Exterior derivative
Gabriel's Horn
Geometric calculus
Hessian matrix
Jacobian matrix and determinant
Line integral
Matrix calculus
Multiple integral
Shell integration
Surface integral
Tensor calculus
Volume integral
Abel's test
Alternating series
Alternating series test
Arithmetico–geometric sequence
Binomial series
Cauchy condensation test
Direct comparison test
Dirichlet's test
Euler–Maclaurin formula
Geometric series
Series (mathematics)
Integral test for convergence
Limit comparison test
Power series
Ratio test
Root test
Term test
Bernoulli number
Stirling's approximation
Generality of algebra
Isaac Newton
Law of Continuity
Leonhard Euler
Method of Fluxions
The Method of Mechanical Theorems
List of integrals of exponential functions
List of integrals of hyperbolic functions
List of integrals of inverse hyperbolic functions
List of integrals of inverse trigonometric functions
List of integrals of irrational functions
List of integrals of rational functions
List of integrals of trigonometric functions
List of limits
List of mathematical symbols
Game theory
Element (mathematics)
Division (mathematics)
Number theory
Empty set
Naive set theory
Degrees of freedom
Coupling (physics)
Cellular Potts model
Interacting particle system
McKean–Vlasov process
Kinetic theory of gases
Boundary value problem
Cost overrun
Stationary distribution
Empirical measure
Markov chain
Particle filter
Mean field particle methods
Deterministic algorithm
Unit square
Inscribed figure
Diffusion Monte Carlo
Stochastic simulation
Primality test
Stochastic modelling (insurance)
Curse of dimensionality
Iterated integral
Pathological (mathematics)
Importance sampling
Stratified sampling
Monte Carlo integration
VEGAS algorithm
Quasi-Monte Carlo method
Low-discrepancy sequence
Metropolis–Hastings algorithm
Gibbs sampling
Wang and Landau algorithm
Stochastic optimization
Multidisciplinary design optimization
Inverse problem
Boundary (topology)
Degree of a polynomial
Delta (letter)
Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations
Euler method
Backward Euler method
Semi-implicit Euler method
Verlet integration
Trapezoidal rule (differential equations)
Beeman's algorithm
Midpoint method
Heun's method
Newmark-beta method
Leapfrog integration
Exponential integrator
Runge–Kutta methods
List of Runge–Kutta methods
Linear multistep method
General linear methods
Backward differentiation formula
Outline of probability
Mode (statistics)
Support (mathematics)
Mathematical finance
Financial market
Share price
Derivative (finance)
Valuation of options
Financial modeling
Fundamental theorem of asset pricing
Black–Scholes model
Computational finance
Financial engineering
Stochastic investment model
Quantitative analyst
Risk management
Investment management
Brownian model of financial markets
Martingale pricing
Supply and demand
Option (finance)
Exotic option
Convertible bond
Brownian motion
Normal distribution
Geometric Brownian motion
Stochastic process
Itô calculus
Partial differential equation
Dow theory
Market trend
Financial models with long-tailed distributions and volatility clustering
Financial crisis of 2007–2008
Asymptotic analysis
Copula (probability theory)
Differential equation
Expected value
Ergodic theory
Feynman–Kac formula
Fourier transform
Girsanov theorem
Itô's lemma
Martingale representation theorem
Mathematical model
Monte Carlo method
Numerical analysis
Real analysis
Heat equation
Numerical partial differential equations
Crank–Nicolson method
Finite difference
Probability distribution
Binomial distribution
Log-normal distribution
Quantile function
Radon–Nikodym theorem
Risk-neutral measure
Stochastic calculus
Wiener process
Lévy process
Stochastic differential equation
Stochastic volatility
Value at risk
Volatility (finance)
Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
Rational pricing
Forward price
Futures contract
Swap (finance)
Put–call parity
Intrinsic value (finance)
Option time value
Black model
Monte Carlo methods for option pricing
Implied volatility
Volatility smile
SABR volatility model
Markov switching multifractal
Greeks (finance)
Finite difference methods for option pricing
Vanna–Volga pricing
Trinomial tree
Lattice model (finance)
Foreign exchange option
Black's approximation
Optimal stopping
Interest rate derivative
Interest rate cap and floor
Bond option
Short-rate model
Rendleman–Bartter model
Vasicek model
Ho–Lee model
Hull–White model
Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model
Black–Karasinski model
Black–Derman–Toy model
Chen model
Forward rate
LIBOR market model
Heath–Jarrow–Morton framework
Portfolio (finance)
Jump diffusion
Frictionless market
Probability space
Filtration (mathematics)
Probability measure
Continuous function
Bounded variation
Lebesgue's decomposition theorem
Almost surely
Short (finance)
Risk premium
Insider trading
Martingale (probability theory)
Absolute continuity
Hedge (finance)
Lebesgue measure
Monte Carlo methods in finance
Agent-based computational economics
Liquidity at risk
Margin at risk
Profit at risk
Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in finance
Statistical finance
Wilkie investment model
Index fund
Interest rate
Forward contract
Collateralized debt obligation
Credit default swap
Over-the-counter (finance)
Exchange-traded derivative contract
Futures exchange
Foreign exchange derivative
Equity derivative
Interest rate swap
Leverage (finance)
Equity swap
Capital gains tax
Forward rate agreement
Exotic derivative
Hedge fund
Bank for International Settlements
Credit risk
Margin (finance)
Clearing house (finance)
Call option
Put option
Strike price
Binary option
Warrant (finance)
Currency swap
Total return swap
Commodity swap
Repurchase agreement
Turbo warrant
Basis swap
Credit default option
Gold as an investment
Currency future
Single-stock futures
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Asset-backed security
Credit event
Financial risk management
Special-purpose entity
Spot contract
Long (finance)
Forward exchange rate
Profit (accounting)
Position (finance)
Mortgage loan
Government-sponsored enterprise
Collateralized mortgage obligation
Financial instrument
Cash flow
Derivatives market
Risk aversion
Spot market
Market participant
Market price
Credit derivative
Shipping markets
Inflation derivative
Property derivative
Weather derivative
Credit spread (options)
Debit spread
Exercise (options)
Expiration (options)
Open interest
Pin risk (options)
Risk-free interest rate
Employee stock option
Fixed income
Option style
Options strategies
Options spread
Asian option
Barrier option
Basket option
Chooser option
Cliquet option
Commodore option
Compound option
Forward start option
Interest rate option
Lookback option
Mountain range (options)
Rainbow option
Collar (finance)
Covered call
Fence (finance)
Iron butterfly (options strategy)
Iron condor
Strangle (options)
Protective put
Risk reversal
Bear spread
Box spread (options)
Bull spread
Butterfly (options)
Calendar spread
Diagonal spread
Intermarket Spread
Ratio spread
Vertical spread
Binomial options pricing model
Margrabe's formula
Real options valuation
Amortising swap
Asset swap
Conditional variance swap
Constant maturity swap
Correlation swap
Dividend swap
Foreign exchange swap
Inflation swap
Overnight indexed swap
Variance swap
Volatility swap
Year-on-Year Inflation-Indexed Swap
Zero-Coupon Inflation-Indexed Swap
Zero coupon swap
Dividend future
Forward market
Interest rate future
Normal backwardation
Slippage (finance)
Stock market index future
Energy derivative
Constant proportion portfolio insurance
Contract for difference
Credit-linked note
Equity-linked note
Fund derivative
Mortgage-backed security
Power reverse dual-currency note
Consumer debt
Corporate bond
Government debt
Great Recession
Municipal bond
Tax policy
Financial economics
Economic model
Yield spread
Bootstrapping (finance)
Credit score
Bad debt
Corporate finance
Portfolio optimization
Financial risk modeling
Dynamic financial analysis
Pairs trade
Credit valuation adjustment
Numerical linear algebra
Dynamic programming
Mathematical optimization
Outline of finance
Historical simulation (finance)
Python (programming language)
List of numerical analysis software
Quantitative behavioral finance
Technical analysis
Common stock
Share capital
Capital surplus
Authorised capital
Issued shares
Shares outstanding
Treasury stock
Heston model
Variance gamma process
Arbitrage pricing theory
Partial derivative
Algorithmic trading
MetaTrader 4
Trend following
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Market microstructure
Market liquidity
London Stock Exchange
Market clearing
Program trading
Index arbitrage
S&P 500 Index
Black Monday (1987)
Market neutral
Statistical arbitrage
Convergence trade
Relative value (economics)
Delta neutral
Law of one price
Security (finance)
Mean reversion (finance)
Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process
Standard deviation
Scalping (trading)
Market maker
Two-sided market
Quod Financial
Dark pool
Interest rate parity
Foreign exchange market
Transaction cost
Risk arbitrage
Quote stuffing
Ultra-low latency direct market access
Colocation centre
Reverse engineering
Markov chain Monte Carlo
Black box
Order management system
Low latency (capital markets)
Complex event processing
Financial Information eXchange
2010 Flash Crash
Alternative trading system
Artificial intelligence
Best execution
Electronic trading platform
High-frequency trading
Mirror trading
Capital structure
Convertible arbitrage
Fixed income arbitrage
Fixed-income relative-value investing
Volatility arbitrage
Activist shareholder
Distressed securities
Special situation
Commodity trading advisor
Managed futures account
Global macro
Long/short equity
Multi-manager investment
Day trading
Prime brokerage
Proprietary trading
Commodity market
Stock market
Bond market
Money market
Structured finance
Assets under management
Capital asset pricing model
Alpha (finance)
Beta (finance)
Security characteristic line
Fundamental analysis
Taxation of private equity and hedge funds
Vulture fund
Family office
Financial endowment
High-net-worth individual
Institutional investor
Investment banking
Merchant bank
Pension fund
Sovereign wealth fund
Fund governance
Hedge Fund Standards Board
Primary market
Secondary market
Third market
Fourth market
Golden share
Preferred stock
Restricted stock
Tracking stock
Day trader
Floor broker
Floor trader
Financial regulation
Stock trader
Electronic communication network
List of stock exchanges
List of stock exchange opening times
Multilateral trading facility
Bid–ask spread
Book value
Capital market line
Dividend discount model
Dividend yield
Earnings per share
Earnings yield
Net asset value
Security market line
Buy and hold
Contrarian investing
Dollar cost averaging
Efficient-market hypothesis
Growth stock
Market timing
Modern portfolio theory
Momentum investing
Mosaic theory (investments)
Post-modern portfolio theory
Random walk hypothesis
Sector rotation
Style investing
Swing trading
Value investing
Block trade
Cross listing
Dual-listed company
DuPont analysis
Efficient frontier
Haircut (finance)
Initial public offering
Market anomaly
Market capitalization
Market depth
Market manipulation
Momentum (finance)
Open outcry
Public float
Public offering
Rally (stock market)
Returns-based style analysis
Reverse stock split
Share repurchase
Stock dilution
Stock market index
Stock split
Trade (financial instrument)
Uptick rule
Voting interest
Yield (finance)
Direct market access
Spoofing (finance)
Layering (finance)
Finite difference method
Ordinary least squares
Regression analysis
Spline interpolation
Yield curve
Bisection method
Newton's method
Secant method
Zero of a function
Maxima and minima
Internal rate of return
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Trading strategy
Credit analysis
Asset and liability management
Portfolio manager
Mutual fund
Financial statement analysis
Bond valuation
Government bond
High-yield debt
Registered share
Stock certificate
Stock exchange
Hybrid security
Exchange rate
Real estate
Financial market participants
Trader (finance)
Probability density function
Inflection point
Stephen Stigler
Quadratic function
Precision (statistics)
Multivariate normal distribution
Maximum entropy probability distribution
Elliptical distribution
Symmetric probability distribution
Share (finance)
Pareto distribution
Statistical inference
Heavy-tailed distribution
Robust statistics
Stable distribution
Independent and identically distributed random variables
Cauchy distribution
Lévy distribution
Logarithmically concave function
Differentiable function
Smoothness (probability theory)
Hermite polynomials
List of integrals of Gaussian functions
Moment (mathematics)
Double factorial
Confluent hypergeometric function
Imaginary unit
Frequency domain
Characteristic function (probability theory)
Moment-generating function
Cumulative distribution function
Error function
Special functions
Rotational symmetry
Interval estimation
Coverage probability
68–95–99.7 rule
Statistical hypothesis testing
Confidence interval
Tolerance interval
Sample mean and covariance
Heaviside step function
Generalized function
Dirac delta function
Limit (mathematics)
Central limit theorem
Test statistic
Score (statistics)
De Moivre–Laplace theorem
Chi-squared distribution
Student's t-distribution
Berry–Esseen theorem
Edgeworth series
Calculus of variations
Lagrange multiplier
Independence (probability theory)
Polarization identity
Linear combination
Infinite divisibility (probability)
Cramér's theorem
Uncorrelated random variables
Kullback–Leibler divergence
Hellinger distance
Fisher information
Exponential family
Conjugate prior
Constant curvature
Flat manifold
Folded normal distribution
Half-normal distribution
Chi distribution
Noncentral chi-squared distribution
Bessel function
Rayleigh distribution
Cochran's theorem
Basu's theorem
Split normal distribution
Truncated normal distribution
Euclidean space
Rectified Gaussian distribution
Complex normal distribution
Matrix normal distribution
Gaussian process
Brownian bridge
Gaussian q-distribution
Q-Gaussian distribution
Tsallis entropy
Tsallis distribution
Pearson distribution
Generalized normal distribution
Normality test
Q–Q plot
P–P plot
Shapiro–Wilk test
Normal probability plot
D'Agostino's K-squared test
Jarque–Bera test
Lilliefors test
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
Anderson–Darling test
Standard error
Completeness (statistics)
Sufficient statistic
Lehmann–Scheffé theorem
Minimum-variance unbiased estimator
Efficient estimator
Asymptotic theory (statistics)
Consistent estimator
Convergence of random variables
Asymptotic distribution
Bessel's correction
Bias of an estimator
Mean squared error
Joint probability distribution
Ancillary statistic
Type I and type II errors
Prior probability
Bayesian linear regression
Linear regression
Posterior probability
Completing the square
Weighted arithmetic mean
Multiplicative inverse
Harmonic mean
Symmetric matrix
Invertible matrix
Quadratic form
Scalar (mathematics)
Likelihood function
Bayesian inference
Inverse-gamma distribution
Scaled inverse chi-squared distribution
Normal-inverse-gamma distribution
Squared deviations from the mean
Principle of maximum entropy
Quantum harmonic oscillator
Diffusion equation
Poisson distribution
Thermal radiation
Bose–Einstein statistics
Compound interest
Stock market crash
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Propagation of uncertainty
Percentile rank
Normal curve equivalent
Standard score
Grading on a curve
Analysis of variance
Student's t-test
Cumulative frequency analysis
Errors and residuals
Random number generation
Uniform distribution (continuous)
Probability integral transform
Irwin–Hall distribution
Box–Muller transform
Exponential distribution
Marsaglia polar method
Ziggurat algorithm
Numerical integration
Taylor series
Asymptotic expansion
Gauss's continued fraction
Inverse function
Base (exponentiation)
Common logarithm
Natural logarithm
E (mathematical constant)
Binary logarithm
Logarithmic scale
Level (logarithmic quantity)
Units of measurement
Computational complexity theory
Prime number
Complex logarithm
Complex number
Discrete logarithm
Real number
List of logarithmic identities
Irrational number
Mathematical analysis
Numerical digit
Monotonic function
Intermediate value theorem
Exponential function
Chain rule
Logarithmic derivative
Logarithmic differentiation
List of integrals of logarithmic functions
Fundamental theorem of calculus
Harmonic series (mathematics)
Limit of a sequence
Euler–Mascheroni constant
Laplace transform
Algebraic number
Transcendental number
Transcendental function
Gelfond–Schneider theorem
Arithmetic–geometric mean
Arithmetic shift
Inverse hyperbolic function
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Arithmetic mean
Geometric mean
Probability theory
Law of large numbers
Law of the iterated logarithm
Random variable
Maximum likelihood estimation
Statistical model
Parametric model
Analysis of algorithms
Time complexity
Divide and conquer algorithm
Binary search algorithm
Logarithmic growth
Boltzmann constant
Prime-counting function
Prime number theorem
Proportionality (mathematics)
Riemann hypothesis
Erdős–Kac theorem
Trigonometric functions
Euler's formula
Matrix exponential
Group theory
Differential form
Quadratic variation
Local volatility
Stationary process
Breakout (technical analysis)
Dead cat bounce
Elliott wave principle
Candlestick chart
Kagi chart
Line chart
Open-high-low-close chart
Point and figure chart
Broadening top
Cup and handle
Double top and double bottom
Flag and pennant patterns
Gap (chart pattern)
Head and shoulders (chart pattern)
Island reversal
Price channels
Triangle (chart pattern)
Triple top and triple bottom
Wedge pattern
Candlestick pattern
Chart pattern
Hammer (candlestick pattern)
Hanging man (candlestick pattern)
Inverted hammer
Shooting star (candlestick pattern)
Spinning top (candlestick pattern)
Hikkake pattern
Morning star (candlestick pattern)
Three Black Crows
Three white soldiers
Support and resistance
Bottom (technical analysis)
Fibonacci retracement
Pivot point (technical analysis)
Top (technical analysis)
Average directional movement index
Commodity channel index
Detrended price oscillator
KST oscillator
Ichimoku Kinkō Hyō
Mass index
Moving average
Parabolic SAR
Smart money index
Trend line (technical analysis)
Trix (technical analysis)
Vortex indicator
Volume (finance)
Breadth of market
Technical indicator
Money flow index
Relative strength index
Stochastic oscillator
True strength index
Ultimate oscillator
Williams %R
Accumulation/distribution index
Ease of movement
Force index
Negative volume index
On-balance volume
Put/call ratio
Volume–price trend
Average true range
Bollinger Bands
Donchian channel
Keltner channel
Advance–decline line
TRIN (finance)
McClellan oscillator
Coppock curve
Ulcer index
Bull (stock market speculator)
Dot-com bubble
Bull-bear line
Don't fight the tape
Economic expansion
Market sentiment
Real estate trends
Herd mentality
Mr. Market
Differential calculus
Glossary of calculus
List of calculus topics
List of derivatives and integrals in alternative calculi
Differentiation rules
Lists of integrals
Power rule
Complex analysis
Differential geometry
Fourier series
Integral equation
Multivariable calculus
Non-classical analysis
Non-standard analysis
Non-standard calculus
Product integral
Binomial theorem
Concave function
Free variables and bound variables
Graph of a function
Linear function
Mean value theorem
Rolle's theorem
Secant line
Indeterminate form
Limit of a function
One-sided limit
Order of approximation
(ε, δ)-definition of limit
Differential (mathematics)
Differential operator
Implicit function
Inverse functions and differentiation
L'Hôpital's rule
General Leibniz rule
Notation for differentiation
Leibniz's notation
Product rule
Quotient rule
Regiomontanus' angle maximization problem
Related rates
Constant factor rule in differentiation
Linearity of differentiation
Sum rule in differentiation
Stationary point
Derivative test
Extreme value theorem
Taylor's theorem
Arc length
Constant of integration
Leibniz integral rule
Integral of secant cubed
Integral of the secant function
Integration by parts
Integration by substitution
Tangent half-angle substitution
Partial fraction decomposition
Quadratic integral
Proof that 22/7 exceeds π
Constant factor rule in integration
Linearity of integration
Sum rule in integration
Trapezoidal rule
Trigonometric substitution
Vector calculus
Curl (mathematics)
Directional derivative
Divergence theorem
Gradient theorem
Green's theorem
Laplace operator
Stokes' theorem
Disc integration
Exterior derivative
Gabriel's Horn
Geometric calculus
Hessian matrix
Jacobian matrix and determinant
Line integral
Matrix calculus
Multiple integral
Shell integration
Surface integral
Tensor calculus
Volume integral
Abel's test
Alternating series
Alternating series test
Arithmetico–geometric sequence
Binomial series
Cauchy condensation test
Direct comparison test
Dirichlet's test
Euler–Maclaurin formula
Geometric series
Series (mathematics)
Integral test for convergence
Limit comparison test
Power series
Ratio test
Root test
Term test
Bernoulli number
Stirling's approximation
Generality of algebra
Isaac Newton
Law of Continuity
Leonhard Euler
Method of Fluxions
The Method of Mechanical Theorems
List of integrals of exponential functions
List of integrals of hyperbolic functions
List of integrals of inverse hyperbolic functions
List of integrals of inverse trigonometric functions
List of integrals of irrational functions
List of integrals of rational functions
List of integrals of trigonometric functions
List of limits
List of mathematical symbols
Game theory
Element (mathematics)
Division (mathematics)
Number theory
Empty set
Naive set theory
Degrees of freedom
Coupling (physics)
Cellular Potts model
Interacting particle system
McKean–Vlasov process
Kinetic theory of gases
Boundary value problem
Cost overrun
Stationary distribution
Empirical measure
Markov chain
Particle filter
Mean field particle methods
Deterministic algorithm
Unit square
Inscribed figure
Diffusion Monte Carlo
Stochastic simulation
Primality test
Stochastic modelling (insurance)
Curse of dimensionality
Iterated integral
Pathological (mathematics)
Importance sampling
Stratified sampling
Monte Carlo integration
VEGAS algorithm
Quasi-Monte Carlo method
Low-discrepancy sequence
Metropolis–Hastings algorithm
Gibbs sampling
Wang and Landau algorithm
Stochastic optimization
Multidisciplinary design optimization
Inverse problem
Boundary (topology)
Degree of a polynomial
Delta (letter)
Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations
Euler method
Backward Euler method
Semi-implicit Euler method
Verlet integration
Trapezoidal rule (differential equations)
Beeman's algorithm
Midpoint method
Heun's method
Newmark-beta method
Leapfrog integration
Exponential integrator
Runge–Kutta methods
List of Runge–Kutta methods
Linear multistep method
General linear methods
Backward differentiation formula
Outline of probability
Mode (statistics)
Support (mathematics)
Constant elasticity of variance model
Rate of return
Realized variance
List of things named after Carl Friedrich Gauss
Random walk
Benoit Mandelbrot
Autoregressive–moving-average model
Fixed rate bond
Zero-coupon bond
Future value
Fair value
Cost of carry
Korea Exchange
Singapore Exchange
Dubai Mercantile Exchange
London Metal Exchange
Tokyo Stock Exchange
Tokyo Commodity Exchange
Australian Securities Exchange
NYSE Euronext
Intercontinental Exchange
Product (business)
Value (economics)
Root-finding algorithm
Volatility clustering