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This user comes from the Philippines.
CUTFThis user is a member of the Cleanup Taskforce. Their desk is located here.

My name is Susan Bryce and im an Editor here on Wikipedia where im involved in a number of projects. My areas of interest and expertise are Human rights, charities, welfare, and NGO`s. Im also involved in articles involving human trafficking.

The Philippine Barnstar
User:Susanbryce, I award you this Philippine Barnstar for your efforts on Philippine social issues. --Lenticel (talk) 23:17, 12 February 2008 (UTC)

The Barnstar of National Merit
I award Susan Bryce this award for her excellant work on adding and improving articles on the Philippines Vanilaskyyy (talk) 00:15, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
this WikiAward was given to Susanbryce by Vanilaskyyy (talk) on 00:15, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

This editor is a Novice Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge.
This editor is an Apprentice Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge.
This editor is a Journeyman Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge.

Current Projects I Have Started


Im slowly adding all the Philippine charities to Wikipedia. A lack of sources on a lot of charities is making it a bit difficult. Here are some of the articles I have added on Wikipedia and I still need to improve on....

Violence against women in the philippines

Charities in the Philippines

Childhope Asia Philippines

Tuloy Foundation

Childrens Shelter of Cebu

Philippine Childrens Fund of America

ReachOut Foundation International

Maharlika Charity Foundation

PREDA Foundation

Ing Makababaying Aksyon

Street Children in The Philippines

Children in jail in Philippines

Rape In The Philippines

Hope In Heaven

Third World Movement Against the Exploitation of Women

Chab Dai


Visayan Forum

Davao death squads




Bantay Bata

Stop the Traffik

Human trafficking

Human trafficking in the Philippines


Marlene Garcia-Esperat

Commercial sexual exploitation of children

Human Trafficking in Cambodia

List of red-light districts

Prostitution of children

Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003

Maggie dela Riva

Child sexual abuse

International Justice Mission

Child Watch Phuket

Violence against women

Favorite Quotes


"I shall be honored to go to jail. Under a dictatorship, the detention cell is a place of honor,"....Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago (Philippines) May 2001.

"How come if it's the rich who protest....it's called democracy? But if it's the poor who go there, it's rebellion?" Joseph Estrada, (Philippines).

"Traffickers prey on the most vulnerable members of our human family, violating their most basic rights, subjecting them to degradation and misery," stated former Secretary of State Colin Powell in presenting the report he said displayed "the resolve of the entire US Government to stop this appalling assault on the dignity of men, women and children."

“Because it's the worst kind of human exploitation imaginable. Can you imagine young children, learning their ABCs or whatever the equivalent is in their language, being used as sexual slaves for predators? It is a sin against humanity, and it is a horrendous crime.”....former Secretary of State Colin Powell.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4038249/

"If you try to stop these human traffickers from selling children....they will kill you" Ning Ning Panaligan (social worker, fields ave, Angeles, Philippines).

"The trafficking in persons is one of the most deplorable ills of human society and that, in the continuing trade in human beings, the hardest-hit victims happen to women and girls - who are the most fragile and vulnerable prey of human traffickers."....Philippine Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Lauro Baja Jr.

"The nature and all its circumstances of this trade are now laid open to us; we can no longer plead ignorance, we cannot evade it...we cannot turn aside."....William Wilberforce's speech to the House of Commons 12th May 1789, in reference to the slave trade.

"I will do my best so that we will be able to provide jobs for our women...so they will not have to resort to this."....President Corazon Aquino in support (Stop Trafficking in Filipinas) efforts.

One of the biggest impediments to anti-trafficking efforts is a lack of understanding of the issue. Trafficking is often entangled with people smuggling, immigration and asylum, prostitution and other forms of organized crime....United Nations.

"There is greatness in You, Take action in a just cause and unleash it, The time is now, the place is here."



This is where I develop my articles before I add them to Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Susanbryce/notepad

Definition of Human Trafficking from the United Nations


Article 3, paragraph (a) of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons defines Trafficking in Persons as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs Elements Of Human Trafficking On the basis of the definition given in the Trafficking in Persons Protocol, it is evident that trafficking in persons has three constituent elements; The Act (What is done) Recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons The Means (How it is done) Threat or use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or vulnerability, or giving payments or benefits to a person in control of the victim The Purpose (Why it is done) For the purpose of exploitation, which includes exploiting the prostitution of others, sexual exploitation, forced labour, slavery or similar practices and the removal of organs. http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/what-is-human-trafficking.html

Wikipedia Policy Discussion


One of the most disappointing things I have discovered here on wikipedia, is that there is no policy in place to deal with psychopathic stalkers. Even more disturbing that I found there is no help or support for the victims. as such, Im interested in developing Wikipedia policy in this area so that a firm policy, set of rules, and guidlines are in place for dealing with psychopathic stalkers on wikipedia. I would be interested in hearing from others who have also been victims of psychopathic stalkers here on wikipedia so that we may start a project group on policy development.

Please Join In: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Susanbryce/policy-workshop

About Me





A collection of resources for the study of Human Trafficking. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Susanbryce/resources




Email Me


E-mail Susan Bryce

PSAL XXIII A Psalme of Dauid


The Lord is my shepherd, I shal not want. He maketh me to rest in grene pasture, and leadeth me by the stil waters.

He restoreth my soule, and leadeth me in the paths of righteousnes for his Names sake. Yea, though I should walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me: thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.

Thou doest prepare a table before me in the sight of mine aduersaries : thou doest anoint mine head with oyle, and my cup runneth ouer.

Douteles kindenes, and mercie shal follow me all the dayes of my life, and I shal remaine a long season in the house of the Lord.

– Geneva Bible, 1560 edition.

Kindness CampaignThis user is a member of the Kindness Campaign.



These award are not for me, they were made by my request and created by Rbpolsen to be given to other Editors who make significant contributions to articles on Charity and Human Rights.

The Charity Barnstar Category: Charity

The Charity Barnstar may be awarded to an editor who contributes significantly to expand or improve an article related to charity.

This award was suggested by Susanbryce introduced by Rbpolsen on February 16, 2008. Special thanks to Rbpolsen for making this award.

Human Rights Barnstar

The Human Rights Barnstar may be awarded to an editor who contributes significantly to expand or improve an article related to Human Rights.

This award was suggested by Susanbryce introduced by Rbpolsen on February 23, 2008. Special thanks to Rbpolsen for making this award.