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The Fake World of Fake DVD Releases


Stand by for a kangaroo crossing


This section is nothing major; it's just a section that showcases this lovely image of the great red kangaroo.

Have you ever heard of Saul Hoffnitz?



Then why don't you find all there is to know about him here?

And before you go...


Here's some sections archived from my older sandbox.

Bear's Dilemma in "Eat, Drink Juice, and Be Merry"

  • Bear: So, let's get those foods together for our picnic. In fact, I saved some in the refrigerator, and I'm gonna get them right now.
  • [Bear starts walking to the fridge, when he notices Tutter.]
  • Tutter: Bear? Bear! Hi, Bear! What are you doing?
  • Bear: Oh! Hello, Tutter! I was just about to open the refrigerator.
  • Tutter: [gasp] DON'T!!! Don't-Don't you think... That- Don't you think that you should wait on that? I mean, what's the hurry? Haha! Look outside, it's a beautiful day! What's the hurry, Bear! [laughs]
  • Bear: Well, Tutter, I can't wait for this picnic. In the refrigerator, I have a corn fritter that I'm gonna put in the picnic basket.
  • Tutter: A corn fritter...
  • Bear: Mm-hmm!
  • Tutter: Oh, my.
  • Bear: And a bowl of cooked and buttered string beans... [slurps]
  • Tutter: Cooked and buttered string beans. Hehe. Oh my, oh my.
  • Bear: And a nice wedge of triple-berry pie! Let me at 'em!
  • [Bear is about to open the fridge, but Tutter tries to stop him]
  • Tutter: DON'T!
  • Bear: Tutter...
  • Tutter: Uh... Don't... uh, you... you think we need more time to chat, Bear? Ha! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ah, I really don't think we talk enough, not enough! [laughs]
  • Bear: Well, okay, Tutter, what do we need to talk about?
  • Tutter: What do we need to talk about. Um... What do we... Oh, oh! Oh. About how we need to talk more, Bear!
  • Bear: Well, sure, Tutter. Let's talk while I pack the picnic basket.
  • Tutter: Yeah.
  • [Tutter soon catches on, and starts freaking out over what Bear's about to find out.]
  • Bear: Let me get to that fritter. My... [Bear notices something is amiss] My corn fritter.
  • Tutter: [singing inconspicuously] Dum-de-dum-de-dum...
  • Bear: My corn fritter! It's... It's... It's missing!
  • [Bear keeps searching the fridge for his missing fritter.]
  • Tutter: Um, Bear?
  • Bear: Yes, Tutter.
  • Tutter: You see, Bear... Th- That's what I wanted to talk to you about. That, um... wonderful fritter with the perfect amount of honey on it?
  • Bear: Yes?
  • Tutter: Well, um... I ate it. [Bear visibly reacts] I ate it all up!!
  • [Bear peeks out from the fridge. He is shocked and slightly angry. He turns to the very guilty mouse.]
  • Bear: Tutter?
  • Tutter: Mmm?
  • Bear: You ate my fritter?
  • Tutter: Um, yes, yes.
  • Bear: Well, um... That's all right. I still have my bowl of cooked and buttered string beans. [he looks into the fridge]
  • Tutter: Um...
  • Bear: Which... isn't... here...
  • [Bear peeks out from the fridge, completely annoyed.]
  • Bear: ...either.
  • [Tutter laughs nervously as Bear glares at him.]
  • Bear: Tutter...?
  • Tutter: Well, that's the other thing I wanted to talk to you about, Bear. Those string beans. The cooked and buttered string beans with just the right amount of butter on them.
  • Bear: You mean... My string beans?
  • Tutter: I ate 'em! I ate 'em all up, too!
  • Bear: [gasps] My pie! You didn't eat all of my pie, did you?
  • Tutter: You don't think I'd eat all your pie.
  • Bear: AAH! [takes out his pie, which has bites taken out of it] There are BITES taken out of it!!
  • Tutter: ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT, I couldn't resist! I couldn't resist, Bear, I ate that, too!!
  • Bear: Well, uh... Well, uh... [puts his pie back in the fridge] Tutter, that's okay. It's-It's-It's, it's alright.

Molly Winks' Alphabet (partially complete)


From the very first episode of the show, Pie Filling.












R (second use)

T (second use)


A Short List of Some Animals in Mainland Malaysia


When the Crab's Thermostat Gets Touched...
