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User:Waterbug89/Books/num analy techniques

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numerical analysis topics and scholars

Numerical analysis
List of numerical analysis topics
Abramowitz and Stegun
Adaptive stepsize
Adjoint state method
Affine arithmetic
Aitken's delta-squared process
Algebraic eigenvalue problem
The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem
All-serial CORDIC
Applied element method
Approximation error
Approximation theory
Artificial precision
Basis function
Bernstein polynomial
Bernstein's constant
Bi-directional delay line
Blossom (functional)
Boundary knot method
Boundary particle method
Branching CORDIC
Butcher group
Chebyshev nodes
Clenshaw algorithm
Closest point method
Compensated CORDIC
Complementarity theory
Computational statistics
Condition number
Continuous wavelet
Coopmans approximation
Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer
Curse of dimensionality
Curve fitting
De Boor's algorithm
De Casteljau's algorithm
Difference quotient
Differential algebraic equation
Differential CORDIC
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Discrete Fourier transform
Discrete wavelet transform
Discretization error
Dynamic relaxation
Equioscillation theorem
Error analysis (mathematics)
Estrin's scheme
Explicit algebraic stress model
Factor combining
False precision
Fast multipole method
FEE method
Finite Legendre transform
Finite volume method
Gal's accurate tables
Galerkin method
Generalized Gauss–Newton method
Gradient discretisation method
Guard digit
Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables
Hermes Project
Horner's method
Hundred-dollar, Hundred-digit Challenge problems
Identifiability analysis
International Workshops on Lattice QCD and Numerical Analysis
Interval arithmetic
Interval contractor
Interval propagation
Isotonic regression
Iterative method
Jenkins–Traub algorithm
Kahan summation algorithm
Karlsruhe Accurate Arithmetic
Kempner series
Kulisch arithmetic
Lady Windermere's Fan (mathematics)
Lanczos approximation
Level set (data structures)
Level set method
Levinson recursion
Linear algebra
Linear approximation
List of finite element software packages
Local convergence
Loss of significance
Low-discrepancy sequence
Material point method
Matrix analysis
Mesh generation
Meshfree methods
Method of fundamental solutions
Minimax approximation algorithm
Minimum polynomial extrapolation
Model order reduction
Modulus of smoothness
Monte Carlo method
Movable cellular automaton
Multi-time-step integration
Multigrid method
Multilevel fast multipole method
ND4J (software)
Nearest neighbor search
Newton fractal
Newton–Krylov method
NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions
Non-linear least squares
Nonstandard finite difference scheme
Numeric precision in Microsoft Excel
Numerical continuation
Numerical differentiation
Numerical error
Numerical integration
Numerical method
Numerical methods in fluid mechanics
Numerical model of the Solar System
Numerical smoothing and differentiation
Numerical stability
Nyström method
List of operator splitting topics
Order of accuracy
Order of approximation
Overlap–add method
Overlap–save method
Padé approximant
Padé table
Pairwise summation
Partial differential algebraic equation
Piecewise linear continuation
Pipelined CORDIC
Pocketbook of Mathematical Functions
Predictor–corrector method
Propagation of uncertainty
Pseudo-spectral method
Bellman pseudospectral method
Chebyshev pseudospectral method
Flat pseudospectral method
Legendre pseudospectral method
Pseudospectral knotting method
Ross–Fahroo lemma
Ross–Fahroo pseudospectral method
Ross' π lemma
Radial basis function
Rate of convergence
Redundant CORDIC
Regularized meshless method
Relative change and difference
Remez algorithm
Residual (numerical analysis)
Residual power series method
Richardson extrapolation
Riemann solver
Round-off error
Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes
Runge–Kutta methods
Scale co-occurrence matrix
Scarborough criterion
Semi-infinite programming
Series acceleration
Shanks transformation
Sigma approximation
Significance arithmetic
Significant figures
Simpson's rule
Sinc numerical methods
Singular boundary method
Sparse grid
Spectral method
Stiffness matrix
Successive parabolic interpolation
Surrogate model
Symbolic-numeric computation
Timeline of numerical analysis after 1945
Trajectory (fluid mechanics)
Transfer matrix
Trigonometric tables
Truncated power function
Truncation error
List of uncertainty propagation software
Unified CORDIC
Unisolvent functions
Uzawa iteration
Van Wijngaarden transformation
Vector field reconstruction
Volder's algorithm
Von Neumann stability analysis
Weakened weak form
Well-posed problem
Whitney inequality
Wilkinson's polynomial
appx theorists
Naum Akhiezer
Norair Arakelian
Sergei Natanovich Bernstein
Lipót Fejér
Ervin Feldheim
Leonid Kantorovich
Pavel Korovkin
Arno Kuijlaars
Isidor Natanson
Konstantin Posse
Evgeny Yakovlevich Remez
Alice Roth
Harold S. Shapiro
Vilmos Totik
Joseph L. Ullman
Richard S. Varga
Kōsaku Yosida
Yegor Ivanovich Zolotarev
scholars of finite element method
John Argyris
Ivo Babuška
Klaus-Jürgen Bathe
Franco Brezzi
Philippe G. Ciarlet
Ray William Clough
Richard Courant
Michael Anthony Crisfield
Carlos A. Felippa
George Fix
Boris Galerkin
Max Gunzburger
Alexander Hrennikoff
Thomas J.R. Hughes
Bruce Irons (engineer)
Andrei Knyazev (mathematician)
Andrew Ronald Mitchell
Andreas Oechsner
J. Tinsley Oden
Eugenio Oñate Ibañez de Navarra
John E. Osborn (mathematician)
J. N. Reddy
Peter P. Silvester
Gilbert Strang
Endre Süli
Edward L. Wilson
Olgierd Zienkiewicz
scholars numerical analysis
Milton Abramowitz
Bradley Alpert
Douglas N. Arnold
Esmail Babolian
Nikolai Sergeevich Bakhvalov
John B. Bell
Christopher Budd (mathematician)
Annalisa Buffa
John C. Butcher
Pafnuty Chebyshev
Alexandre Chorin
Gianfranco Cimmino
Phillip Colella
Germund Dahlquist
George Dantzig
Philip J. Davis
Carl R. de Boor
James Demmel
Qiang Du
Iain S. Duff
Ioana Dumitriu
Evgenii Georgievich D'yakonov
Björn Engquist
Alessandro Faedo
Fariba Fahroo
Brian Ford (numerical analyst)
Leslie Fox
Phyllis Fox
John G. F. Francis
Marguerite Frank
Paul Garabedian
Sergei K. Godunov
Gene H. Golub
Nikolay Govorun
William B. Gragg
Richard Hamming
Ami Harten
Douglas Hartree
Michael Heath (computer scientist)
Peter Henrici (mathematician)
Karl Hessenberg
Desmond Higham
Nicholas Higham
Alston Scott Householder
Jack Howlett
Fritz John
William Kahan
Narendra Karmarkar
Ervand Kogbetliantz
Alexander Kronrod
Martin Wilhelm Kutta
Cornelius Lanczos
Peter Lax
Vyacheslav Ivanovich Lebedev
Bram van Leer
Claude Lemaréchal
David Luenberger
Alexandru Ioan Lupaș
Nimrod Megiddo
Roderick Melnik
Cleve Moler
Hans Bruun Nielsen
Steven Orszag
Stanley Osher
Alexander Ostrowski
I. Michael Ross
Carl David Tolmé Runge
Robert D. Russell
Yousef Saad
Ahmed Sameh
Jesús María Sanz-Serna
Daniel Shanks
Naum Z. Shor
Stephen Smale
Maria Adelaide Sneider
Irene Stegun
Josef Stoer
Eitan Tadmor
Françoise Tisseur
John Todd (computer scientist)
Lloyd N. Trefethen
Charles F. Van Loan
Henk van der Vorst
Burton Wendroff
Philip Wolfe (mathematician)
John Wrench
Yinyu Ye
David M. Young, Jr.
Max August Zorn