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User:Waterbug89/Books/various algorithms vol one

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various algorithms vol one


etc, appxiating, randomized, root finding algs

List of algorithm general topics
List of algorithms
Adaptive algorithm
The Algorithm Auction
Algorithm characterizations
Algorithm design
Algorithm engineering
Algorithmic logic
Algorithmic paradigm
Automate This
AVT Statistical filtering algorithm
Bisection (software engineering)
Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm
British Museum algorithm
Cascade Learning Based on Adaboost
Certifying algorithm
Chandy-Misra-Haas algorithm resource model
Chinese Whispers (clustering method)
Collaborative diffusion
Communication-avoiding algorithms
Decrease and conquer
Devex algorithm
Distributed tree search
Divide and conquer algorithm
Domain reduction algorithm
Driver scheduling problem
Emergent algorithm
Flajolet–Martin algorithm
Generalized distributive law
Gutmann method
HCS clustering algorithm
Hindley–Milner type system
Holographic algorithm
Hybrid algorithm
Hyphenation algorithm
In-place algorithm
Incremental learning
Invasion percolation
Jumble algorithm
Jump-and-Walk algorithm
KHOPCA clustering algorithm
Kinodynamic planning
Kleene's algorithm
Label Propagation Algorithm
Lancichinetti–Fortunato–Radicchi benchmark
Lossy Count Algorithm
Manhattan address algorithm
Maze generation algorithm
Maze solving algorithm
Medical algorithm
Multiplicative Weight Update Method
Non-malleable codes
One-pass algorithm
Online optimization
Out-of-core algorithm
Ping-pong scheme
Pointer jumping
Predictor–corrector method
Randomization function
Randomized rounding
Reduction (complexity)
Rendezvous hashing
Reservoir sampling
Run to completion scheduling
Run-time algorithm specialisation
Sardinas–Patterson algorithm
Sequential algorithm
Serial algorithm
Shapiro - Senapathy Algorithm
Shuffling algorithm
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Simulation algorithms for atomic DEVS
Simulation algorithms for coupled DEVS
Smoothed finite element method
Spreading activation
Streaming algorithm
Super-recursive algorithm
Timeline of algorithms
Tomasulo algorithm
Wiener connector
XOR swap algorithm
Xulvi-Brunet - Sokolov algorithm
Zassenhaus algorithm
appximating algs
Approximation algorithm
Submodular set function
(1+ε)-approximate nearest neighbor search
Alpha max plus beta min algorithm
Approximation-preserving reduction
Baker's technique
Christofides algorithm
Domination analysis
Farthest-first traversal
Gap reduction
Hardness of approximation
K-approximation of k-hitting set
Karloff–Zwick algorithm
Max/min CSP/Ones classification theorems
Method of conditional probabilities
Metric k-center
Minimum k-cut
Nearest neighbor search
Nearest neighbour algorithm
Polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the volume of convex bodies
Polynomial-time approximation scheme
Property testing
PTAS reduction
Token reconfiguration
Unique games conjecture
random algs
Randomized algorithm
Algorithmic information theory
Approximate counting algorithm
Arthur–Merlin protocol
Atlantic City algorithm
Average performance
Average-case complexity
Averaging argument
Biology Monte Carlo method
Entropy compression
Expected linear time MST algorithm
Fisher–Yates shuffle
Freivalds' algorithm
Las Vegas algorithm
Linear partial information
List update problem
Mean field particle methods
Monte Carlo algorithm
Monte Carlo method
Morris method
PCP theorem
Principle of deferred decision
Probabilistic analysis of algorithms
Probabilistic complexity theory
Probabilistic Turing machine
Probabilistically checkable proof
Random permutation
Random self-reducibility
Randomized algorithms as zero-sum games
Set balancing
Sipser–Lautemann theorem
Solovay–Strassen primality test
With high probability
Yao's principle
root findin algs
Root-finding algorithm
Aberth method
Bailey's method (root finding)
Bairstow's method
Bisection method
Brent's method
Broyden's method
Durand–Kerner method
False position method
Fast inverse square root
Fixed-point iteration
Graeffe's method
Geometry of roots of real polynomials
Halley's method
Householder's method
Illinois algorithm
Integer square root
Inverse quadratic interpolation
Jenkins–Traub algorithm
Laguerre's method
Lehmer–Schur algorithm
Methods of computing square roots
Muller's method
Newton's method
Nth root algorithm
Rational root theorem
Ridders' method
Ruffini's rule
Secant method
Shifting nth root algorithm
Sidi's generalized secant method
Solving quadratic equations with continued fractions
Splitting circle method
Steffensen's method