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Typhoo teabags are popular for use in the sport because of their durabiltity. [1]



Extreme Teabagging is a sport which involves the throwing of teabags into a normal mug from various distances and positions. It is a very diverse sport and many different shots can be accomplished using a variety of different positioning and teabag combinations. It takes a large amount of hand-eye co-ordination, especially for more tricky shots, in order to get the teabag in the cup. As such it can be challenging for beginners but success is very satisfying.



The sport of Extreme Teabagging was originally pioneered by a group under the psydoneum "DixonBaneBridge". Original interest outside of this group was sparked when they filmed their partaking in the sport and uploaded the video to YouTube. The video gained several thousand views and a small following of fans. A second video, by the same group, was released 6 months later and generated even further interest as far as getting others to start teabagging themselves. [2]

Getting started


To be able to participate in Extreme Teabagging there are some basic requirements:

  • A cup or cups
  • A teabag or teabags (It is recommended to have multiple teabags on hand to replace broken or lost ones)
  • Good hand-eye co-ordination

Most beginners begin with simple shots from only a few feet away in order to get a feel for how the teabag flies through the air and to learn how to judge the distance between them and the cup. From there most move on to more complex shots involving the teabag rebounding off a surface before landing in the cup. The most complicated shots are the most impressive but also the hardest to perform and setup as they usually involve several stages.



Discussion of an official Extreme Teabagging event to unite the fanbase and generate a new wave of Extreme Teabagging pros has already begun although no details have been finalised.


  1. ^ Original Extreme Teabagging video.
  2. ^ Second Extreme Teabagging video.

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