Fatima Waziri-Azi

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Fatima Waziri-Azi is a Nigerian lawyer and the Director General of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) of Nigeria.


  • NAPTIP shall remain resolute in its mission to combat human trafficking and bring offenders to justice. The agency shall continue to work tirelessly to ensure a safer and better society.
  • If a sponsor facilitates your travel, you will be forced to do any job to pay off your sponsor before earning money for yourself.
  • Let us all see the issue of human trafficking as our problem. As at today, every state in Nigeria is affected, though trend, patten and the propotionality may differ but everyone is affected. As a Nigerian, if you see something, say something by reporting, educate yourself on issue of human trafficking, and know what the red signs are.
  • What this means is people are speaking up now. What use to be a norm in the past? What we think is a thing of culture; people don’t take it anymore. We see children falling out on their own parents. The scariest part of it all is that, initially we see these perpetrators trying to justify their actions. To them, it is part of parenthood that needs to imbibe certain ways of upbringing. So apart from humans having a tendency to just be evil, the reality is that parents need to be highly educated on parenting especially single mothers/ single parenting needs programmes; sustainable programmes
  • Education is not just a tool for preventing trafficking; it is a shield that empowers individuals to recognize the signs and protect themselves and others
  • with this film, many Nigerians particularly young ones who are desirous of going abroad for greener pastures by whatever means will learn a lesson of two. We hope to reach millions of people everyday with the message to that they should be vigilant.We are hoping when schools resume, we will have the opportunity to show this movie to them. Just like what was shared during the panel discussion, you find people trafficked out for cultural purposes, sporting activities underlining the reasons why they are taken out of the country, including for the purpose of organ removal. The trafficking in persons Prohibition and enforcement Act, Section 20 clearly criminalises any form of trafficking
  • There is a strong nexus between trafficking and sports and we know that young people are involved in sporting activities, this was why we thought it was important to dwell on sports to create this awareness. We are collaborating with other partners, agencies to carry out this sports sensitisation, not just to sensitise the young people but also sensitise their parents for them to be able to recognise the red flag.
  • The fact remains, while technology has come as a great relief and a major boost in the way of life of people, the same has left much to be concerned about because human traffickers have also caught on to this digital transformation. There is a shift from physical recruitment to virtual recruitment through virtual assessment of victims and proxy negotiations.
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