Ilias Ali (surgeon)

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Ilias Ali (born 1955) is a surgeon from Assam, India. In 2019, Ali was conferred the Padma Shri civilian honour by the President of India, Ram Nath Kovind, for his contribution towards raising awareness about family planning and birth control measures in the backward areas of Assam.


  • Poverty, illiteracy, religious fanaticism and lack of family planning, etc. are mainly responsible for the growth of EBOM population. Lack of education, child marriage, polygamy, poverty, etc. are making the population issue more complex … the illiterate char-chapori people believe that more children can eradicate their poverty and hence more children is the answer to their poverty. Added to it, religious fanaticism and superstitions are galore—they believe that children are the greatest gifts of Allah and He will also provide food and shelter to them. Human beings have nothing to do—they are just means. Hence they consider birth control exercises as anti-Islamic practices.
    • Ali, Illias. Jonobisfuronor Pom Khedi (in Assam). Guwahati: Maleka Foundation, 2015. 85-90 quoted in Nani Gopal Mahanta - Citizenship Debate over NRC and CAA_ Assam and the Politics of History (2021, SAGE Publications India) p 272
  • Dr Ali further said, [C]hild marriage or marriage of the non-adults remain a dangerous practice in char-chapori areas. For the immigrant Muslims, girls are forced to get married at the age of 12–14, as if this becomes their main agenda of social reforms. Girls are forced to get married at an early stage and they become mother of two-three children at a very tender age. As a result their health never recovers. Majority of them suffer from malnutrition and anaemia. Their life cycle is also very less. Majority of the women are exploited, subju- gated and neglected … in addition domestic violence, abuses are day-to-day phenomenon of the Muslim immigrant women. Currently, they are also becoming the main source of income for the family. Women daily-wage earners have been disproportionately increasing. In cities like Guwahati and other metros, the immigrant women-labourers with kids at their lap come regularly along with male counterparts to work as daily-wage earners.
    • Ali, Illias. Jonobisfuronor Pom Khedi (in Assam). Guwahati: Maleka Foundation, 2015.Ali, Jonobisfuronor Pom Khedi, 85-90 quoted in Nani Gopal Mahanta - Citizenship Debate over NRC and CAA_ Assam and the Politics of History (2021, SAGE Publications India) 272
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