Socialist Standard

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The Socialist Standard is a British socialist magazine published by the Socialist Party of Great Britain since 1904.


  • No matter which group of the Masters win the struggle, the Workers remain enslaved. The division of interest is not between the people of the world, but between the Classes—The Master Class and the Working Class. Not, therefore, in their fellow workers abroad, but in the Master Class at home and abroad, are the working-class enemies found. “What interest have the Workers, then, in either starting or carrying on war for their masters? Absolutely none.
  • Be careful how you handle the Socialist Standard. It is powerful stuff and is fatal to working-class political ignorance.

Über uns

  • I now propose to quote the most outstanding authority in the Socialist world in the British Empire, "The Socialist Standard", which is the official organ of the Socialist Party of Great Britain.
    • Sir William Bodkin addressing the New Zealand Parliament, Parliamentary Debates. New Zealand. September 9 to October 29, 1937. 
  • The SPGB has become the best-known impossibilist group, and its journal, the Socialist Standard, is the most accessible written expression of impossibilism.
  • Mr Sanders appears to have subscribed for a time to Socialist Republic [sic], a cheaply produced magazine linked with the hard left Socialist Party of Great Britain.
  • It was fortunate in having a rich patron, and it brought out a well-produced paper, the Socialist Standard.
  • The Socialist Standard generally is a pathetic imitation of the old Socialist Standard. Most of its articles are irrelevant to the real task of the Socialist party which is to get the working class to understand Socialism as a matter of urgency. The Socialist Standard consists of rambling articles on every other subject except Socialism. It soft peddles on stressing the need for the working class to capture control of the political machinery. In addition it contains misleading information and makes absurd claims which cannot be substantiated. In no way could the Socialist Standard be regarded as a fitting instrument for expressing Socialist ideas.
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