Portal:Bath Georgian newspaper

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Georgian newspaper articles

The Georgian newspaper reports of the canals planning and funding process


27 Sep 1792 Industry: coal prices - increase of 1d/bushel for coal from Camerton, Radstock, Timsbury & Clutton pits, will be sorely felt by Bath inhabitants. Exceeds cost of wage increase & will encourage sale of cheaper Shropshire coal brought by water.

10 Jan 1793 Travel: ## Coal Canal - meeting held Monday se'night at Old Down (Mr Billingsley, chairman) to consider the propriety of making a navigable canal from several collieries to Bath. Committee formed to wait on approval of landowners.

31 Jan 1793 Travel: Coal Canal - meeting of proprietors of northern & southern collieries & landowners through which 1 or more navigable canals will be made to link Radstock & Kilmersdon & neighbourhood to Avon nr Limpley Stoke & to Bath. At Old Down Inn on 4 Feb. Subscribers Richard Paget, Jacob Mogg, John Paget, Wm. Kelson, George Mogg.

7 Feb 1793 Travel: coal canal - colliery proprietors, landowners etc met Old Down Inn, 4 Feb, H H Coxe in chair. Canal from northern collieries to Avon & Bath & neighbourhood useful & beneficial. To appoint cmmttee with powers to employ 1 or more engineers, to survey, plan & make estimates inc branch to Radstock.

21 Feb 1793 Travel: coal canal - meeting of colliers of Dunkerton, Camerton ,Timsbury, Paulton & Radstock & landowners interested in creating a canal from northern collieries to Bath held 4 Feb. Next meeting Mon 8 May at Old Down Inn. H H Coxe in chair.

28 Feb 1793 Agriculture: ## Mr Powys's intended motion to prohibit the cutting of canals at harvest time considered judicious owing to great scarcity of men last year to work on land, which increased wages 50%, & caused, with the bad weather, hundreds of acres of spoilt crops.

28 Mar 1793 Industry: House of Commons 25 Mar, Mr Sheridan presented a petition from Mr Clifton (inventor of a patented engine for cutting & clearing canals so 10 men do work of 100) seeking exemption so labourers can work during harvest [time].

18 Apr 1793 Industry: Coal canal - coal proprietors met at Old Down on Mon night to consider a canal from collieries to Bath. Resolved a survey to be done to ascertain the expense of making a tunnel thorugh Clan Down from Timsbury to Radstock.

12 Sep 1793 Travel: Coal Canal - Mr Rennie's (the engineer) report at committee meeting at Radstock on Tuesday last is approved.

19 Sep 1793 Travel: 20 canal advertisements in last night’s [London] Gazette, inc the canal from Timsbury coal pits to Bath

26 Sep 1793 Travel: canal from collieries nr Timsbury, Radstock to Bath etc - Committee met at Old Down Inn last 8 April. Meeting of landowners & proprietors of collieries at Old Down Inn on 30 Sep to consider plans & estimates [of lines through vales of Dunkerton & Writhlington]. Richard Bowsher & Edmund Broderip, solicitors, Bath 20 Sep.

17 Oct 1793 Travel: coal canal - report of meeting of colliery proprietors at Old Down Inn on 14oct - plans & estimates of canal to Bath to join K&A canal approved. Subs, 300 shares of £100 each to be divided amongst landowners affected by canal [long list of parishes affected]

24 Oct 1793 Travel: coal canal - at meeting of colliery owners on 14 Oct, 300 shares of £100 each were to be divided amongst land owners through which the proposed coal canal will pass to join the Kennet & Avon canal

7 Nov 1793 Finance: coal canal to Bath - subscribers to pay a deposit of 1 guin on each share to James Stephens, Esq. Camerton House by 7 Nov 1793 (as resolved at meeting at Old Down Inn 29 Oct). Richard Bowsher & Edmund Broderip, solicitors.

7 Nov 1793 Travel: Mr Rennie has estimated cost of the canal from northern collieries to join Kennet & Avon canal to Bath at Stokebridge at £80,000, of which £50,000 subscribed at Old Down meeting. A reserve of 300 shares of £100 each was made for landowners, no person to hold more than 40 shares

14 Nov 1793 Travel: coal canal - plan of proposed canal from collieries at Timsbury, Radstock etc are lodged at offices of clerks of the peace in Somerset & Wiltshire. Next meeting of interested parties will be at Bear Inn, Bath on Mon 2 Dec.

26 Dec 1793 Travel: coal canal, from collieries at Dunkerton etc to Limpley Stoke - general meeting of subscribers to be held at Bear Inn, Bath on 8 Jan at 11 o'clock to approve draft of bill to be presented to Parliament.

2 Jan 1794 Travel: ## coal canal from collieries in Dunkerton & Writhlington to Limpley Stoke - meeting of subscribers on 8 Jan at the Bear Inn, Bath - to approve draft of Bill. Bowsher & Broderip, solicitors.

23 Jan 1794 Travel: ## Somerset Coal Canal - landowners subscribers general meeting at White Hart Inn, Stall Street, Bath, 1st Feb, to consider & approve Bill to be presented to Parliament. Bowsher & Broderip, solicitors, 22 Jan.

6 Mar 1794 Politics: House of Commons - Somersetshire canal petition reported & bill ordered (13 March).

10 Apr 1794 Travel: The Somerset Coal canal Bill passed the House of Commons

24 Apr 1794 Travel: coal canal - Royal assent given for making etc a canal from collieries to communicate with K&A canal in Bradford parish (Westminster, 17 Apr).

24 Apr 1794 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - first general assembly of subscribers to meet at Bath on 3 June to elect officers. Richard Langford of Hallatrow offers himself as clerk.

1 May 1794 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - first general meeting will be held at York House, Bath on 3 Jun. Richard Bowsher & Edmund Broderip, solicitors

29 May 1794 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - proprietors meeting at York House on 3 June at 11 o'clock. To house 24 persons from Somerset & Bristol for Committee.

12 Jun 1794 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - AGM at York House on 3 Jun, Messrs Hobhouse, Clutterbuck, Phillott & Lowder elected treasurers, Messrs Edm Bowsher & Rd. Broderip, elected principal clerks. £2 18s% on each share be paid to the treasurers by 8 July. James Stephens, esq, in chair.

10 Jul 1794 Industry: ## intended Somerset Coal Canal - gauges on 2 lines show large surplus of water for navigation even in this excessive drought.

10 Jul 1794 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - report of meeting at White Hart Bath on 12 July. Ordered that common seal of Co be fixed to tickets specifying share or shares to which subscriber entitled, etc. Bowsher & Broderip, clerk

17 Jul 1794 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - general meeting of persons qualified to act as Commissioners at Castle & Ball Inn, Bath on 2 Aug for administering oaths & electing a clerk.

24 Jul 1794 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - at meeting at White Hart Inn on 12 Jul it was resolved that common seal be affixed to tickets specifying share holding. Bowsher

31 Jul 1794 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - General Meeting to be held at Castle & Ball Inn on 2 Aug to administer oath of qualification for Commissioners’. John Prowse, Aaron Abraham Baker, William Skey.

27 Nov 1794 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - next ½ yearly meeting of the Proprietors will be at the White Hart Inn, Stall St. 3 Dec. Bowsher & Broderip, clerks. To consider report & estimates for making canal with locks & inclined planes.

27 Nov 1794 Travel: ## Somerset Coal Canal, agenda for 3 Dec, contd. Also to consider making railroads instead of canal by extending present Parliamentary line from S. Stoke parish to Bath

11 Dec 1794 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - general meeting at White Hart Inn, Bath on 3 Dec. Resolved to proceed with plan for canal with inclined planes, or railroads. Interest to be paid to subscribers from 3 Dec at £5% p.a

11 Dec 1794 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - at a meeting of the proprietors held at the White Hart last Wednesday a report by Mr Perkins of Oakhill & Mr Sambourne Palmer was presented.

29 Jan 1795 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - believed to have adopted a summit level canal with apparatus for letting the coal down from the upper to the lower level.

16 Apr 1795 Travel: Somersetshire Coal Canal - Mr Bennet an experienced engineer is now taking a survey that is to decide the precise line of the Canal. After his report, work will begin immediately.

7 May 1795 Travel: ## to iron founders - Somersetshire Coal Canal committee meeting York House Bath 2 June to receive plans or models for forming iron railways from several coal works on line of the canal, with estimates of cost. Mr Smith, surveyor of High Littleton, will show premises & plans.

7 May 1795 Travel: Canal cutting & masonry - Somersetshire Coal Canal committee meeting York House Bath on 2 June need persons to contract for cutting, embanking & puddling part of canal from Paulton Engine to Hopyard in Camerton c. 2 miles, & from Radstock bridge to Wellow c. 2 miles. Plans & specifications to be left at solicitor’s office Bath may be viewed 19 May, etc

28 May 1795 Notices: Somerset Coal Canal - next general meeting of subscribers at York House, Bath on 3 June. Committee to meet there on 2 June to receive & consider proposals for cutting, etc., part of the line & forming the necessary rail-road.

11 Jun 1795 Travel: Somersetshire Coal Canal - seeks supplied of 7000 best heart of oak sleepers, 4' 6" long, 8-9" broad & 3" thick, to be delivered at Bristol, Bath or Timsbury on or before 31 Dec next. Bowsher & Broderip, Bath 3 June.

11 Jun 1795 Travel: ## Somersetshire Coal Canal - committee meeting at York House, Bath on Tue 23 June to discuss proposals for contracting for completion of 2¼ miles canal from Paulton Engine to Hop yard in parish of Camerton; 1½ miles from Radstock to Peglinch in Wellow; for roads & occupation bridges; also for forming & laying out 7 miles rail road. Apply Mr Smith ["Strata" Smith - the famous geologist], surveyor, High Littleton, nr Bath.

11 Jun 1795 Travel: Somersetshire Coal Canal - insufficient proprietors present for meeting on 3 June, so meeting postponed. New meeting at York House, Bath on 24 June. If proprietors or proxies for 410 shares not present, the absentee proprietors will forfeit 5s/share

25 Jun 1795 Industry: Somerset Coal Canal - contracted today for cutting & completing the canal & for making railways. It is hoped coal will be delivered at lower prices in time for the winter.

2 Jul 1795 Travel: Somersetshire Coal Canal - the committee have off-let the cutting of the first part of their canal to Mr Houghton of Shropshire. They gave praise to chairman Mr Stephen of Camerton for organising plans which will save 50% of the original estimate.

2 Jul 1795 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - adjourned meeting of subscribers at York House on 24 June confirmed contracts for cutting canal, iron rails & sleepers, & appointed a committee of 24 gentlemen. Also resolved a call of £5/share to be paid to treasurers, Messrs Hobhouse, Clutterbuck & Co, bankers of Bath on or before 29 Sept.

9 Jul 1795 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - seeks person/s to contract for making & forming railroads from Amesbury's, the Tynings, & New Grove Coal works in Timsbury parish; & for Radford Coal works to the proposed canal. Sealed contracts to Clerk on or before 23 July & to attend (or proxy) the next Committee meeting at Greyhound Inn, Bath on 23 July..

6 Aug 1795 Industry: Somerset Coal Canal - committee meeting to be held at White Hart Inn, Bath on 19 Aug to receive proposals from contractors for canal cutting & masonry of 2 miles from Hopyard at Camerton to turnpike road above Swan Inn at Dunkerton.

13 Aug 1795 Travel: Somersetshire Coal Canal - committee to meet at White Hart Bath on Wed 19 Aug to discuss cutting, embanking & completing part of canal called Hop-Yard in Camerton Parish. Plans to be seen at solicitor's office Bath; or Mr Smith, surveyor of High Littleton.

3 Sep 1795 Goods: Somerset Coal Canal - persons wishing to supply oak & elm timbers [itemised] to be delivered at Rowley Bottom nr Combe Hay in 1 month, to send proposals to Bowsher & Broderip's solicitors office on or before 3 Sept & requested to attend Committee meeting at White Hart Inn at 11am next day [4 Sept]

3 Sep 1795 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - commissioners to meet at Greyhound Hotel, Market Place Bath on Sat 19 Sep to discuss appointment of person to estimate value of lands through which further canals may be cut. R. Langford, clerk.

10 Sep 1795 Travel: Somersetshire Coal Canal - Commissioners qualified under Act or Parliament (to maintain a navigable canal which communicates with the Kennet & Avon canal & several collieries & stone roads) to meet at Greyhound Inn, Market Place, Bath 19 Sep to discuss employment of surveyor. Rd. Langford, clerk

1 Oct 1795 Travel: Coal Canal - Edward Lyne, esq (High Sheriff), Wm. Gore Langton [MP], John Smith, Joseph Houlton, Wm. Davies, esqs & Rev Dr Phillott qualified as Commissioners.

19 Nov 1795 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - subcommittee to meet at Swan Inn Dunkerton on 19 Nov to discuss proposal for 30 yds of deep cutting & driving a tunnel 30 yds in length, 13 feet high & 10½ feet wide to [join] the intended cassoon [caisson] Lock in parish of Combe Hay & for arching & completion..

26 Nov 1795 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - committee to meet at White Hart on 1 Dec to receive proposals for embanking, puddling, lining & completing part of canal between the Foss Lane (above The Swan at Dunkerton) & the intended caisson in Combe Hay parish on the Dunkerton (ca. 2 m) & on the Radstock Line between Peglinch & the road nr Wellow & then to Stoney Littleton, c. 2¼ m) & erecting bridges. The lines of the canal may be viewed at house of Mr Smith, surveyor, Cottage Crescent nr Bath 920 Nov).

10 Dec 1795 Travel: Somersetshire Coal Canal - committee to meet at White Hart Bath on 21 Dec to receive proposals from contractors for cutting, embanking, puddling & lining a 2 mile-long part of proposed canal between Fosse Lane, Dunkerton & the caisson in Combe Hay parish, in or or more lots & to begin forthwith, Apply Mr Smith, surveyor, Cottage Crescent nr Bath. Bowsher & Broderip, solicitors

10 Dec 1795 Employment: Somerset Coal Canal - 3 or 4 pairs of sawyers wanted on line of canal at Combe Hay. Apply Mr Weldon at Combe Hay.

10 Dec 1795 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - report of meeting of proprietors at White Hart Bath on 2 Dec - several contracts confirmed; call made for £5/share to be paid by 4 Feb 1796; resolved to seek penalty of £10% in new Act on persons neglecting to pay future calls; also resolved to apply for Bill to deviate line of Canal agreeable to Mr Bennett's plan

15 FEB 1798 News: ## caisson attempting to lift boats from upper to lower level - people gathered at Combe Hay last Friday to see this. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful

5 Apr 1798 Travel: ## Somersetshire coal canal - general meeting of Commissioners. To consider value etc of houses, land etc affected by proposed canal, railways, stone roads (from collieries) in Bradford to connect with proposed K & A Canal. At White Hart, Bath on 14 Apr. (R. Langford, clerk to commissioners & Charles Phillott, James Phillott, J. Bowen (three of Commissioners)).

12 Apr 1798 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - general meeting at White Hart Inn, Bath on 14 Apr. R. Langford, clerk to the commissioners

24 May 1798 Notices: Somerset Coal Canal - general meeting of subscribers at White Hart Inn, Bath on 6 Jun next. Bowsher & Broderip, solicitors

7 Jun 1798 Travel: ## Somerset Coal Canal - trial last Mon. of caisson lock at Combe Hay. Several gentlemen descended 60 ft. Mr Weldon, the inventor will undertake to pass 1,500 tons of goods through lock in 12 hrs.

14 Jun 1798 Travel: ## Somerset coal canal - caisson cisterns to be formed at Combe Hay & nr. Midford. Sealed proposals reqd. on embanking & excavation with the masonry; or each separately - send to sub-committee, Waldegrave Arms, Radstock 20 Jul. Plans & specs. on appl.

14 Jun 1798 Travel: Somerset coal canal - gen. meeting held this day at White Hart, Bath ordered call of £10/share to carry out work. £5/share to be paid before 9 Aug, £5 to be paid before 9 Sep to Messrs Hobhouse, Clutterbuck, Phillott & Lowder, bankers, Bath

28 Jun 1798 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - caisson cisterns at Combe Hay. Proposals to undertake work (either embanking & excavations with masonry; or embanking, excavation & masonry work) separately to sub-committee at the Waldegrave Arms, Radstock on 20 July.

28 Jun 1798 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - caisson cisterns at Combe Hay contd - for specifications etc apply Mr Bennett, engineer, Beckington, or Mr Smith, surveyor at Midford, after 6 July

28 Jun 1798 Publications: ## "Map of the county & plan for drainage of the Lowlands & representation of the hydrostatic lock or caissons at Combe Hay". Pub. this day, 6s/- in board, printed by R. Cruttwell

23 Aug 1798 Travel: goods - Coal Canal will be finished as far as Dunkerton, on or before Xmas day, for conveyance of coals from Paulton, Timsbury, High Littleton, Radford & Camerton works.

4 Oct 1798 Travel: ## Somerset Coal Canal - 5 coal-loaded vessels conveyed from Dunkerton to Camerton Works on Mon. Mr Pickwick of White Hart, Bath brought first 2 loads to Bath with same team

4 Oct 1798 Travel: ## Somerset Coal Canal - new wharf to be opened next 3 to 4 weeks for loading coal on Wells Rd nr Dunkerton whence a team can bring 2 loads per day reducing cost per load by 8s

22 Nov 1798 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal & Navigation - general assembly of proprietors to be held White Hart Inn, Bath 5 Dec. Bowsher & Broderip, clerk

22 Nov 1798 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - 3 commissioners to ascertain value of properties (for compensation) affected by proposed canal linking several collieries with Kennet & Avon canal nr Bradford.

22 Nov 1798 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - gen meeting of commissioners re. proposed canal in Bradford parish linking coal fields with K&A Canal, with railways & stone roads. At White Hart Inn, Bath on 4 Dec. (Qualified commissioners - Chas Phillott, James Phillott, Aaron Ab Baker). From R Langford, clerk to commissioner.

17 Jan 1799 Travel: ## Somerset Coal Canal - general meeting at White Hart Inn on 6 Feb to receive committee report re. adoption of caissons, or other mode for transferring boats from upper to lower level. Bowsher & Broderip, clerks.

24 Jan 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - general meeting of commissioners, White Hart Inn, Bath 7 Feb. for ascertaining value whose property may be affected by the extension

31 Jan 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal canal - meeting of subscribers & Commissioners at White Hart on 7 Feb to discuss the canal re. Act of Parliament allowing canal to be built from the collieries to the Kennet & Avon canal.

7 Feb 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - meeting scheduled for White Hart Inn, Bath 7 Feb is postponed till further notice. Richard Langford, clerk to Commissioner, Hallatrow

21 Feb 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - meeting of Commissioners intended for 7 Feb, now scheduled for 6 Mar at White Hart Inn, Bath. Richard Langford, clerk

21 Mar 1799 Travel: ## Somerset Coal Canal - special assembly of proprietors at White Hart Inn, Bath 3 Apr to decide on method of lifting boats from 1 level to other (caisson or alternative). James Stephens, John Bellingsley, Samborne Palmer, Samuel James, Richard Langford. Bowsher & Broderip, clerks

28 Mar 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - special meeting at White Hart Inn. Bath on 3 Apr for determining adoption of caissons or otherwise for transferring boats between upper & lower levels. Bowsher & Broderip.

11 Apr 1799 Travel: ## Somerset Coal canal - the trial of the Caisson on the canal took place Friday last. It evinced the perseverance of the Trustees in this matter

25 Apr 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal Committee - invites those interested to attend public exhibition of the merits of the Caisson at Combe Hay nr Bath 26 Apr at 12 noon precisely

2 May 1799 Travel: ## caisson at Combe Hay - public trial on Sat before Canal Committee & many distinguished people. It worked well, several people descended in it to lower level (70 ft) & returned in 2 minutes

23 May 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - general meeting at York House Bath on 5 June. Subscribers asked to attend in person. Bowsher & Broderip, clerk

23 May 1799 Travel: ## Somerset Coal Canal - present caisson cistern at Combe Hay to be rebuilt & made watertight. Capable masons invited to deliver proposals for completing such work to Mr Weldon, Combe Hay by 3 June. These will be considered at York House Bath on 4 June.

30 May 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal canal - general meeting of subscribers to be held at York House, Bath 5 Jun to discuss future of the caisson. Those unable to attend to give proxy to friend. Form of proxy given. Bowsher & Brodrip, clerk

30 May 1799 Travel: ## Somerset coal canal - caisson or other form of conveyance from upper to lower level to be suspended to ascertain whether Rail-Road Inclined Plane is better solution. Expense is trifling compared to caisson

30 May 1799 Goods: ## for sale - Radford coals & Camerton coals sold at Dunkerton Wharf on Somerset Coal Canal by Messrs Shaw & Co at 1d/ bushel over pit prices

13 Jun 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal canal - management committee meeting at Waldegrave Arms, Radstock on 21 Jun. Proposals to take down masonry & rebuild caisson cistern at Combe Hay & make watertight, to be submitted.

13 Jun 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal canal - committee meeting at Waldegrave Arms, Radstock on 21 Jun. View plans at Mr Weldon's, Combe Hay. Contractors to provide proper security

4 Jul 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal canal - general meeting at York Hotel, Bath 5 Jun ordered call of £10/share on subscribers to be paid to bankers, Messrs Hobhouse, Clutterbuck, Phillott & Lowder by 7 Aug or Messrs Whitehead & Howard, London, Messrs Harfords Davis & Co, Bristol

22 Aug 1799 Travel: Somerset Coal Canal - special meeting of proprietors to consider resolutions re. caisson, & determine best way for forming communications between upper & lower levels. At York House, Bath on 9 Sep. James Stephens, John Thomas, Edw Spencer, John Billingsley

29 Aug 1799 Property: ## for sale - leases of valuable coal mines under several hundred acre land at Hallatrow & Paulton ca. 9 mi Bath & nr navigable canal. Price 4,000 guin. Enq. John Monckton Hale Esq., PO, Bath

14 Nov 1799 Industry: ## completion of line of Coal Canal to Dunkerton Bridge where wharves are now established. Charge of conveyance from pit to wharf is only 2s/ton. Valuable vein of coal discovered at Smallcombe, nr Radstock. New colliery close to canal in Paulton will soon open.[1]


  1. "Georgian Newspaper Project". Bath & N.E. Somerset Council December 2003. Retrieved 12 March 2011. 

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