
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Meyer, Victor

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Edition of 1920. See also Viktor Meyer on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

938185The Encyclopedia Americana — Meyer, Victor

MEYER, Victor, German chemist: b. Berlin, 8 Sept. 1848; d. Heidelberg, 8 Aug. 1897. He studied at the University of Berlin and under Bunsen at Heidelberg. In 1868 he entered the laboratory of Baeyer at Berlin, and in 1871 he became professor at the Stuttgart Polytechnic. He was professor of chemistry and director of the laboratory at Zürich in 1872-85, professor at Göttingen in 1885-89, and from 1889 until his death he occupied the chair of his former master, Bunsen, at Heidelberg. He is famous for his experiments establishing a method of determining vapor densities and for the discovery of thiophen. He was awarded the Davy medal of the Royal Society in 1891. Author of ‘Die Thiophengruppe’ (1888); ‘Chemische Probleme der Gegenwart’ (1890); ‘Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie’ (2 vols., 1891-92); ‘Märztage im Kanarischen Archipel’ (1893), etc.