The New Student's Reference Work/Conde, Louis II of Bourbon, Prince of

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The New Student's Reference Work
Conde, Louis II of Bourbon, Prince of

See also Louis, Grand Condé on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

2686162The New Student's Reference Work — Conde, Louis II of Bourbon, Prince of

Conde (kôn-dē̇′), Louis II of Bourbon, Prince of, called the Great Condé, was born Sept. 8, 1621. He early started in his soldier's career. At the age of 22 he was given command of a French army, and, against the advice of older generals who served under him, he fought the battle of Rocroi, and by skillful maneuvering and fierce charges made it a brilliant victory—the first in the reign of Louis XIV. Two hard-won victories in Germany and the capture of Dunkirk were followed by his winning the important battle of Lens in 1648, in which the formidable Spanish infantry were destroyed and the Thirty Years' War ended. The next year began the war of the Fronde, and, though Condé by his generalship had placed the young king on the throne, his pride had made him enemies at court. Soon after he was arrested, and, when set free, he at once put himself at the head of the troops of Bordeaux, which had rebelled. But he was no longer successful. Turenne defeated him twice; and, forced to leave the country and now fighting in the Spanish army, he was again overcome by the same general. Eight years afterward, having been allowed to return to France, the death of Turenne again brought him to the front. In three weeks he conquered Franche-Comté and fought William of Orange, (William III of Holland and England), though in a drawn battle which lasted for 17 hours. This was his last engagement, as the campaign had broken his health. He died Dec. 11, 1686.