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Etymology 1

ħ-b-b (love)
10 terms

From Arabic حَبَّ (ḥabba), أَحَبَّ (ʔaḥabba).



ħabb (imperfect jħobb, past participle maħbub, active participle ħabbej)

  1. to love
    • 2008, Trevor Żahra, Il-Ġenn li Jżommni f’Sikti, Merlin Publishers, →ISBN:
      Jien, li fl-imħabba kelli biss sensiela twila ta’ diżappunti; jien li kont bdejt nemmen li qatt mhu se nsib lil min iħobbni, issa kont ħassejt li f’salt wieħed seħħ miraklu. Kont skirt bl-imħabba.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. to like
    Synonym: għoġob
    Conjugation of ħabb
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
perfect m ħabbejt ħabbejt ħabb ħabbejna ħabbejtu ħabbew
f ħabbet
imperfect m nħobb tħobb jħobb nħobbu tħobbu jħobbu
f tħobb
imperative ħobb ħobbu

Etymology 2

ħ-b-b (seed)
2 terms

From Arabic حَبّ (ḥabb)



ħabb m (collective, singulative ħabba, dual ħabbtejn, plural ħbub, paucal ħabbiet)

  1. (rare or dated) a grain, kernel
    Synonym: qamħa
  2. (historical) a coin of small value, used in Malta until 1913
  3. (pathology) hydatid
  4. (figurative) a mite; something of little value
Derived terms