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See also: 山穷水尽


mountain; hill exhausted; poor water; river
to use up; to exhaust; to end
to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; exhausted; finished; to the limit (of sth)
trad. (山窮水盡)
simp. (山穷水尽)
Literally: “the mountains run bare, and the streams run dry”.






  1. having no more options; being at the end of one's rope; extremely desperate and hopeless
    我們已經山窮水盡無法 [MSC, trad.]
    我们已经山穷水尽无法 [MSC, simp.]
    wǒmen yǐjīng shānqióngshuǐjìn, wúfǎ zài qù dǔ le [Pinyin]
    We are already at the end of our rope, there's nothing left to risk.