Newcastle upon Tyne

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Alternative forms




Use of the city's major river to distinguish it from other British places known as Newcastle; most notably Newcastle-under-Lyme.

Proper noun


Newcastle upon Tyne

  1. A large city and metropolitan borough of Tyne and Wear, in northeastern England.
    • 2021, Judith Rainhorn, The Colour of Controversy..., pp. 8–9:
      Similar statements were made in Britain, where the growing white lead industry in Newcastle-upon-Tyne caused waves of illness and even death among women workers: Dr Charles T. Thackrah had early on denounced the serious intoxications linked to the use of lead in industry and described the main symptoms allowing the disease to be diagnosed and patients to be distanced from the source of poisoning (1831), as had Henry Burton, who stated that a greyish coloration of the gums was an unmistakable symptom of lead poisoning, then known as the "Burtonian line" (1840).



