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yi-noun ?

This template is for headword lines for Yiddish nouns.

This template contains the necessary meta-data to allow users who are using accelerated editing to create any grammatical forms semi-automatically.


It takes two named parameters that call attention categories if left unspecified. These are

  • |g= for gender, accepted values are:
    • m for masculine
    • f for feminine
    • n for neuter
    • mf for masculine and feminine
    • mn, fn, mfn for masculine and neuter, feminine and neuter, and all three, respectively
    • p for plural
    • mp for masculine plural
    • fp, np, mfp, mnp, fnp, mfnp
  • |tr= (for the Roman-alphabet transliteration of the word)

The final parameters are not mandatory, and show the plural and diminutive forms of the given word and their transliterations. These are:

  • |pl= for the plural
  • |pltr= transliteration of the plural
    • |pl2= for the second plural where it exists
    • |pl2tr= transliteration of the second plural
  • |f= for the feminine
  • |ftr= transliteration of the feminine
  • |fpl= for the feminine plural
  • |fpltr= transliteration of the feminine plural
    • |f2= for the alternative feminine
    • |f2tr= transliteration of the alternative feminine
    • |f2pl= for the alternative feminine plural
    • |f2pltr= transliteration of the alternative feminine plural
  • |dim= for the diminutive
  • |dimtr= transliteration of the diminutive
    • |dim2= for the second diminutive where it exists
    • |dim2tr= transliteration of the second diminutive

|pl=n, |pl=s oder |pl=er will supply regularly formed plurals ending in ־ן or ־ס or ־ער respectively (only for examples wholly without umlaut).

|dim=l oder |dim=kl will supply regularly formed diminutives ending in ־ל or ־קל respectively (only for examples wholly without umlaut).