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Yakub +‎ -ian



Yakubian (comparative more Yakubian, superlative most Yakubian)

  1. (Nation of Islam, Internet slang, derogatory) Pertaining to Yakub, used to describe white people.
    • 1999 January 13, [email protected], “Last night's Eminem show.”, in rec.music.hip-hop[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-04-17:
      my question is. . .who's more detrimental to hip-hop----the north-faced goons that line up for eminem, the indie rockers that dig coflow, or the "post-label shapeshifting yakubian legions" (to paraphrase one of pedestrian's finer turns of phrase) who jock the fellowship?
    • 1999 August 31, hypochristmutreefuzz, “A Conspiracy among White Rappers?”, in rec.music.hip-hop[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-04-17:
      but yo, doesn't e have special significance to the nation, as they feel placing the "I" before "E" except after "C" preferences the (now known to be unintellible) internalist notion find intelligibility's primacy in the subjectivized I (a la) rather then the involved 5 senses (here signed in e, the fifth letter of the alphabet) unless that sense is sight, which is sufficiently detached for whitey's yakubian purposes.
    • 2007, M'Bwebe Aja Ishangi, Analitikul Cogitationz[3]:
      Have you noticed that we're livin' in a police state?! YT (for those that don't know after 13 years of DGT, say it faster, also standz for Yakubian Tribe) has deceitfully and silently made it so, right before our eyes!