complain queen

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complain queen (plural complain queens)

  1. (Singapore, colloquial) A woman who is constantly dissatisfied and always grumbles or reports faults of others to authorities or the media, with or without ill intentions.
    • 2017 September 9, Catherine Jaevans, “Singapore’s Complain Queen”, in (Please provide the book title or journal name)[1], retrieved 1 November 2017:
      Complain – Mcdonald’s new Flurry Flavour – Chendol (TOO SWEET AHHH!) I know Chendol should be sweet and all – but this is just way too much. I did not manage to finish the whole cup as much as I wanted to (not cheap, leh!)… McFlurry actually has a great potential – but I just feel it can be better if the sweetness can be reduce...Posted by SG Complain Queen’s rants at 10:00.
    • 2012 March 22, Rennie Whang, “Pasir Ris neighbor fought with three neighbours”, in The New Paper[2], retrieved 2 November 2017:
      Pasir Ris woman files six complaints in eight years against neighbours. On March 9, she called the police, claiming that several children from the flat above had placed dead bees outside her unit. In the last eight years, ... had filed six complaints at the Community Mediation Centre (CMC), so much so that those neighbours have dubbed her as the “complain queen” of Pasir Ris, reported Lianhe Wanbao.
    • 2008 July 4, “Another complain Queen on MRT!”, in MyCarForum of SgCarmart[3], retrieved 2 November 2017:
      Watwheels: Women in my mum’s generation are much stronger and tougher dan today’s complain queens. Imagine they had to endure non-aircon and bumpy bus-rides either sitting or standing to reach their destinations.
    • 2004 May 29, “'Are you a Complain King/Queen? – (Singapore)”, in SGFORUMS[4], retrieved 23 October 2017:
      hoganrock: Who's the number 1 Complain King/Queen here? Are you a Complain King/Queen? What do you usually complain about?
    • 2000 October 5, [email protected], “Are we really complain kings and queens?”, in soc.culture.singapore[5] (Usenet), retrieved 1 November 2017:
      Are we really complain kings and queens? Some academic from New Zealand said that we are a nation of moaners in Straits Times. Sure, we complain about lots of stuff, but everyone does it, not just Singaporeans. I don't think it's fair. Besides what else can we do...its not easy living here...the prices are sky-rocketing, everything is expensive , from owning a box of space in the air to the cars on the streets, and the govt is not helping. And I don't think we moan, we are just giving feedback. Some people think we're being petty cos we have a good life. So should we just keep our dissatisfaction to ourselves? What's wrong with complaining any.