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Old Tupi




Inherited from Proto-Tupi-Guarani *ej (to wash), from Proto-Tupian *ej (to wash).





  1. to wash (to clean with water)
    • c. 1585, Joseph of Anchieta, Na aldeia de Guaraparim [In the village of Guaraparim], Guarapari, page 172; republished in Eduardo de Almeida Navarro, transl., compiled by Maria de Lourdes de Paula Martins, Teatro, 2nd edition, São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2006, →ISBN:
      (please add the primary text of this quotation)
      [ [] a'e xe Îara Iesu / Og ugûy pupé xe reî [] ]
      He, my lord Jesus, with his blood washed me.

