fresh out of

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fresh out of

  1. (idiomatic) Of someone who has recently left one stage of life to begin another.
    • 1955, C.S. Forester, The Good Shepherd[1], page 43:
      That boy was one of the new draft, fresh out of boot camp, and yet it was his duty to pass messages upon which the fate of a battle might depend.
    • 1998, Gordon W. Fuller, Getting the Most Out of Your Consultant[2], page 191:
      Students fresh out of college have highly specialized skills in newer technologies.
    • 2007, Armistead Maupin, Mad, Stark Mad at
      Fresh out of the South and a tour of duty in Vietnam, I was seriously conservative and frightened to death of almost everything...
  2. (idiomatic) Having completely exhausted one's supply of (a commodity); especially, having just run out recently.
    Hypernyms: out; all out
    • 2003, James St. James, Party Monster: A Fabulous But True Tale of Murder in Clubland[3], page 208:
      So if it was help Michael wanted, well, whoops, he was fresh out of luck.
    • 2004, Al Sorci, Fishing the Muse[4], page 167:
      ...Judy the receptionist had looked at me like I was a mental case trick-or-treater and she was fresh out of candy.
    • 2018, Jack Antonoff, Lana Del Rey (lyrics and music), “Venice Bitch”, in Norman Fucking Rockwell!, performed by Lana Del Rey:
      Fear fun, fear love / Fresh out of fucks forever