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Inherited from Old Tupi ‘y (water, river, spring), from Proto-Tupi-Guarani *ʔɨ, from Proto-Tupian *ʔɨ (water).[1][2]


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  • Rhymes: -i
  • Hyphenation: i‧í



  1. water
    Aú-putari , nhaãsé se isí aikú.
    I want to drink water, because I am thirsty.
    • 2021, Marcel Twardowsky Avila, O Novo Testamento em nyengatu, Apocalipse 12:15, quoted in Proposta de dicionário nheengatu–português, page 315:
      Asuí kwá buya utumana i yurú suí kwayé paraná yawé.
      And the serpent spat water out of its mouth as if it were a river.

Derived terms



  1. ^ Beatriz Carretta Corrêa da Silva (2010) Mawé/Awetí/Tupí-Guaraní: relações linguísticas e implicações históricas (in Portuguese), Brasília: UnB, page 403
  2. ^ Marcel Twardowsky Avila (2021) “ií”, in Proposta de dicionário nheengatu-português [Nheengatu–Portuguese dictionary proposal] (in Portuguese), São Paulo: USP, →DOI, page 315

Further reading
