old as the hills

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Possibly a reference to Job 15:7 in the Bible (King James Version; spelling modernized):[1] “Art thou the first man that was born? Or wast thou made before the hills?”[2]





old as the hills (not comparable)

  1. (idiomatic, simile, chiefly hyperbolic) Extremely old.
    Synonyms: aged, age-old, ancient, old as the Pyramids, old as time, older than dirt, older than the Pyramids; see also Thesaurus:old

Alternative forms





  1. ^ The Holy Bible, [] (King James Version), London: [] Robert Barker, [], 1611, →OCLC, Job 15:7, column 1:Art thou the firſt man that was borne? Or waſt thou made before the hilles?
  2. ^ (as) old as the hills, phrase” under old, adj.”, in OED Online Paid subscription required, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, June 2022; as old as the hills, phrase”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.