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  1. Rare form of shink.
    • 2019 June 1, Ellie Raine, Phoenix of Scarlet: A Sword and Sorcery Epic Fantasy, ScyntheFy Press, →ISBN:
      Shnk! Shnk! Two arrows knocked against my ice, their glass tips shattering just like the first as tiny, dangerous shards puffed in a glittering shower. The force shoved me backward against []
    • 2020 June 16, K. A. Doore, The Unconquered City: Book 3 in the Chronicles of Ghadid, Tor Books, →ISBN:
      ... knives. The rhythmic shnk-shnk-shnk of blade across stone was unusually irritating. And every time Illi managed to clear her thoughts and began to feel the water, she was back down on the sands, Yaluz bleeding out beneath her hands. []