what color is the sun in your world

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What color is the sun in your world?

  1. (derogatory) Rhetorical question used to imply that the party addressed is out of touch with reality.
    • 1997 December 2, SeventhStar (user name), “Flame Universe Who's Who: The Flame Giant”, in alt.flame[1] (Usenet), message-ID <[email protected]>:
      By the way Bill, exactly what color is the sun in your world? You are so far out there I swear you're going to get a nosebleed from the altitude alone.
    • 1999 April 6, John Smith (user name), “a pagan a day keeps the ice cubes away”, in alt.religion.islam[2] (Usenet), message-ID <[email protected]>:
      Tell me: what color is the sun in your world?/You've been sneaking off to the peyote patch again, haven't you?
    • 2004 November 25, Ed King (user name), “The nastiness, sickness and war.”, in alt.freemasonry[3] (Usenet), message-ID <[email protected]>:
      You aren't even a credible liar: you just want to make up stories and hope that SOMEONE will believe you. What color is the sun in your world anyway?