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Air pollution from key sectors

EU laws regulate emissions of air pollutants from various sources and sectors. They are often accompanied by legal acts adopted by the Commission using its delegated and implementing powers.


  • 60% of SO2 emissions in Europe are from energy generation and heating

  • Drawing of buildings, solar panels and wind generators.

    Phasing out fossil fuels and investing in renewables will contribute to reducing particulate matter (PM 2.5)sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxides (NO2), which can cause respiratory diseases

  • Drawing of house, temperature monitor and trees.

    Residential heating emissions can be reduced by insulating buildings, installing efficient boilers, and using clean energy sources for district heating. More information can be found in the Clean Air Tech Hub report on development and greater uptake of cleaner solid fuel household heating solutions, as well as in a report on ‘Increasing policy coherence between bioenergy and clean air policies and measures’ (full report | summary report | policy measures database). 


  • More than 40 % of nitrogen oxide emissions across Europe come from road traffic, particularly in urban areas and along busy streets. Diesel cars are among its main sources.

    Traffic emissions can be reduced by:

  • Drawing of car, trees, buildings and road signs.

    Management of traffic and parking spaces, speed limits and low-emission zones

  • Drawing of bus, EV charger and buildings.

    Switching to clean public transport, walking and biking


  • More than 90% of ammonia emissions to air in the EU come from agriculture: 75% from manure and 20% from inorganic fertiliser.

    This leads to eutrophication and acidification of ecosystems, and to harmful particulate matter.

    Agricultural emissions can be reduced by:

  • Drawing of cow and flowers.

    Closed manure storage and more precise application of manure and fertilisers

  • Drawing of chicken, pig, carrots, flowers and buildings in the distance.

    Improved livestock feeding strategies


  • Over 30,000 industrial installations in the EU account for:

    • 50% of total emissions to air of sulphur oxides and other harmful substances
    • 30% of nitrogen oxides and fine particulate matter air emissions

    Industrial emissions can be reduced by:


  • Drawing of factory with smoking chimneys.

    Making the switch to clean energy sources, and using technology to destroy pollutants at the source

  • Drawing of buildings and withered flowers.

    Opting for non-toxic materials to produce goods