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Clean Air Dialogues

Bilateral discussions between Member States and the Commission about how to achieve cleaner air.


Clean Air Dialogues are bilateral discussions between a Member State and the Commission about how to achieve cleaner air in the country in question. The Dialogue is a tool to help Member States engage and activate their national stakeholders and key contributing sectors in constructive discussions. It brings together national, regional and local actors, and ministries and governmental agencies - all of whom can contribute to clean air solutions.

The Dialogues should be open, transparent and solution-oriented. There can be both high-level sessions and more hands-on technical, thematic sessions. Some Member States also invite participants from neighbouring countries, to add a transboundary element.

A Dialogue is jointly organised by both the Member State and the Commission. Member States who are interested in organising a Dialogue should contact the Commission for more information.


Clean Air Dialogues aim to

  • foster a collaborative approach
  • deliver actions and commitments for improved air quality
  • bring relevant sectors and stakeholders in an EU country together to discuss the way forward for cleaner air


Consult the shared conclusions from the following Clean Air Dialogues.

  1. 17-18 February 2021
    Clean Air Dialogue with the Netherlands
  2. 4-5 June 2019
    Clean Air Dialogue with Italy
  3. 7 - 8 November 2018
    Clean Air Dialogue with Czechia
  4. 8 - 9 October 2018
    Clean Air Dialogue with Spain
  5. 24 - 25 April 2018
    Clean Air Dialogue with Slovakia
  6. 3 - 4 October 2017
    Clean Air Dialogue with Hungary
  7. 29 - 30 June 2017
    Clean Air Dialogue with Luxembourg
  8. 1 - 2 March 2017
    Clean Air Dialogue with Ireland