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ERIC Number: ED612423
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 2018-Nov
Pages: 4
Abstractor: ERIC
Patrolling Public Schools: The Impact of Funding for School Police on Student Discipline and Long-Term Education Outcomes (A Sub-Project of "Building Pathways to College Access and Beyond"). Policy Brief
Weisburst, Emily K.
Texas Education Research Center
Police officers have become increasingly common in public schools in Texas as well as across the U.S. As police officers have increased their presence in public schools, their role in school discipline has often expanded. Though there is growing public debate about the consequences of police presence in schools, there is scant evidence of the impact of police on student discipline and academic outcomes. This project provides the first quasi-experimental estimate of funding for school police on student outcomes, leveraging variation in federal Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grants and detailed data on students from the Texas Education Research Center (ERC). The rise in discipline is driven by sanctions for low-level offenses or school code of conduct violations. Findings from the study reveal that receiving federal funding for school police in Texas increases disciplinary rates for middle school students by 6% but does not change high school disciplinary rates. There is also suggestive evidence that exposure to a three-year federal grant for school police decreases high school graduation rates by approximately 2.5% and college enrollment rates by 4%.
Texas Education Research Center. University of Texas at Austin, Pickle Research Campus, 10100 Burnet Road, Bldg #137 TCB, Rm 1.143A, L4500, Austin, TX 78758; Tel: 512-471-4528; Web site:
Publication Type: Reports - Research
Education Level: Junior High Schools; Middle Schools; Secondary Education; High Schools
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Texas Education Research Center
Identifiers - Location: Texas
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A