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Participate, interact and vote in the European Union

Your rights – and how to use them

If you are a citizen of an EU country, by definition you enjoy EU citizenship and have the right to actively take part in the political life of the EU.

Have your say

Shape EU policies by contributing to EU consultations on planned initiatives on the Have your say portal.

Share your ideas with the Fit for Future platform to help cut red tape and make existing EU laws simpler and fitter for the future.

European Citizens’ Initiative

Help set the EU policymaking agenda by taking part in the European Citizens’ Initiative. This allows you to ask the European Commission to prepare legislation on an issue that matters to you and which falls within its powers. You will need to demonstrate that there is widespread support for your initiative.

Once an initiative has reached 1 million signatures and the minimum thresholds in 7 EU countries, the Commission will decide what action to take, if any.

European Citizens’ Panels

A successful outcome of the Conference on the Future of Europe, European Citizens' Panels bring together randomly selected citizens from all 27 EU countries to discuss key forthcoming proposals and make recommendations that the European Commission will take into consideration when defining its policy and legislative initiatives.

Find out more on the Citizens' Engagement platform 

European and local elections

Find out how to register to vote or stand as a candidate in local and European elections, including in the country where you live if you are an EU national living in another EU country. Find out what conditions apply.

European and local elections

Petition the European Parliament 

Find out how to start, submit and support a petition to the European Parliament on an EU-related policy that affects you.

Principle of multilingualism

When you contact EU institutions and advisory bodies directly, you are entitled to a reply in any of the EU’s 24 official languages.

Opinion polls

Find out about the results and findings of Eurobarometer opinion polls from 1974 to the present day. A standard poll consists of approximately 1000 face-to-face interviews per EU country on a topical EU issue affecting the public.

E-communities service (SINAPSE) 

Are you an expert in EU policymaking and governance? Register with SINAPSE, an online platform where you can create or join e-communities of other experts to freely exchange information on policymaking issues. 

Local councillors

The project "Building Europe with Local Councillors" gathers locally elected councillors from all EU countries and helps them communicate with their local audiences on EU topics.


For more information about your EU citizenship rights, see the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Article 18) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights (Chapter V).