


Helsinki, Uusimaa 3 020 seuraajaa

Unlock AI's promise responsibly.

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Headquartered in Helsinki, Saidot is a Finnish AI governance and alignment company committed to helping businesses safely and transparently integrate AI into their operations. Saidot’s SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) platform is used by both major private and public organisations to apply systematic AI governance, enabling the level of transparency needed to ensure businesses are held to account and meeting growing regulatory requirements. Comprising a range of AI technical and policy experts, Saidot’s interdisciplinary team is enthusiastic about the opportunities for progress presented by AI and machine learning technology and believes that AI usage can be aligned with human values to be an ethical and trustworthy force for good. For more information, visit

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11-50 työntekijää
Helsinki, Uusimaa



Työntekijät Saidot


  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle Saidot, grafiikka

    3 020 Seuraajaa

    ✨ This is one of our most requested new features: easy-to-use AI Act policy templates! With our latest compliance release, we went on a mission to help you understand exactly what the AI Act means for you and the steps you need to take to ensure compliance. Now, you can choose from 12 different templates with pre-defined controls that match the requirements of the AI Act. These include templates for: ✅ Providers of high-risk AI systems ✅ Deployers of high-risk systems ✅ Authorised representatives of high-risk AI systems ✅ Importers of high-risk AI systems ✅ Distributors of high-risk AI systems ✅ Providers of exempted high-risk AI systems ✅ Providers of transparency risk AI systems ✅ Deployers of transparency risk AI systems ✅ Providers of general-purpose AI models ✅ Providers of general-purpose AI models with systemic risks ✅ Authorised representatives of general-purpose AI models ✅ Providers of general-purpose AI models released under free and open source license Want to give the templates a go? 👉 Start a free trial of Saidot: #AIAct #EUAIAct #AIcompliance #Saidot

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle Saidot, grafiikka

    3 020 Seuraajaa

    You have just 2️⃣ days left to get €15,000 to fulfill the AI Act's AI literacy requirement. Here's how to get the complimentary 3-hour training: ✔️ Subscribe to our "Scaling up" or "Enterprise" package on our website by 31 August, 2024: ✔️ Keep your subscription active when the trainings are held (Q4/2024 – Q1/2025). For up to 100 of your employees, this training provides your teams with foundational knowledge on the use of AI, its benefits and risks, and how to apply AI governance to keep AI under control. Your employees will be issued a certificate of the training. ❓ Why should you grab this offer? This training helps you prepare for the AI Act’s AI literacy requirement. Applicable to all EU-based AI system providers and deployers, this requirement applies to all organisations regardless of their AI system risk categorisation under the AI Act. ❓ What can you learn during this training? 1. Become familiar with AI: Explore how it is used in the real world, which problems it aims to solve, and which opportunities it leverages. 2. Understand the capabilities and benefits of AI, and its limitations and risks. 3. Learn about the concept of trustworthy AI and its fundamental components. 4. Discover how and why AI is being regulated in the EU, and what AI governance is. Start your journey towards AI Act compliance today! 🚀 #EUAIAct #AIAct #AIcompliance #Saidot

    • Saidot: Last chance to grab €15,000 AI literacy training offer
  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle Saidot, grafiikka

    3 020 Seuraajaa

    🗞️ Let this serve as a reminder for Big Tech to source its AI training data responsibly. In today's Financial Times, our CEO and Co-Founder Meeri Haataja wrote about Meta pulling the plug on its Llama AI model in the EU and the unsustainable business principles by which many AI models are being trained. 💬 “The EU’s stance on copyright law is well established, and its AI Act is clear. All organisations providing or deploying general-purpose AI models within the EU must document and publicly disclose a summary of the content used to train their models. Additionally, providers of these models must put in place a policy to ensure they comply with EU copyright law." “Regulation is not about putting the brakes on AI innovation; it’s about creating guardrails to ensure sustainable development.” So, Meta (and other Big Tech companies) can: 💚 Be a global leader in open and sustainable AI innovation, or ❌ Set a dangerous precedent for the industry that is difficult to undo. Read the full article on FT's website: #Meta #Llama #GPAI #ResponsibleAI

    • Financial Times: Future of AI must hinge on sustainably sourced data (letter to editor by Meeri Haataja, CEO and Co-Founder of Saidot)
  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle Saidot, grafiikka

    3 020 Seuraajaa

    ✨ Introducing Lily Battershill, Ph.D., who joined us in April as AI Safety Engineer and is loving her time at Saidot thus far. 🤩 In her role, Lily is developing Saidot's large language model (LLM) and machine learning (ML) evaluation methodology. 💬 "AI Governance is a multifaceted field with so many interconnecting pieces and uncertainties. With AI technologies, there is always a trade-off between risk and reward. This is not an easy thing to establish, and there is no one-size-fits-all. It's both fun and rewarding to bring clarity and structure to this complex domain to support customers with deploying responsible AI systems." Aside from the work itself, she loves the people at Saidot and the warm, inclusive company culture. Before joining Saidot, Lily completed her PhD in natural disaster risk modelling. Then, she worked as an AI Scientist in digital mental health, which she found to be a fascinating problem space. 💬 "Working with AI in a patient facing setting and developing effective safeguards for generative systems was a particular highlight for me, it blended my risk modelling background and passion for mental health and AI so perfectly. In digital health, the balance is particularly delicate in terms of the potential risks and the benefits, making it a space full of opportunity but also interesting challenges.” We're happy to have Lily onboard and have really enjoyed working with her. 😊

    • Saidot: Introducing Lily Battershill, AI Safety Engineer at Saidot
  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle Saidot, grafiikka

    3 020 Seuraajaa

    The EU AI Act is in force and the first requirements will apply in February 2025. So, read our practical guide to start your journey towards compliance and learn: 🗺️ How to navigate the AI Act's requirements and risk classifications 👌 Best practices for implementation 💡 Strategies to establish robust AI governance frameworks, conduct risk assessments, implement human oversight, and foster transparency – all while minimising legal risks and penalties. Read the guide in full: #EUAIAct #AIAct #AIcompliance #AIgovernance

    An Introduction to the EU AI Act: Practical Guide to Governance, Compliance, and Regulatory Guidelines

    An Introduction to the EU AI Act: Practical Guide to Governance, Compliance, and Regulatory Guidelines

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle Saidot, grafiikka

    3 020 Seuraajaa

    What are the most common AI-related risks that businesses are facing today? Discover the Top 10 generative AI risks among Saidot's users: ⚡ Hallucination ⚡ Inaccuracy ⚡ Third-party reliability ⚡ Reputational harms ⚡ Overreliance ⚡ Cyber security risks ⚡ Harmful or toxic content ⚡ Data protection risks ⚡ Contractual and confidentiality violations ⚡ Copyright and IP violations in AI training With Saidot, you can identify 100+ AI-related risks and assess and mitigate them with the help of our risk library. Plus, you can also keep all information about your AI systems in one place, ensure compliance with regulations like the EU AI Act, and keep up to date with AI knowledge. 👉 Learn more: #AIrisks #RiskManagement

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle Saidot, grafiikka

    3 020 Seuraajaa

    Our CCO and Co-Founder Veera Siivonen comments to ITPro on retrieval augmented generation (RAG), "a strategy that pairs information retrieval with a set of carefully designed system prompts that enable LLMs to provide relevant, contextual, and up-to-date information from an external source": She sees RAG’s potential while warning “it doesn’t guarantee total immunity from hallucinations”. However, she suggests RAG is a good mechanism through which companies can reduce the likelihood of hallucinations and make results easier to fact-check. 🔗 Check out her advice on RAG: #RAG

    What is retrieval augmented generation (RAG)?

    What is retrieval augmented generation (RAG)?

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle Saidot, grafiikka

    3 020 Seuraajaa

    👋 Please give a warm welcome to our new intern, Vesna! She'll be writing new content for Saidot's AI policy library, monitoring policy changes, and updating existing content accordingly. Next to that, Vesna will contribute to some marketing activities, writing insightful articles for our website, for example. 💬 "I’m thrilled to start working at Saidot. This is a great opportunity to work hands on with AI policy, and to dive deeper into the models and their associated risks." Vesna joined Saidot also because it's an interesting time to work with AI policy, considering the constant developments in the area. 💬 "The fast-changing legal landscape, rapid technological innovations, and high-stakes mean that there is a strong need for good AI governance. I hope to contribute to this by adding to the library of knowledge that helps facilitate compliance with AI legislation." "I’m excited for the opportunity to help facilitating effective and responsible AI governance, with my contributions to the policy library." We're happy to have Vesna onboard! 🤩

    • Welcome to Saidot, Vesna!
  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle Saidot, grafiikka

    3 020 Seuraajaa

    👋 Hey, providers and deployers of AI systems based in the EU! Did you know the AI Act's AI literacy requirement applies to all of you regardless of risk categorisation? No worries, we'll help you fulfill this and other requirements relevant for your AI systems. 😊 When you subscribe to Saidot's "Scaling up" or "Enterprise" package by 📆 31 August, 2024, you'll get €15,000 worth of AI literacy training for up to 100 of your employees. 👉 Check out the full terms on our website and start your free trial today: #AIgovernance #EUAIAct #AIAct #AIcompliance #Saidot

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