RemoteConfigParameter interface

Interface representing a Remote Config parameter. At minimum, a defaultValue or a conditionalValues entry must be present for the parameter to have any effect.


export interface RemoteConfigParameter 


Property Typ Description
conditionalValues { [key: string]: RemoteConfigParameterValue; } A (condition name, value) map. The condition name of the highest priority (the one listed first in the Remote Config template's conditions list) determines the value of this parameter.
defaultValue RemoteConfigParameterValue The value to set the parameter to, when none of the named conditions evaluate to true.
description string A description for this parameter. Should not be over 100 characters and may contain any Unicode characters.
valueType ParameterValueType The data type for all values of this parameter in the current version of the template. Defaults to ParameterValueType.STRING if unspecified.


A (condition name, value) map. The condition name of the highest priority (the one listed first in the Remote Config template's conditions list) determines the value of this parameter.


conditionalValues?: {
        [key: string]: RemoteConfigParameterValue;


The value to set the parameter to, when none of the named conditions evaluate to true.


defaultValue?: RemoteConfigParameterValue;


A description for this parameter. Should not be over 100 characters and may contain any Unicode characters.


description?: string;


The data type for all values of this parameter in the current version of the template. Defaults to ParameterValueType.STRING if unspecified.


valueType?: ParameterValueType;