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Food Safety

Regarding Procurement, there are 3 different kinds of calls:

1. e-Tendering

These are the calls published in the Official Journal. Please refer to the eTendering database for all calls (open and closed) contracted by DG SANTE.

2. Buyer profile

This refers to very low value, low value and middle value negotiated calls.

3. Calls for expression of interest

These calls serve to invite economic operators to put themselves forward to be included on a list of pre-selected candidates.

Title of the call for expression of interest Documents
Call for expressions of interest to participate as external experts in the Commission's TAILS team as part of DG SANTE's Work Plan to reduce tail-docking of piglets in the EU
Call for expression of interest for the setting up of a list of external experts for the assessment of programmes for the eradication, control and surveillance of animal diseases and zoonoses